Everything old is new and weird again in the Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut
Posted by Joystiq Feb 13 2013 00:00 GMT in Deadly Premonition
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Deadly Premonition's release history has been strange: In the United States and Europe, the game launched as an exclusive to the Xbox 360, while Japan received the game as a limited PlayStation 3-only release (albeit under the name "Red Seeds Profile"). Two years after its initial launch, Deadly Premonition's cult status has earned it a 'Director's Cut' release, exclusively planned for release in multiple regions worldwide on the PS3.

Aside from bringing the game to Sony loyalists outside of Japan, the Director's Cut also introduces more than a few overhauls to the original, along with stereoscopic 3D and PlayStation Move support, making this visit to Deadly Premonition's 'Greenvale' worthwhile to tourists and citizens alike.

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