As promised, both Resident Evil 5 and Beautiful Katamari are now available via Xbox Live Games on Demand. Resident Evil 5 is available everywhere except Korea, while Beautiful Katamari is available everywhere except India. The North American price for Resident Evil 5 is $29.99, with Beautiful Katamari going for $19.99. As usual, prices vary by region, so be sure to check your local details before plunking down the e-money.
It's worth pointing out that this week also marks the release of the Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition DLC. In other words, you could actually own the entirety of the Gold Edition in a purely digital format (you know, if that's your thing). Strangely absent from Marketplace are the promised Resident Evil Avatar items, though we imagine those will be coming along shortly. Unless they're zombie outfits, in which case it may be a while before they shamble online.
Shortcut: Download Resident Evil 5 to your Xbox 360 (via Xbox.com)
Shortcut: Download Beautiful Katamari to your Xbox 360 (via Xbox.com)
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