Natural Selection 2 Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by Kotaku Aug 28 2012 17:30 GMT
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#naturalselection "We choose to go to the moon," Hugh Jeremy says, "not because it's easy but because it's hard." More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 28 2012 16:00 GMT
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We all like robot battlesuits. Yes, even you, Steve. So it is with whirr-stomp gladness that we are able to reveal Natural Selection 2‘s exosuit. Yes, it’s a robot suit, with a man inside, with guns for arms. And it is clearing away aliens like a leaf-blower at work in the park. Unknown Worlds explain the wider context of this auto-death machine: “Along with this mechanized pain train, the impending Exosuit patch includes a brand new map: Veil. The patch is also packed with bug fixes, balance adjustments, and performance improvements. The physics system has been completely overhauled. A new hint system gives greater accessibility for new players, while a menu option allows experienced players a clear HUD. New commander UI’s are making it easier for those of you who aspire to lead, and a new power grid system will allow you to place structures more deftly.”

Instant beta access is available with a pre-order.(more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 30 2012 10:00 GMT
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Rezzed was twelve hundred million years ago, but there are still a few dev sessions left to share with those who couldn’t make it down to lovely Brighton on the day. Here’s Unknown Worlds chatting about and demonstrating their aeons-in-gestation FPS/RTS mash-up Natural Selection 2, including a whole lot of giant mouth-based action.(more…)

Posted by Giant Bomb Jun 20 2012 20:06 GMT
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It's still humans versus monsters in the latest map added to the beta rotation.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 19 2012 19:00 GMT
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Another quick Rezzed update for you – joining the increasingly mighty throng of games’n'devs attending the PC games show in Brighton, UK next Month are Unknown Worlds and their long-awaited multiplayer alien-vs-men epic Natural Selection 2. Hugh Jeremy from Unknown Worlds is going to do a stage demo of the Half-Life mod-gone-pro and audience Q&A at 5pm on Friday 6th July.(more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 15 2012 17:00 GMT
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I feel like having your eyes located inside your mouth – just behind a jagged row of teeth that probably uses live sharks as dental floss – would pigeon hole you a bit from a career standpoint. Such is the plight of Natural Selection 2‘s Skulk aliens, and yet, they seem to do rather well for themselves within their small area of chompy expertise – at least, if Natural Selection 2′s latest trailer is any indication. This time around, the asymmetrical puny, mechanically assisted humans vs horrifying aliens (some of whom are colossal elephant monsters) action takes place on a new map called Docking, which should be available to closed beta players any time now. It’s a positively gorgeous mix of red-hued industrialism, green alien goop, and, er, some form of shooting range/basketball court, but the shooty, bitey, bleedy goodness is the real star here. Check out the madness after the break.


Posted by Kotaku Jun 14 2012 21:45 GMT
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#naturalselection It's dark, it's light, it's green, it's red. It's full of aliens that want to eat you (or marines that need to be eaten). And there's a bar where you can go to wash away your woes of losses in liquid happiness. Meet the reveal of the new Docking map. You can play it as of sometime tonight (potentially tomorrow) when it's made available. More »

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 14 2012 01:00 GMT
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We play as both the Frontiersmen and the vicious Kharaa, and promptly decimate the other side, in this gameplay for Natural Selection 2.

Posted by Kotaku Jun 08 2012 19:30 GMT
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#naturalselection Have you ever played a real-time strategy game and wondered what life was like for the pawns you send out to battle? What if those soldiers weren't brain-dead fighters, but could actually carry out smart decisions on their own, without you telling them to do so? More »

Posted by Joystiq Feb 06 2012 20:00 GMT
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With the advent of antibiotics, platinum credit cards and thermal underwear, the purist's notion of natural selection remains a long-forgotten, useless ideal -- at least until the aliens attack. Sequel to a 2002 Half-Life mod, Natural Selection 2 will act as a survival-of-the-fittest simulation for both sides: Players will inhabit the bodies of aliens and Marines to see which traits will be passed on to the following generations. We're guessing large teeth and precise trigger fingers will make the cut, but not necessarily on the same species.

Natural Selection 2 is set to launch this summer, but those who pre-order will get early access via the beta on Steam.

Posted by Giant Bomb Feb 03 2012 20:00 GMT
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Buncha big ugly bugs ain't no match for some good old-fashioned teamwork.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 03 2012 11:56 GMT
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Some days you click on a trailer and realise the developers have mapped out your life for the two months following their game’s release. Assuming Team Fortress 3 isn’t squeezed out in Summer of this year, I’ll be jetpacking around on Natural Selection 2, Unknown Worlds’ Aliens-inspired FPS/RTS multiplayer game. Here’s why.(more…)

Posted by Kotaku Dec 08 2011 08:30 GMT
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#indie We get to see behind the scenes at big game development studios all the time. Independent studios working on the sequel to a mod that was made for someone else's game? That's a side of game development we don't normally get to see. More »

Posted by GameTrailers Dec 21 2010 22:09 GMT
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Check out gameplay from the beta!

Posted by GameTrailers Dec 21 2010 03:26 GMT
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Developer Unkown Worlds provides their first Official Gameplay Trailer with footage straight from Natural Selection 2!

Posted by Joystiq Nov 22 2010 21:32 GMT
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Though many of you seemed glad to see indie FPS/RTS Natural Selection 2 getting some attention from Joystiq last week, a lot of you that were already playing expressed frustration with the current state of the game. Developer Unknown Worlds recently used its official site to explain the game's current state and what the future looks like.

In short, we're talking about a relatively tiny developer, who acknowledges this is a true beta, with far less polish than those from Blizzard or Bungie like you may be used to. That said, the team is focusing on fixing server crashes, connection problems, frame rate slowdown and a few other problems, all of which are detailed right here.

We're sure it's frustrating right now, but think about what a badge of honor it'll be to have been into Natural Selection 2 before it actually worked.

Posted by IGN Nov 19 2010 17:49 GMT
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Unknown Worlds launches closed beta for highly-anticipated sequel to classic Half-Life mod.

Posted by Joystiq Nov 18 2010 16:30 GMT
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As a fan of Natural Selection, one of the most popular Half-Life 2 mods, you've had a tough go of it, having to wait eight full years for a follow-up to your beloved blend of FPS and RTS. You've heard about the four playable alien classes, each with their own unique abilities, that will battle it out with the weapon-savvy Marines. You've heard about how the dynamic environments will evolve over each map. But you've been living off a trickle of information, and you now find yourself positively parched.

Well, allow your friends at Joystiq to provide a gigantic canteen full of Natural Selection 2-centric refreshment. Not only do we get to reveal that the closed beta of the game will finally launch tomorrow, we also get to pass on the good news that gaining entry is as simple as being among the first 10,000 to pre-order the game. (Those who have already pre-ordered are in.)

...What's that? Your thirst is still not slaked? Well, how about a new exclusive trailer, featuring the teleporting Fade class, that we've placed after the jump? Drink, friends! Drink!

Posted by Meow Mod Jul 08 2009 19:55 GMT
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Meet the Onos, one of the Alien player classes in Natural Selection 2.