Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released
Posted by Valve Oct 24 2013 00:19 GMT in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
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Release Notes for 10/23/2013

- Added eye shielding animation to players blinded by flashbangs.
- Fixed respawning in Deathmatch sometimes choosing a spawn point visible to players when more ideal positions were available.
- Fixed a bug in Deathmatch that could create weapons on the ground if a player spammed his "buy" key immediately upon respawn.

- Added changeable, preset camera positions for all shipped maps that are activated by selecting a player with SHIFT + 0-9 while spectating. (see for more info)
- Target players now glow white when viewing from a spectator camera in ROAMING mode.
- When spectating in ROAMING mode, we now draw a subtle Aiming Vector Line that shows each players aiming direction.
- Dropped C4 now glows for spectators (yellow = dropped, flashing red = planted, green = defused).
- Added more UI during freeze time to display player money, spent money that round, and kills/assists/deaths.
- Improved armor icons in spectator panels.
- Fixed recoil not being applied in GOTV and replays.
- Fixed UI weapon image sometimes being blank in GOTV.
- StatTrak now displays correct number of kills in GOTV and replays.
- Reenabled the spec_goto command and fixed it not working properly if called from a key bind.
- Moved the autodirector toggle key from +speed to radio3 (from SHIFT key to the C key by default).
- Streams tab now includes 6 live streams.

- Scope lines now blur out completely to better match the weapon's current inaccuracy.
- Improved Fiveseven viewmodel animation
- Improved Tec-9 viewmodel animation

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