Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released
Posted by Valve Sep 12 2013 20:55 GMT in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
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Release Notes for 9/12/2013

- Added the Arms Deal Contract, allowing players to exchange items from the Arms Deal case.
-- Use the Arms Deal Contract to exchange 10 of your Arms Deal Collection items of identical quality for a single Arms Deal Collection item of a quality one tier higher. Note: Knives are not part of collections.

- It is now possible to use Name Tags on stock/default items.

- Clan tags are now displayed in the lobby.

- Players can now only purchase 1 smoke grenade per round.
- Synchronized M4A1 and M4A4 reload completion event with visual magazine insertion and sound effect.
- Improved some bad cases of player radar visibility through smoke volumes.
- Enemy target IDs now only appear when the crosshair is over a target player's hitboxes instead of their overall bounding box.
- Looking at a weapon in-game (default F) no longer interrupts attaching or detaching silencers.

- The kill panel now correctly displays item rarity and owner.
- Kill panel damage given and received stats no longer add damage from before a player took over a bot.
- Fixed weapon inventory hud flashing when it didn't find the selected weapon in edge cases where you just threw a grenade.
- Fixed hud inventory not refreshing properly in some cases when picking up a flashbang.
- Fixed a bug that reported "hltv_changed_target" as an unused event in the console.
- Fixed weapon icons appearing dark for some Mac versions.
- When watching friends games on official servers, GOTV information is now requested asynchronously from matchmaking servers.
- CS:GO inventory items in Steam Community profiles now list most recently acquired items first.
- Improved CS:GO matchmaking servers stability.
- Fixed context menu popping up over the client info panel in the lobby.
- Added a cheat protected convar named "cl_draw_only_deathnotices" that turns off most hud except for death notices (for movie makers).

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