Next Starbound patch wipes characters and worlds, adds permadeath mode
Posted by Joystiq Jan 15 2014 01:00 GMT in Starbound
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A new update being planned for the ongoing Starbound beta will wipe all player data, forcing everyone to start from scratch once again. The update addresses a save file issue with the game, and the developer assures this is the last time it has to wipe player progress.

Those looking for some added difficulty should find it in a new permadeath mode, also coming in this update. Developer Chucklefish will add more weapons, decorative hats and up the rate at which players encounter NPCs on the game's various worlds.

Starbound is a 2D sci-fi exploration game full of randomized worlds. Players traverse the galaxy in their own personalized ships, beaming down onto worlds to explore and scavenge for crafting supplies. Earlier this month, Chucklefish announced over one million players had signed on for the beta, which is open to anyone who pre-orders the game.

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