WSJ: New PlayStation to stream PS3 games
Posted by Joystiq 12 years ago in PlayStation News
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The next PlayStation will be able to stream PlayStation 3 games, according to unnamed sources "familiar" with Sony's plans. The claim comes from a new report published by the Wall Street Journal, and suggests that online streaming of current PS3 games will be paired with new games sold on optical media through regular channels.

Sony's cloud service hinges on its $380 million acquisition of streaming company Gaikai, which was announced last year. If the PlayStation 4 houses architecture different enough from the PS3 to preclude effective backwards compatibility, streaming may be pitched as a solution.

Sony's official word on the matter is expected during the PlayStation event next week on February 20.

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Would be awesome if I can stream the PS3 games I already own for free. Interesting way to provide backwards-compatibility
Reply by Francis 12 years ago
I don't know why they'd take a risk like that despite being in financial decline. Its like Sony can't kill themselves fast enough.
Reply by Fallen Shade 12 years ago
Are we serious just going to have a Nintendo-Microsoft console war in the future. Maybe apple will be in there too who knows. This is seriously looking like a repeat of fifth generation with two companies leading the industry and the third slowly dying off on the side.
Reply by Super-Claus 12 years ago
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