Derrick the Deathfin Splashes onto PSN Today
Posted by PlayStation Blog Oct 09 2012 16:00 GMT in Derrick the Deathfin
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At the best of times, being a teenage shark constructed entirely of paper isn’t easy. For Derrick, having just witnessed the brutal soupification of his parents, this was the worst of times.

Derrick the Deathfin is available on PSN right now for $7.99, and PlayStation Plus subscribers get a 30% discount for a limited time!




Join Derrick on his demented rampage through an insane paper world! Consume, collect, fight, jump and race your paper face through 32 levels of challenging cutout craziness! Meet, greet and eat all manner of goofy paper characters! Decimate man-made mega structures in an orgy of corrugated destruction! Duel to the death with big brittle baddies! Propel yourself into the air like a penguin strapped to a rocket!

Right after you’re finished reading this blog post, go download your copy of Derrick the Deathfin — then come back and construct your very own Sharkus Derrickus using the do-it-yourself papercraft template below!


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