New PSN Exclusive Derrick the Deathfin Swims To PS3 October 9th
Posted by PlayStation Blog Sep 27 2012 13:01 GMT in Derrick the Deathfin
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At Different Tuna, we’ve been working astonishingly hard to bring you PSN‘s premier underwater papercraft action game — Derrick the Deathfin. We have 32 handcrafted levels and three level types, set across four challenging continents, with each level being increasingly fiendish and colourful in its design. On October 9th this world can be yours to explore, for $7.99.

You know that feeling when you’re sitting on a roller coaster, slowly ascending, just in sight of the summit? That’s what you’re feeling right now. This time though, the ride is going to be much wilder than anything you’ve experienced before, and everything on the way down is going to be made out of paper.


To succeed you must fight, jump, race and eat your way through a myriad of confusingly textured circumstances. Good luck!

While you’re waiting for Derrick to swim onto your PS3, you can busy yourself by making your own papercraft puffer fish! Or Pufferius Boxius — his official Latin name.


Expect more hapless, goofy DIY papercraft characters as we build up to the game’s release!

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