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Francis's board older than one year ago

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My visit to Nintendo World!
Yesterday I visited New York City, home of the only Nintendo World in the ... world.  Maybe I could see a 3DS, buy a Mario hat, and Miyamoto would stop by? Basically the first floor is all DS and the second floor is Wii.  They have a bunch of game s...
posted by Francis Jul 29 2010 16:36 GMT
Lord Crump
what a helpful coincidence
You just made Franis 2: The Great Mountain Adventure (Which will be released by the end of next week) 15-to-25% more historically accurate, because you visit New York City in the later half of the game.
How can I edit my Want Beat Played thing on my account profile?
posted by PaperMarioSeriesFan Jul 02 2010 13:00 GMT
Lord Crump
Go to the game in question's page and you'll see little checkboxes; check those
I think I'll beat Zelda Spirit Tracks before I get to Maryland.
I shall write a review. (And add a game review feature)
posted by Francis Jun 27 2010 21:42 GMT
Lord Crump B
Francis would look like Mr. T if he did that...
I has a DSi
*plays Zelda Spirit Tracks in the woods*.  I couldn't resist.  Maybe I'll create some Flipnotes too.
posted by Francis May 14 2010 21:01 GMT

Oh hey your avatar has a beard now. Cools.

Just got out of the Smokey Mountains. Did not see any bears :(
posted by Francis May 07 2010 21:49 GMT
>Francis comes back from traveling.
>Opens up his laptop.
>Can't type because his hands are paws.
>He's a Bear.
The ones I couldn't get were lame.  Here is the full image and solution.  I think if you register and get them all, they mail you an ENCOM badge.
arcadeaid.com posted by Francis Apr 02 2010 21:46 GMT
I was able to get around 20 without help.
Modern Toilet restaurant
moderntoilet.com.tw posted by Francis Mar 27 2010 15:06 GMT
Fallen Shade
Does that mean you can eat and shit at the same time? Because you know that'd be *crag*ing awesome if you could.
Someone opened up an iPad
posted by Francis Apr 03 2010 16:20 GMT
hey francs
get rid of Go nintendo it's not good and I don't care about how i don't have to look at it it's a sore just knowing it exists on this site i love you francis
posted by Tails Doll Mar 28 2010 07:28 GMT
Fallen Shade
I support this notation
Subject containing the Movie Title - and a few of my own witty words.
Body explaining something specific about the video that I striked through text to say something then take it back liked.  A question to entise replies?
posted by Francis Mar 11 2010 00:39 GMT
1 Like?

Amusing quote from video clip

Compliments towards makers of video clip

Edited in statement telling previous poster that they are "doing it wrong"

Missile Balloons
how to get?
posted by Francis Mar 09 2010 23:38 GMT
1 Like?
make them
posted by Francis Mar 04 2010 00:33 GMT
Why make just one awesome music video when you can make two?
The other OK Go This Too Shall Pass video
posted by Francis Mar 02 2010 17:06 GMT
Scroll Clock
(Doesn't work in Internet Explorer)
toki-woki.net posted by Francis Feb 17 2010 04:16 GMT
MADtv predicted the Apple iPad
posted by Francis Jan 28 2010 04:10 GMT
If you like Risk, Axis&Allies, Diplomacy, etc... you will like Battle Forces.  It's a multiplayer turn-based strategy flash game where you try to take over the world.  Currently it's totally free, even the Premium accounts. Reply if you are inte...
battleforces.com posted by Francis Jan 27 2010 01:19 GMT
Francis add demonigger to the cbox yo
posted by Fallen Shade Jan 26 2010 03:32 GMT
Crayola Crayon Color Timeline
From 8 to 120.  Crayola’s Law states The number of colors doubles every 28 years
weathersealed.com posted by Francis Jan 19 2010 15:25 GMT
OK Go has the best music videos
posted by Francis Jan 13 2010 18:36 GMT
Awesome video, don't like the song much though.
This AZO guy is a video game animator.
Ninja skills come in handy when you need to do motion capture.
posted by Francis Jan 09 2010 17:48 GMT
Look what I just ordered : Dominaludus supernintendicus fossil
Dominaludus supernintendicus - (commonly referred to as the Supernintendo Controller or "SNES"): This specimen follows a normal evolution from its predecessor, Dominaludus nintendicus. Although supernintendicus did not eradicate nintendicus, it took i...
heartlessmachine.com posted by Francis Jan 04 2010 19:39 GMT
Fallen Shade
highly unfunny faggot
francis stop whoring your image out to candy companies ):
posted by Strong Bad Jan 04 2010 21:32 GMT
Sex does seem to be very popular, Francis.
posted by Francis Dec 31 2009 19:14 GMT
Jr The Dark Knight
Nice, very nice!
posted by ©na Dec 31 2009 16:29 GMT
no >_>. By finished, I was meaning I saw everything there was to see. I should add another option: "100-percented"
Popup Pong
Doesn't work in IE.
stewdio.org posted by Francis Dec 26 2009 21:49 GMT
holy crap, thats freaking awesome