Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters to take shape next summer
Posted by Joystiq Jul 23 2010 14:40 GMT in Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters
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Next summer, after you're done gallivanting across the galaxy with celluloid Green Lantern Ryan Reynolds, his adventures will (unsurprisingly) be continuing on your home video game console in Warner Bros.' Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters. (We know what you're thinking and, yes, it will be confusing when Sex and the City 3 is released next summer with that exact same subtitle.)

Details are scant at this point, but as you can tell by the name and image (bigger version after the break) sent out with the press release, GL will apparently be battling the robotic Manhunters, an interstellar police force replaced by the Green Lantern Corps.

As you might remember, the title's being developed by Double Helix games, a studio that's had mixed success up to this point. Here's hoping for a home run ... made by giant green baseball bat composed entirely of mind energy.

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