I don't think it's supposed to be after Mother 3, right?
If they tried to continue the story after the game mother*crag*ing said "and the dragon brought eternal peace for ETERNITY" then I'm staying far the *crag* away from it.
well mother 3 was all about a world after humanity nearly destroyed the earth with pollution and war
I assume this takes place during the war-pollution period, given the logo is a *crag*ing toxic waste bubble.
yes, good call claus. All the stupid Mother fans (and there are way too many) try to continue the story after it ends itself permanently. More people should focus on what started the story of Mother 3.
it looks alright technically but it's written in C++ so I dunno what the *crag* their programmer is doing and he's using a PROPRIETARY sound library so I really can't condone it because it's nonfree
anyway my RPG will be better because no spoilers no spoilers no spoilers and because it's free software
I am at a reasonable level of hype
It'll be interesting to see how they continue the story after the apocalypse.
If they tried to continue the story after the game mother*crag*ing said "and the dragon brought eternal peace for ETERNITY" then I'm staying far the *crag* away from it.
I assume this takes place during the war-pollution period, given the logo is a *crag*ing toxic waste bubble.
it looks alright technically but it's written in C++ so I dunno what the *crag* their programmer is doing and he's using a PROPRIETARY sound library so I really can't condone it because it's nonfree
anyway my RPG will be better because no spoilers no spoilers no spoilers and because it's free software
also I assume OP is the PR guy from Mother 4 because I'm pretty sure he was whoring it out on /v/ too