Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut out April 30
Posted by Joystiq Mar 21 2013 00:00 GMT in Deadly Premonition
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4/30 ... in the coffee ...

Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut, which has SWERY's signature on it so you know how director's cut-ty it is, will be released on April 30 in North America, both as a retail game and as a PSN download.

Pre-orders of the retail version from "participating retailers" including GameStop and Amazon will receive DLC "so plush, that Agent York (and Zach) will feel like their investigation in the small country town of Greenvale just turned into a vacation." The announcement from publisher Rising Star Games explains that the DLC will "expand the mystery beyond the original game and let Agent York (and Zach) live it up in Greenvale."

Like everything else about this game, man, we don't know.

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