You’re Going To Need A Bigger Aircraft Carrier, Battlefield 4
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 07 2014 07:00 GMT in Battlefield 4
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Many a cold night they spent together on the hunt for the beast, scanning the seas from watchtowers, wading in the surf, riding the waves, and diving down to the dark ocean’s wrecks. Days turned to weeks, and weeks to months. They’d never seen it, but they know it was there. Each secret uncovered brought them closer to the beast. They felt it in their bones. And then… it was upon them. They were snuffed out in an instant.

After many moons of searching, dedicated Battlefield 4 players have finally found a long-rumoured secret: a megalodon. Lurking in the seas of the multiplayer map Paracel Storm, the prehistoric mega-shark will rise and breach to devour the bold and foolish.

… [visit site to read more]

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