3D Realms Puts Up Dukes In Legal Battle With Gearbox
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun 10 years ago in Duke Nukem Forever
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The plot thickens. Actually, come to think of it, the plot was already quite thick – perhaps even viscous – given that 3D Realms sold the rights to Duke Nukem years ago only to resurface out-of-the-blue with a new Duke Nukem game being developed by Rise of the Triad developer Interceptor, get sued by Gearbox for it, sell its entire business to Interceptor, and allege that the purveyor of borders and lands has no legal ground to stand on. It’s been a mess so far, frankly – a sticky morass of contradictory claims. And now for the latest chapter, in which 3DR and Interceptor claim an agreement over an old project called Duke Nukem Survivor gives them every right to continue absconding with Gearbox’s supplies of gum and frighteningly kickable ass in the night.

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