Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 - Wiimote Aim Assist update coming
Posted by GoNintendo Feb 05 2013 23:32 GMT in Call of Duty: Black Ops II
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Hello Wii U Community,

As you know, we recently added Aim Assist to the Wii Remote in a patch. While we are happy with our decision to offer this feature, the community has already identified a number of ways to exploit it. We have fixes to the issues ready, but unfortunately this will require a patch which is still being worked on

In the meantime, we are going to push out a Hotfix that removes Aim Assist on the Wii Remote as an option until we have it in better working order. Again, we do plan to bring it back, but it will have to be in the next patch.

We apologize for the issues found and for any inconvenience this change causes. Expect this Hotfix to go live sometime today.


Thanks to Cal619Guy for the heads up!

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