Level-5 releases Bugs Vs. Tanks for 3DS eShop

London, United Kingdom – June 20, 2013 – Renowned Japanese game company LEVEL-5, best known for the critically acclaimed Professor Layton , INAZUMA ELEVEN and NI NO KUNI, has released Keiji Inafune’s action shooter, BUGS vs. TANKS! ™, in Europe via the Nintendo eShop on the Nintendo 3DS™ hand-held system. Created by video game legend Keiji Inafune, best known for his work on some of the industry’s most respected game series -- such as Mega Man, Onimusha and Dead Rising -- BUGS vs. TANKS! casts players as a shrunken World War II tank in a battle for survival against swarms of hostile insects. BUGS vs. TANKS! was previously released only in Japan as part of the GUILD02 collection, featuring masterworks by some of the industry’s most respected game creators.
“Keiji Inafune has gained immense global fame as a result of building a reputation as not only a great game innovator but also a master of delivering compelling, unique and exciting entertainment experiences,” said Akihiro Hino, President and CEO of LEVEL-5. “BUGS vs. TANKS! continues this legacy with an extraordinary premise, tense gameplay, fun player customization, and other features that will keep players squashing bugs for hours on end.”
“Akihiro Hino and I share the desire to deliver spectacular surprises to gamers. I have always wanted to work with him as I respect him as a creator, and I feel that we positively influence one another,” said Keiji Inafune, CEO / Concepter of comcept. “This desire came to fruition with my involvement in the GUILD02 project in the form of BUGS vs. TANKS!, and I’m glad to have been able to develop a game that Hino-san ended up being very satisfied with. We’re very pleased that the title has been well-received by fans in Japan, but that being said, the game was created with players around the world in mind. I feel that the game is exceptional and enjoyable, and I hope everyone will feel the same.”
BUGS vs. TANKS! is an action shooter set during World War II. In the game, players are thrust into the role of a WWII panzer squad, which has, unexpectedly, been shrunk to the size of a bug. In order to survive, players must master their tanks and engage in heated battles against ants, bees, moths, and more, all while clinging to the hope of finding a way to be returned to normal size.
BUGS vs. TANKS! features authentic WWII tanks pulled straight from the history books which players can customize by changing the body, turret, and paint, obliterating swarms of bugs in their own style. BUGS vs. TANKS! also offers co-operative multiplayer missions against some of the game’s baddest bugs, with up to four friends joining the fray and the ability to call for friendly cover fire via StreetPass™.
As an added bonus in BUGS vs. TANKS!, players who previously downloaded LEVEL-5’s LIBERATION MAIDEN™, AERO PORTER™, or CRIMSON SHROUD ™ via the Nintendo eShop and have save data from any of three titles on their Nintendo 3DS™ will receive an exclusive gold tank.
BUGS vs. TANKS! is now available in Europe in the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS™ for ₤7.19. More information on BUGS vs. TANKS! can be found online at http://level5ia.com/blackbox/bugs-vs-tanks/.
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