Bravely Default: Flying Fairy - more details from the final demo
Posted by GoNintendo Oct 11 2012 04:09 GMT in Bravely Default
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- gather five beast livers for one of the townspeople
- earn these by defeating Panthers and White Caits
- all of the jobs start off at level one, but level up really fast
- the first townsfolk quest takes fifteen minutes
- others take a couple of hours
- clearing these quests gives the wanderer better items to sell
- the wanderer is an adventurer who acts as a save point and mid-dungeon item store
- another villager asks you to bring back seven devil tails
- defeat Imps to get these
- Imps only appear at night
- Imps are more vicious than other enemies since they use drain magic to steal HP and cast fear
- some Imps are paired with Venom Snakes, which can inflict poison
- features Ninja, Venus/Valkyrie, and Sword Master classes
- Valkyrie/Venus looks like Bravely Default’s Dragoon
- this class starts off with the Jump ability
- after you level him up you get Crescent Moon, an attack that hits all of the enemies on screen
- Jump and Crescent Moon consume BP (brave points) instead of magic points
- can't double jump, but you can use Crescent Moon twice
- this drops your Brave to –3, which means you have to wait *three* turns until you can attack again
- using Crescent Moon twice usually kills all of the enemies
- this will win the battle with a bonus for finishing within one turn
- Valkyrie/Venus also get an attack boost if a character dies in battle
- Ninja is an evasive class
- Ninjas start off with an ability that gives you a 100% chance to evade one physical attack
- next two skills: one grants a counterattack after evading and the other gives your character an attack boost if you evade
- Sword Master has an innate ability to counterattack
- first battle skill boosts the amount of damage a counterattack deals
- also get an ability to cleave an enemy’s BP which can prevent them from attacking

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