Konami launches MGS: Peace Walker code hunt
Posted by Joystiq May 10 2010 17:45 GMT in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
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Are you ready to scour the deepest corners of the internet to prove your Metal Gear Solid fandom? Should you and four of your friends have a lot of free time on your hands, you can partake in Konami's MGS-themed Code Hunt, taking place across various sites on the internet. (Sorry, this one isn't one of them.) Get the top positions on the leaderboards, and you'll be able to win the grand prize: $10,000 to be divided evenly amongst all members of your team. Runner-up prizes include a Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker "Big Boss" PSP Bundle and gift cards.

The contest ends on June 2nd, meaning you have plenty of time to figure out what the heck these clues mean. If you're able to understand an MGS story, you should have no problem breaking this code, right? Good luck!

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