- Developed by 5TH Cell - DS Only - D-pad controls for Maxwell - significantly improved stylus controls - camera is now fixed. - Big updates to physics - Levels are revamped and completely improved - levels are deeper in content. - The 10,000 words refers to adjectives - some new words Thanks to Setveen for the heads up!
*want* Looks like the sequel will be a more substantial game.
I wonder if they'll included Pedobear.
I kinda liked the 1st game even if I only played it for 2 weeks maximum. I'll probably end up buying this if they do more with it like they say there gonna do.
My gaming community held a Scribblenauts tournament.
We all chose one person/animal/thing and one weapon/object for it to hold, and put it in a secret ballot.
tl;dr, Blob is banned.