This month marks the last time that we'll see downloadable content for Dance Central 3 anytime soon, Harmonix has announced. "As Harmonix moves forward with several new titles currently in development, the talented developers who make this content are needed on other projects," reads the Dance Central blog. The studio doesn't completely shut the door on more content, however, stating that March is the last month of new DLC "for the near future." Live challenges and leaderboards will continue to be supported, and all DLC tracks will remain available.
This is the second time Harmonix has made such an announcement this year. Last month, the developer revealed that Rock Band 3 will receive no more DLC after April 2. The Rock Band franchise as a whole has had weekly DLC since the original game debuted in 2007.
That raises the question: Just what is studio working on now? Dance Central has consistently been one of the best-received products for Microsoft's Kinect, so it wouldn't be surprising to see a new Dance Central debut on the next Xbox, which is believed to have a more advanced Kinect sensor. The PS4 Eye is capable of motion-track as well, so a multiplatform title is also possible. Or who knows, maybe we'll see something entirely new.
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