Last Life is the second game in Double Fine's new indie publishing program, and it has a bit of a different vibe than the first game, Escape Goat 2. Last Life is a dark, sci-fi noir adventure inspired by Kentucky Route Zero and Telltale's The Walking Dead. One difference from both of those games: It takes place on Mars.
In Last Life, you investigate your own death - you're Jack Parker, private investigator, and you're dead. You're 3D-printed back into the living world for four hours to hunt down your killer by shaking down a lineup of shady characters, using "charm, bribes or something less pleasant." Developer Sam Farmer sets up the premise as follows:
"Eleven years before our story opens, all life on Earth was ended. Now, only a few million humans still exist, scattered throughout the remaining civilized colonies of the solar system - forever exiled.
"P.I. Jack Parker was one of the lucky few to have escaped Earth's tragedy.
"On that infamous day, he just happened to be working a case on MarsTopia, the crown jewel among these colonies on the red planet. He survived on that destination resort development, but half-wished he hadn't. The echoes of the life he left behind on Earth ... a life lost forever ... grew louder every hour. Until, that is, the day 11 years later when he was gunned down and killed."
Last Life is looking for $75,000 on Kickstarter. With 28 days to go, it's raised $19,000. It's in development for PC, Mac and Linux.
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