The time to be civil has long since ended. I'm now declaring war on Digibutter, with an end goal of claiming a dictatorship over the entirity of Digibutter. After I have the Diginet Navy in my command, I plan to use sheer numbers to take over I will allow Francis to hand over adminitratorship to me now, but if he refuses my terms, or I do not get a responce in 7 days, I will go down to the digibutter server in NJ and cut the ethernet cables with my katana.
I am currently training my troops in a highly advanced katana simulator I've written
You think you're the only one with a home made training sim? I've got all perfects in my jet stream sam campaign save file, beat that!
Claus you poor fool, you're too late
My forces are multiplying like mad, you can't even hope to stop us!
Wahahaha, how pitiful, all I have to do is feed my ingenious GermBot AI into my training simulator and encapsulate it in a for loop that constantly sets my base interger back to zero, and it will multiply endlessly! You cannot possibly stand up against my tide of superior AI infantry!
Also Metanaito have you ever even been in the navy chatroom
I mean shadoo was in there like once but then he got his panties in a knot over steam being proprietary software or some shit I dunno
I will poop on your butt when you least expect it
succumb to my pressure
I'm willing to die for my country if that's what it takes, poopbutts be damned
Maybe Nastasia could be the new commander?
We may have a minor setback, but even with only 16^8 Raidens we can still destroy the digibutter server
Let the war go on! I'm building my army of black mages as we speak!
Well Francis, you asked for this
truly the battle of the century
release the black mages!
*crag* you! I had an army built!
What a world we live in.