Lost Planet 2's Wesker no longer a GameStop exclusive
Posted by Joystiq Feb 25 2010 19:00 GMT in Lost Planet 2
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You knew about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but now you can add "shooting bugs with Albert Wesker's giant handgun" to the list of inalienable rights. Capcom has just announced that, due to fan upheaval, Wesker as a playable character in Lost Planet 2 will be a bonus for everyone who buys the game, rather than for just those that pre-order at GameStop, as was previously announced.

It's not as if early birds are out of luck though. Pre-ordering at GameStop will now net you two multiplayer maps, "Helix" and "Back to the Island." The update from Capcom doesn't say as much, but we'd assume these maps will also be available for purchase as DLC, either on release day or soon after.

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