John Carmack Speaks Out In Support Of Oculus/Facebook
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 01 2014 07:00 GMT in Doom
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Depending on which vomit-and-time-encrusted pub on the edge of the Internet you walk into, Facebook’s $2 billion purchase of Oculus Rift is either the worst or most worthy of cautious optimism thing to ever happen. Many developers are on board with the idea. Notch, however, is not. Oculus’ most recognizable faces – all of which now presumably sport company-mandated books – are quite pleased, but what of the notoriously opinionated (if not exactly outspoken) John Carmack? The former id Software tech guru has always marched to the beat of his own drum, so a corporate overlord like Facebook might not seem like his cup of perfectly optimized (for both flavor and caffeination) tea. But if there’s one thing Carmack is always good for, it’s surprises.

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