with MGS2,Okami,RE4 and SC3.
and here's my current list of PS2 games:
Ape Escape 2 and 3
Kingdom Hearts I and II
Legacy of Kain:Defiance and Soul Reaver 2
Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Metal Gear Solid 1,2 & 3
Resident Evil 2 and 4
and, Soul Calibur 3.
I plan on getting:
and the Xenosaga series
I plan on posting these forums
and i will try not to spam
The Past
In digi, I'm like a insane,psychopathic,flaming,idiot
Outside digi:I'm good
The Present
In digi:there's less insanity,more calmness
outside digi:I'm cool.
What can I do to curb the last of this insanity?
I'm sorta better
What do I need to improve on?
You aren't coolest kid in school. Johnny Leatherjacket McToker is.
am i the only one here who thinks hes an alt