Resistance 3 Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by IGN Sep 10 2011 00:30 GMT
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Resistance 3 is out, and the PlayStation 3 faithful are working hard to kill as many Chimera as they can. We gave the game a 9.0, because frankly, Resistance 3 is awesome...

Posted by Kotaku Sep 09 2011 21:40 GMT
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#resistance If you're playing Resistance 3, you've likely come in contact with the digital recreation of two Resistance super-fans, the winners of the "Get in the Game" contest. In fact, they're some of the first people you'll meet. So see where that impressive in-game beard originates. More »

Posted by PlayStation Blog Sep 09 2011 14:24 GMT
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Hey everyone,

Earlier this year, you may remember that we ran a Get in the Game contest for Resistance 3. In fact, we had winners from both the US and UK fly out to San Diego in late March to get scanned for the game, and also come to the Insomniac Community Day at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood. Our two winners had great entries in the contest, and we were really excited to have them out to California and put them in Resistance 3. Now that the game is almost here, we wanted to give you a glimpse at the head-scanning process, and show you how they look as their characters in the final game. Take a look.

We think the head scans turned out pretty well. You might be wondering where all of the other heads in the game came from. Many Insomniacs took a bus ride from Los Angeles down to San Diego to get their headscans in. We did some mixing and blending of the heads (not as gross as it sounds) so you may not recognize us specifically, but some of our features are certainly in the game!

That’s all for now, we’re so excited for you to get your hands on Resistance 3. If you already picked up a copy, let us know what you think in the comments!

Posted by IGN Sep 08 2011 20:58 GMT
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PlayStation. Does the word send a chill down your spine? Does it caress your senses with wave upon wave of irresistible pleasure? No? Do you like PlayStation? Then you're certainly in the right place. Welcome to Podcast Beyond, your link to the IGN crew that pushes news, opinions and utter hilarity straight to your ears (and subsequently, your brain)...

Posted by Giant Bomb Sep 07 2011 00:00 GMT
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4 out of 5

To simply say Resistance 3 is the best Resistance game yet isn't much of a compliment, given that the previous one wasn't very good. Resistance 2 buckled under the weight of a sequel trying to do too much. What we got was a a terribly convoluted storyline, frustrating combat encounters (invisible enemies!) and multiplayer that, aside from the co-op, didn't please anyone. And the lack of a weapon wheel? Inexcusable.

The fans revolted. Plans for downloadable content were scrapped. Insomniac Games went radio silent. The disastrous response to Resistance 2 prompted change, with Insomniac promising to devote a full three years--previously, it was two--on development. The extra time has paid off.

Resistance's premise remains terrific, imagining an Earth around would-be World War II where Hitler never became society's greatest threat. Instead, an alien race is insidiously subverting humanity and turning them against one another by physically transforming humans into adopted Chimera. It's gross, laughable, and awesome. With Insomniac pivoting towards multiplatform development with OverStrike and some developers publicly acknowledging it may not work on the franchise again, Resistance 3 has some questions to answer. It's Resistance 3--the three is important. Insomniac owes us closure.

That doesn't really happen here, which works both for and against the game. Resistance 3 is the story of Joseph Capelli and his personal journey, less about how the human race tried to solved the Chimera problem and figure out why the heck were they here, anyway. If you're looking for Insomniac to neatly wrap up some fundamental question about the Resistance universe, it's not a spoiler to say that doesn't happen in Resistance 3. Maybe it's the Lost nerd in me coming through, but that's a bummer. The game often hints at much grander things that may or may not be happening, but it's never satisfyingly addressed.

I can't say what would have happened if Insomniac had made a game that set out to specifically answer those questions, but its decision to seemingly distance itself from what Resistance 2 started allowed them to make something different. It feels like a side story, but a really good one, as if Ira Glass took his microphone inside of this ravaged world and came back with an episode of This Chimera Life.

If Resistance 1 was the Chimeran invasion and Resistance 2 was humanity futilely fighting back, then Resistance 3 is humanity coming to terms with defeat. The Chimera have won, and Earth has moved on and accepted new overlords. It's not fair but it's what happened. Resistance 3 sells you on this eerie feeling immediately, as players wake up and begin exploring Joseph's makeshift town--which is underneath a real one. Humans have become intelligent cockroaches, barely scraping by, and despite everyone's best attempts to put on a smile, it's clearly game over. They're waiting for the axe to fall.

Joseph has a family, one he's worked hard to keep out of conflict. But Joseph's a fighter, and in a world where only war is left, he'll have to fight. Eventually, that fight comes to him. Dr. Malikov, the foremost scientific expert on the Chimera, recruits Joseph. Dr. Malikov think he has an idea. With the quickly planet cooling thanks to a mysterious tower in New York, Dr. Malikov believes destroying said tower will, if nothing else, buy humanity some time. His wife, Susan, sells Joseph on the hopeless pursuit by pointing out the equally hopeless future awaiting their son if the Chimera aren't defeated.

This bleek dramatic tension is punctuated by the game's gorgeous new engine. The lighting is spectacular, put to terrific use to emphasize how little influence our heroes have on the world around them. During one early moment, as the Chimera are walking through what appears to be an abandoned town, you're hunkered inside of an abandoned store, with wood planks covering the walls. The afternoon light seeps in from the outside, splintered apart as each Chimera walks by, and dust hangs in the air. If there was a button that would have allowed me to make Joseph hold his breath, I would've pressed it.

These crucial emotional moments are littered throughout Resistance 3, though too many times the game relies on awkward-looking computer rendered cutscenes that would have been far more effective as in-game vignettes. The ensuing adventure, one that takes players from the midwest to the eastern seaboard, is constantly changing scenery. You're never in one location very long, and by the time you've reached bitter, near-arctic New York, you feel as if as you've been on a real journey.

All that said, Insomniac makes the same, face-palming mistake from Resistance 2 of placing important story details in notes hidden in the environment, notes tied to unlocking trophies. Added narrative through optional exploration is fine, but please, please don't hide crucial bits of insight within things you may never come across. It's particularly egregious when the game is actively telling you to not explore, such as one big moment, where the music is blaring, encouraging me to run like hell, but I decide to stop, look around a corner, and find a note. Sigh.

But like clockwork, Insomniac's gaming bread and butter, crazy ass weapons, are alive and well in Resistance 3. This one has probably the weirdest, most absurd weapon to date: the Mutator. This one allows players to convert any enemy into a giant...zit? Basically, imagine the GES BioRifle from Unreal Tournament, except when the goo makes contact with an enemy, they begin to scream, vomit and have large sacks of something or other begin growing all over their body. Eventually, they die and explode everywhere. The alternate fire for the Mutator is a gas dispersal perfect for transforming groups into walking pimples.

Just like the environments, your arsenal is always changing in Resistance 3, with a new weapon being introduced every hour or so. Eventually, this can start to work against the game, as it becomes increasingly difficult to keep tabs on all the different attributes, alternate fires and upgrades of 12 weapons.

Ah, upgrades. Resistance 3 introduces weapon upgrades, ala Ratchet & Clank. Rather than coming across arbitrary add-ons for your various guns, the upgrades are tied to your style of play. Use a weapon, earn points, upgrade. Don't use a weapon, don't earn points, don't get an upgrade. By the end of the campaign, you'll have fully upgraded most of them, but what this style of upgrading system does is reward players who use the weapons they like and massage the completionist gene inside every player. As someone who doesn't care about achievements or trophies, I love this, as I'm unlocking new ways to influence combat by switching up the weapons I use.

Weapons have always been Resistance's greatest strength, even through the tough times of Resistance 2. Blasting dudes through walls with the Auger is never not fun. You always have a seemingly infinite number of options at your disposal during every encounter. I'd often find myself saying "oh, shit, I forgot I had that." There are very few times where it feels like the game is directing you towards a specific piece of equipment, and it's not surprising that's when when the game feels the most limited.

Insomniac appears to have taken a few nods from Valve, as well. When you come across the sniper rifle equivalent, some Chimera start throwing rocks from a distance, each positioned to best show off how this new piece of gunnery would be useful to you. It's showing but not telling, a very Valve trait.

And then there's multiplayer.

Sadly, Resistance 3 does not feature Resistance 2's most inventive multiplayer feature, the co-op campaign. That's been scrapped in favor of a traditional co-op mode programmed into the regular campaign (just make sure to push up the difficulty a notch) and a fairly robust multiplayer mode with a variation on the leveling upgrade path that's become the (increasingly stale) standard since Modern Warfare. Resistance 3's modes aren't offering anything particularly new, but Insomniac's creativity greatly extends to the multiplayer's various unlockable perks. One of my favorites is "Leaper Corpse," which transforms your dead body into three AI-controlled bad little alien dudes. When you've lost a particularly nail biting firefight, unleashing these guys and and nabbing a postmortem kill is particularly satisfying.

It's no surprise the weapons are the star of the show here, and in a world where it's hard to tell the difference between one shooter and the next, simply having combat take on a life of its own is refreshing.

What else? I don't have a 3D TV, but Move works. I played through all of Killzone 3 with a Move controller, so I've put the accessory through its first-person paces before, but I'm over the novelty now. Like Killzone 3, Move shines best here when utilizing weapons requiring precision control, like sniper rifles. During those moments, the controller translates your tiny hand motions into on-screen jittering, forcing you to question why drinking that third cup of coffee was such a good idea in the first place.

There will be more Resistance games, but whether Insomniac works on them is uncertain. It's left the Resistance universe wide open to new stories, and it's too bad Insomniac wasn't willing to even slightly close the book here. With a Vita spin-off coming, people want more Resistance, so they'll get get it.

Thankfully, Insomniac has sent the series off in style. "The best Resistance yet" means something now.

Posted by Joystiq Sep 06 2011 19:00 GMT
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Resistance 3 may be dropping today for PlayStation 3, but it won't be long before Insomniac adds to the multiplayer portion with downloadable content, the "Survival Pack." Arriving on October 4, the Survival Pack injects "Invasion Mode" into R3's multiplayer section, as well as a handful of skins and a "static XMB theme," for $3.99.

"Invasion" is said to be a team-based resource management iteration of R3's multiplayer, forcing teams to control various capture points on the map to earn points (or die trying). And if that doesn't get your mid-20th century heart all aflutter, perhaps the news that two brand new (and totally free) multiplayer maps will also be released on October 4 alongside a patch.

Posted by Kotaku Sep 06 2011 17:00 GMT
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#resistance The invasion is over, the Chimera have won, and the end of humanity is nigh. But wait? What's that cresting the horizon? Why it's the Resistance 3 Frankenreview. More »

Posted by Joystiq Sep 06 2011 18:00 GMT
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Our glowing preview of Resistance 3 in July left many of us at Joystiq wondering how exactly Insomniac evolved its big-budget, if far from best-in-class, shooter from simple spectacle to what our own Justin McElroy dubbed "spectacular." In our review earlier today, Griffin McElroy wrote, "Resistance 3 isn't just a great game full of marked, inspired improvements over its predecessor -- it's a declaration of intent to become the new heir apparent to the sci-fi shooter throne." When I had a chance to talk with lead designer Drew Miller last month, I decided to tackle that issue head-on, and ask if he considers that kind of praise a back-handed compliment. "I'll take those kinds of back-handed compliments any day," Miller enthused. OK, the coast was clear.

Five years on from the original Resistance, a PlayStation 3 launch title and the studio's first first-person shooter, players would be right to expect significant growth from the team and for Insomniac, that meant struggling with what exactly Resistance, as a franchise, is. "I think with Resistance 2 we swayed towards what everyone was doing," Miller explained. "I think with Resistance 3, we said, 'Let's take a look at what works well in Resistance 1 or Resistance 2 and what works well for the Resistance franchise and not worry about what everyone else is doing. We're going to do things that aren't necessarily mainstream decisions, but this is what's right for the Resistance franchise.'"

Posted by IGN Sep 06 2011 13:22 GMT
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Resistance 3 isn't actually out yet anywhere other than North America, but Insomniac has wasted no time announcing a release date for the first piece of DLC...

Posted by Joystiq Sep 06 2011 08:00 GMT
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In the opening moments of Resistance 3, you're informed of a fairly unfortunate development that dictates the tone of the campaign which follows: In the war for the fate of humanity, the home team has lost. Despite your valiant efforts during the series' first two installments (or perhaps, troublingly, because of them), the invading Chimera have taken over large swaths of our mid-20th Century Earth, pushing humanity - our protagonist included - deep underground.

No matter how powerful leading hero Joseph Capelli and his bottomless knapsack of devastating ordinances become, that feeling of defeat never quite dissipates. Whether you're being overrun by a flood of savage troops or watching your traveling companions be butchered by an agent of insensate evil, you can't help but feel like you're losing ground; even though the passage of chapters indicates that you're moving forward.

Put simply, Resistance 3 exchanges the genre's all-too-familiar bravado for a pervasive and relentless air of desperation. It's a subtle substitution, but it's singlehandedly responsible for making Resistance 3 one of the most compelling shooters I've ever played.

Posted by IGN Sep 06 2011 06:00 GMT
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Perhaps more than any other shooter series this console generation, Insomniac's PS3-exclusive Resistance games have best captured the desperation of war. The series has never been about jingoistic glorification of patriotism. It's never really been interested in pumping you up for a battle. This war...

Posted by Joystiq Sep 05 2011 02:30 GMT
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We're not entirely sure, but Freddie Wong's alleyway may be the most interesting, exciting, and down-right dangerous place on planet Earth. The intrepid YouTube star been Crossfired to death and rolled up by a Katamari along the same narrow stretch of road, and now the asphalt backlot has become a testing ground for the future of motion control gaming.

If the holographic baddies in the Wong's concept video look familiar, they should; Insomniac actually halted production of Resistance 3 for an entire day in order to animate custom Chimera soldiers for the production. Wong claims that the majority of the technology required to build a motion gaming rig like this already exists, albeit in not-quite-so-advanced forms. Much like the angular, massively-wheeled concept cars we have all over our walls oogled as children, Wong's video gives us a glimpse into a future just barely more awesome than the one we'll actually get.

[Thanks, Ashitaka!]

Posted by Kotaku Sep 04 2011 22:00 GMT
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#freddiewong We would never call master filmmaker Freddie Wong a sell-out. But, the use of the SharpShooter and the Resistance 3 setting (with animations by Insomniac Games), right as both are part of a big ad campaign, does make it seem this was, well, commissioned. More »

Posted by IGN Sep 03 2011 04:00 GMT
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With recent word that faux Sony spokesman Kevin Butler is back in business, new commercials have been coming out showing him in action. An especially strange commercial was posted online today showing Mr. Butler riding on horseback, wielding a Move Sharpshooter while a Goliath stomps around in the background. The commercial is for Resistance 3, of course...

Posted by Joystiq Sep 02 2011 23:30 GMT
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Kevin Butler is kicking off PlayStation's new Long Live Play campaign with a horse and a Move Sharp Shooter in one of two new tv spots for Resistance 3. After a brief affair with flooring, Butler is back -- check out Butler's ad above, and the Joseph Capelli-centric sob story below.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Sep 01 2011 16:00 GMT
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When we set out to make Resistance 3, we wanted to make it an emotional, personal story of Joseph Capelli’s harrowing journey to New York City in the face of certain death. It’s a brutal game, showing how humanity struggles to survive under the crushing weight of the Chimera. A big element of that was making sure that our score and soundtrack represented this new emotional payload. It was a sincere pleasure on the part of Insomniac Games to work with Composer Boris Salchow on the score for Resistance 3. Boris was here constantly, seeing the game and talking to our team. He wanted to be invested in the story and create a truly great score, and we’re confident that he’s done just that.

It was also a pleasure to have the score for Resistance 3 recorded by an orchestra at the famous Abbey Road Studios in London, aka the very same studio that The Beatles famously used to record their final album. Our colleagues in Europe were there to give you this behind-the-scenes look at the Resistance 3 score and orchestra recording session at Abbey Road – watch it above.

We’re very excited about the release of Resistance 3 next week. We hope you caught the news about our Resistance 3 Beta Player Appreciation program and the new 2.05 patch for the beta – you still have a few days left to play and qualify, and the beta is now live on the PlayStation Store for everyone to enjoy. For all the latest updates, be sure to follow Insomniac Games on Twitter, Like us on Facebook, or join the conversation at

Posted by PlayStation Blog Aug 31 2011 17:18 GMT
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It’s hard to believe that Resistance 3 is coming out next week! It’s been an amazing journey for those of us at Insomniac Games, we’ve spent the last three years ensuring this is our most polished, focused, and consistent entry in the Resistance franchise. We’re very excited to share it with you. As we get close to release, it’s time to show you our very last Dev Diary – this one focused on the high-tech weapons created or influenced by the Chimeran invaders. We were extremely pleased to work in collaboration with the PlayStation.Blog on these diaries, and we hope you love them as much as we do.

As you may know by now, the Resistance 3 Multiplayer Beta is winding down on September 4th, but we wanted to get one last blast of testing on our servers, so we’ve made the beta available to all on the PlayStation Store. We also wanted to acknowledge that while the R3 beta wasn’t always smooth sailing, we totally appreciated those of you who helped us test the game and stuck with us through the rough patches. We’ve announced a Beta Player Appreciation program – if you download and play a few rounds of the Resistance 3 Beta before it ends on September 4th, you’ll receive a couple of cool rewards for the final game. Check out our announcement about the Beta player appreciation program for more details. We’ll be continuing to update and tweak Resistance 3 with new patches and updates, as well as DLC in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.

That’s all for now, we have a few more exciting things to show you here on the PlayStation.Blog in the next couple of days, so keep coming back for more. And in the meantime, check out all the latest breaking news on Resistance 3 by following Insomniac Games on Twitter, Liking us on Facebook, or joining the conversation at

Posted by PlayStation Blog Aug 30 2011 13:00 GMT
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PlayStation Nation,

Two years ago we introduced you to our resident Vice President of just about everything, Kevin Butler, in the inaugural “Dear PlayStation” ad which was timed with the introduction of our “It Only Does Everything” campaign. Since then, the campaign has helped make the PS3 a household name in 50 million homes worldwide. Today, I’m excited to introduce you to a new brand campaign “Long Live Play” – designed to celebrate gamers from all walks of life and recognize you for making us who we are today.

PlayStation has always been about the gamer and the PS3 is the ultimate portal to a land of infinite experiences and accomplishments. PlayStation is reaffirming our commitment to gamers like yourselves with “Long Live Play” – mixing humor and a little good, clean fun with the kind of entertainment content you crave.

What better way to transition than with a visit from Kevin Butler, back from his four-day retirement with a special message.

Beginning today you’ll find “Long Live Play” rolling out on some of your favorite websites, TV networks and retailers as well as across numerous social networking outlets. It’s our way of inviting all gamers to come and join the PlayStation Nation. When we say there’s never been a better time to join, we mean it. With games like Resistance 3, UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception, The ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection and more on the horizon, PlayStation is committed to creating a AAA software line-up that real gamers can get excited about.

The new PS3 price of $249, coupled with incredible gaming and sports content including DIRECTV’s NFL SUNDAY TICKET, MLB.TV and NHL GameCenter, PlayStation is ready to welcome gamers from all over with open arms and hours upon hours of unbelievable entertainment.

We are committed to the continued expansion of the types of services and content that have made the PlayStation name synonymous with interactive entertainment and hope that through the “Long Live Play” campaign our dedication to you, the PlayStation fans, truly shines through. For those of you who have friends that might be on the fence, I encourage you to invite them to come on over. In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled because in the weeks to come we’ll be turning the spotlight back on you, and you won’t want to miss it!

Happy gaming!

Posted by Kotaku Aug 29 2011 20:40 GMT
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#resistance Insomniac Games' PlayStation 3 shooter Resistance 3 has some of the best, some of the classiest box art of the year, thanks to beloved British graphic designer Olly Moss. Better still? You won't have a visually wade through a sea of logos to enjoy Moss' work. More »

Posted by Joystiq Aug 29 2011 21:00 GMT
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All this time, we've thought Walmart, Amazon, and GameStop were stickin' it to the man by offering Resistance 3 as a pre-order bonus for Sony's 3D PlayStation Display, even after the bug-hunt simulator had been officially replaced by MotorStorm: Apocalypse. It seems we were wrong.

As it turns out, this was Sony's plan the whole time, for some completely inexplicable and incomprehensible reason. While still not officially part of the actual bundle, Resistance 3 will be included with any 3D PlayStation Display pre-ordered before September 30. MotorStorm: Apocalypse's inclusion is not dependent upon pre-ordering, however, so you've still got until the launch in November to decide if the features offered can justify $500.

Posted by Joystiq Aug 27 2011 00:30 GMT
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Insomniac is raising the Resistance 3 multiplayer beta level cap from 20 to 30 this weekend, and promises some "new stuff" to play with, Senior Community Manager James Stevenson tweeted. Stevenson hasn't offered any details about what "stuff" is coming for us, so if a roller-skating grizzly bear spawns next to you on Seaside this weekend, don't say we didn't warn you.

Posted by Joystiq Aug 26 2011 05:10 GMT
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At this point, it'll be more difficult not to get a free copy of Resistance 3 with the PlayStation 3D Display than to do so. Walmart is throwing in Insomniac's alien-war game with pre-orders of the 3D monitor as well, mirroring offers from Amazon and GameStop.

Resistance 3 was originally the default pack-in with the 24" monitor, but it was replaced by MotorStorm: Apocalypse. That decision turned out to be for the best, as now retailers are throwing it in anyway, giving you two freebies instead of one.

Posted by IGN Aug 24 2011 14:52 GMT
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With Resistance 3 -- the eagerly-anticipated PlayStation 3-exclusive first-person shooter -- right around the corner, questions are already starting to crop up concerning the future of the franchise. An interview was posted over at Gaming Union with Marcus Smith, Resistance 3's creative director, in which he hints that while the Resistance series still has a future, Insomniac Games might not be a part of it...

Posted by Kotaku Aug 24 2011 12:00 GMT
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#resistance Insomniac Games made Resistance: Fall of Man, Resistance 2, and Resistance 3. What about Resistance 4? More »

Posted by Joystiq Aug 20 2011 19:30 GMT
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We were as surprised as anyone to learn that Resistance 3's single-player campaign is compelling and well done, and that its multiplayer is engaging and fairly enjoyable as well, but so far that certainly seems to be the case. No one will know for sure until the xenophobic shooter's September 6 release, of course, but for now we'd go so far as to say that we're actually excited for the release of a Resistance game.

Targeting the completionist lobe of our perfectionism cortex, Insomniac has released the title's official trophy list, concealed after the break. It gives some spoilerific hints as to which bugs we'll be killing and where, so those of you looking to start the game with a mind as pure as the driven snow should take heed.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Aug 19 2011 18:19 GMT
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Bwing. Has there ever been a more beautiful sound than “bwing”? Until I release my rap album – I think not. There you are, furiously letting your fingers dance over the controller. Your health is low, but your hope is high. One last shot in the monsters eye and – BWING – you just earned a new Trophy. I don’t know about you, but I’m not used to hearing praise so I get as giddy as Gordon Freeman in a specialty crowbar store when I hear that glorious sound. It’s then I know that another Trophy has joined my wall of virtual pride.

Good news! On September 6th when Resistance 3 launches, my fellow Trophy hoarders and I will have the opportunity to hear the majestic “Bwing” 59 times! That means we’re guaranteed at least 59 more moments of pure joy. You can even get a Platinum Trophy. That’s a moment of super joy – I’m talking “Firefly gets a new season” joy. But getting there isn’t going to be a cake walk (which I don’t even know what that it is, but it sounds awesome). You’ve got 58 other “Bwings” to acquire before you can join the R3 Platinum Posse. Let’s see what some of my personal favorites are, shall we?


SPOILER ALERT! This list contains multiple spoilers for Resistance 3. So, if you want the game to be fresher than a Febreze factory – avert your eyes now. Specifically, there are mention of an unrevealed weapon and a new type of Chimeran enemy. Go watch a funny cat video or something. Have you seen the one with the cat playing with the iPad? It’s hilarious. I highly recommend it. SPOILER ALERT!

Master Mechanic – Fully upgrade all weapons in Campaign Mode (Silver).

This makes me all giddy because it takes me back to my Ratchet roots. I spend hours fully upgrading my colorfully destructive arsenal upon every new Ratchet & Clank release, and now I can finally do it in the Resistance universe. Except this time, there’s tons of blood. Yayz!

Nothing But Net – Score a basket by lobbing a grenade through a basketball hoop (Bronze).

I’m not the biggest basketball fan, but maybe I would be if they used live grenades instead of rubber balls. However, since I don’t know of a health care plan that covers “grenade dunks,” this Trophy will have to suffice for the time being.

Silent Partner – Damage the same enemy in Cooperative Mode for 100 kills (Silver)

Did you hear that you can play through Resistance 3’s campaign cooperatively? No? Well, congratulations because now you have! Why don’t you celebrate by working with your co-op partner to take down 100 Chimera together? That’s at least 20 percent cooler than taking them down alone.

Slaybells – Make Santa and his reindeer fly (Bronze)

I don’t care what my psychologist tells me – Santa is real. Who else would eat my cookies? I’m an awful baker. Knowing he is real is what makes this trophy so hard to get. Let’s just say you don’t make him fly by singing songs of holiday cheer. Sorry, Santa. Can I still get a PS Vita for Christmas?

Brutal – Complete Campaign Mode on Superhuman (Gold)

I love this Trophy because I helped balance the Superhuman difficulty. I played it – it was really, really hard. My feedback? Make it harder. Have fun, kiddoes! Muahaha!

Those are just a few of my favorite trophies. But you don’t have to take my word for it. You can find your favorites when Resistance 3 is released on September 6th. Here’s a list of the full batch:

Bronze Trophies

Gardener – Destroy 100 Blast Roots

Slaybells – Make Santa and his reindeer fly

Up Your Arsenal – Get a kill with every weapon in your arsenal

Overload – Use the EMP to take down 15 Steelhead auger shields

Cheap Shots – Kill 25 enemies firing the Auger through an object

Grenadier – Kill 3 or more Military Chimera with a single grenade

Raining Limbs – Kill 25 Grims using only Grenades

Corpse Wagon – Kill 3 enemies simultaneously using a single plagued body

Juggler – Inflict 4 enemies with each status ailment

Nothing but Net – Score a basket by lobbing a grenade through a basketball hoop

Weaponsmith – Upgrade 5 weapons in Campaign

This is My Rifle – Fully upgrade one weapon in Campaign Mode

Backstabber – Kill 20 enemies with Melee while they are idle

Toast – Use the upgraded Deadeye secondary fire to kill 2+ enemies 5 times

Counter-Sniper – Use the Deadeye to kill 20 snipers

Electric Avenue – Use the EMP to take down 25 drones

Warp Speed – Use the EMD secondary fire to kill 30 enemies

Feeling Lucky Punk – Detonate multiple Magnum rounds to kill 2+ enemies at once – 5 times

Fireworks – Use the Wildfire secondary fire to kill 6 enemies in one shot

Boom Stick – Use the upgraded Rossmore secondary fire to set 6 enemies on fire at once

Tag You’re It – Kill 40 Bullseye tagged enemies

Opportunity Knocks – Kill 20 enemies with environmental objects

Expert Sniper – Get 50 headshot kills in Campaign Mode

Collector – Collect 10 intel

Waste Not – Get 5 headshot kills with one Deadeye clip

Shoe Leather – Travel 100 miles on foot

Land, Sea, and Air – Travel in 3 different vehicles in your journey

Buckshot – Kill 2+ enemies with one Rossmore blast

Access Denied – Absorb 1000 damage with Auger Shields

From the Hip – Kill 25 enemies with the Bullseye or Marksman while moving

Chamber Full of Death – Kill 5+ Hybrids at once by using the HE .44 Magnum secondary fire

Helping Hands – Revive a Co-op player 20 times

Silver Trophies

Irresistible Force – Complete Campaign Mode on any difficulty

Master Mechanic – Fully upgrade all weapons in Campaign Mode

Archivalist – Collect all journals

Silent Partner – Damage the same enemy in Cooperative Mode for 100 kills

Gold Trophy

Brutal – Complete Campaign Mode on Superhuman

Platinum Trophy

Platinum Trophy – Unlock all Resistance 3 Trophies

Super Spoilers

(This is your last chance to leave unspoiled, amigo)

Short Out – Defeat the stalker in under 60 seconds

Bouncer – Keep Chimeran forces from entering the Brewpub

Calm Under Pressure – Defeat the Brawler in the Post Office in under 2 minutes

Snipe Hunt – Collect all Deadeye rifles without dying while fighting the Widowmaker in St. Louis

Roops! – Knock a Hybrid off the cliffs in Mt. Pleasant, PA

Frickin’ Laser Beams – Get to the first mineshaft without being hit by sniper fire

Vehicular Manslaughter – Destroy 10 Warden vehicles

Hello Driver – Kill 5 drivers without destroying their vehicle

BARF! – Make 6 Wardens puke at the same time in the prison

One Eyed Jack – Find and kill ‘Jack’ in Graterford Prison

No Escape – Destroy all Warden vehicles in the motor pool

In This Together – Defeat the Widowmaker in Times Square without killing a single Hybrid

Good Fences – Don’t allow any counter-attackers into the Washington Square base

Medusa – Freeze 5 enemies at once and destroy them with a blast of the Cryogun’s alt fire

Bull in a China Shop – Freeze and melee kill 3 Ravagers

End Spoiler-Thon

I haven’t been this excited about a list since my senior year musical cast list was put up (I was the best spoon Beauty and the Beast had ever seen). As you can see, Insomniac has made sure to give players just the right balance of fun and challenge when acquiring trophies. That makes each one immensely satisfying.

So, flex your thumbs, sanitize your controller and get ready to bwing on the “bwings.”

Now I wish there was a Trophy for using awful puns.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Aug 18 2011 14:01 GMT
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Gamescom has been amazing. However, something is still missing – an unyielding void in the soul of Resistance that needs to be filled. Something cold. Something unyielding. Something… Sledgehammery? Yes, that’s it! We need to show you the Sledgehammer, Resistance 3’s brutally blunt new melee weapon. Here – let me summon the video gods and see if they can whip something up for the latest R3 Dev Diary.

By George (or Rey), they’ve done it! Our all-new Resistance 3 Dev Diary features the first gameplay footage of Capeill’s intimate side – intimate as in he’s close enough to Grims to smash in their deformed faces with a giant Sledgehammer. It’s pretty wicked (except if you’re a Grim).

Plus, you will get a detailed look at the human guns at your disposal in the game. Just because they aren’t modified with some fancy alien technology doesn’t mean they won’t plow through the Chimera faster than Rainbow Dash can clear the skies of Ponyville. Go in-depth with the explosive nuances of the Magnum, the Carbine, and the Marksman, and a peek at their powerful upgrades for good measure. Because what’s better than shooting things? Shooting things – better!

Whether you’re stretching your trigger finger with the exotic weapons or getting your melee mash-fest on with the Sledgehammer, Resistance 3 offers you a feast of fiasco-enducing human weaponry. The good news is, you won’t have to wait long to get your hands on them either. The game comes out on September 6th in North America, so be sure to pre-order now and garner exclusive bonus content. Also, for all the latest Resistance 3 information be sure to follow Insomniac’s Twitter and Facebook.

So, my fellow Resistites – what weapon do you think you’ll be utilizing the most on your journey to New York? Sound off in the comments!

Posted by Joystiq Aug 17 2011 00:50 GMT
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< We know some of you still aren't convinced that Resistance 3 is leaps and bounds ahead of its predecessors, but if this new trailer, inspired by Olly Moss's box art design, doesn't change your mind ... well, you're smart, because it doesn't have any gameplay. But you also have a heart of stone.

Posted by Kotaku Aug 16 2011 18:22 GMT
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#resistance The first trailer I ever saw for Resistance 3 was live-action. The most recent one I've seen is all stylish artwork inspired by the designs of artist Olly Moss. I usually like to see gameplay in video game trailers, but I'll make exceptions for trailers this cool. Resistance 3 will be out next month on the PS3. More »

Posted by IGN Aug 12 2011 01:25 GMT
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Yesterday, Insomniac Games unleashed a new patch for Resistance 3 that was set to fix all of the problems the multiplayer beta was having. That patch was version 2.01, and although it cleaned up the experience considerably, a new patch is still coming down the pipe...