Hi, my name's Yena, and I'm a feral(Four legged) furry.
I can be a Mightyena/Poochyena, or a wolf/hyena, but I'm still Yena. I also love butts.
I'm kind and accepting of new friends. The only problem is, I've had my feelings hurt alot, and my heart's been shattered many times during my life. Please don't hurt me or I'll run crying to my master! Wahh! If you wish to add me, go ahead. Just keep in mind I am OBSESSED with butts.
In wolfhyena form, I'm a dark mocca-brown/brick-red furred wolf all over, except for my shoulders and eartips, which are a lighter brown. My tail is arched and puffy like a Poochyena's. If you look closely into my fur, you can see spots.
I've got shining azure eyes and my butt... Well, stinks. I'm proud of it.<3
In Poochyena form, my fur is a slight rusted colour and my tail is massive, and gets more red toward the end. I keep my eyes.
Same with Mightyena, except my tail's navy blue.
...And my butt stinks badly. All 3 forms.
Did I tell you I really love butts?
My favorite thing to do with butts is sniff them. May I sniff yours?
Oh, and I like to yiff, too. If you want a loving friend, a sex partner, or just someone to have fun with, add me, I don't bite....I just stink. *Winks*
Games I play: Nintendo, World of Warcraft
Foods I eat: MEAT, Chicken/turkey/hamburger, waffles, several spicy and/or sweet things.
Animals I love most: Wolves, Raccoons, Badgers
Favorite body part: ISN'T IT OBVIOUS<3 Rump, booteh, hind
Dislikes: Smilies(Can be frowny faces too) Overly-clean people, trolls(Not the jamaican ones), bad humans
Oh, and did I tell you I LOVE BUTTS?
Pet: Pooch/Ket the fox/marcokuin(Not on steam)
My friends list, for my friends that are out there for me
I've got several close friends outside of steam, like Myo, and Anobe.
So uh. Woof. May I sniff your butt or not??