Games on Demand sale: Max Payne 3, Red Dead Redemption, LA Noire, Midnight Club: LA
Posted by Joystiq Dec 21 2012 18:00 GMT in Red Dead Redemption
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We're huge fans of the convenience of digital distribution - why trek out to the store like some caveman to buy a plastic disc when we could simply download a game through the innernette? Rockstar is trying to make a case for downloading by discounting four of its top games through Xbox Live's Games on Demand service.

For today only, you can download LA Noire, Red Dead Redemption, Max Payne 3 and Midnight Club: LA for 33% off each - that comes out to $20 for LA Noire and Red Dead Redemption, $40 for Max Payne 3 and $10 for Midnight Club: LA. All of the games save for Max Payne 3 are going for more than their Games on Demand sale price on Amazon right now.

Of course, we'd be remiss if we didn't mention three of these games are included in Rockstar Games Collection 1. The only game not included is Max Payne 3, but that's fine because Max just loves being the black sheep of the family.

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