Franis 2: The Great Mountain Adventure (Demo 4)
Posted by Lord Crump Jul 02 2010 06:32 GMT in Franis 2: The Great Mountain Adventure
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There are plenty of new rooms, but only two new fights. The reason for this is because I spent most of the time trying to get the shop and World Map to work, but I think I got everything working. Since adding in EXP n' shit would make this too complicated for its own good, I decided to make currency and EXP the same thing. Basically, you go to Brem's shop, and you can purchase a number of upgrades with the score you've racked up. Here are the items with the prices:

Sticky (2x damage): 2000 points

Announcement (3x damage): 4000 points

Banhammer (4x damage and not destroyed by projectiles): 6000 points

Double damage (Self explanatory): 8000 points

Safeguard shell (50% chance you'll take damage from projectiles): 4000 points

Invisibility shell (No more instant kill from enemy collision): 8000 points

Party upgrade x2 (Increases the attack of all party members by 1): 5000 points each

Hot Pocket (Restores health; repurchasable): 500 points

As for the new encounters, one of them respawns every time you re-enter the room, so you can point farm and get more items (If you're willing to waste your time doing that, of course). The other encounter is Tails Doll, who is going to be the hardest (Optional) boss in the game when it's finished (In future versions, I plan on his defeat unlocking him as the game's strongest summon, as well). You're probably not going to be able to defeat Tails Doll right now (Unless you somehow obtain all of the upgrades), as he has 1000 health.


Nice! I do like the shanty from Final Fantasy VI, and I also like how I live in the Forest of Illusion. Keep it up.
Reply by Tails Doll Jul 02 2010 13:46 GMT

how much *crag*ing health did you give you give yogi bear i mean seriously

Reply by THAT BOBZ GUY Jul 02 2010 19:00 GMT

nevermind that, it was prolly a glitch or something

ps i beat tails doll with only one upgrade

Reply by THAT BOBZ GUY Jul 02 2010 21:45 GMT
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