Rhode Island can't auction off 38's Xbox dev kits, says Microsoft
Posted by Joystiq Sep 27 2012 19:53 GMT in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
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Microsoft is requesting Rhode Island return the Xbox developer kits the state is attempting to sell at auction to recoup losses from the defaulted multi-million dollar loan to shuttered 38 Studios. In the listing of items up for auction October 23, the firm hired to facilitate the auction lists "Gaming consoles: Xbox 360 XDK consoles." Only problem is those are the property of Microsoft.

"Xbox 360 Development Kits (XDK) are the property of Microsoft and are only licensed to authorized studios and may not be assigned or sold to any third party without the written consent of Microsoft," the company told Joystiq in a prepared statement. "We will be contacting the appropriate parties involved in the auction of 38 Studios' assets to remove the XDK units from the auction listing and to secure the return of the consoles to Microsoft."

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