BioShock Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by IGN Jul 30 2012 21:13 GMT
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Watch the explosive crash that launched the BioShock franchise!

Posted by IGN Jul 30 2012 21:10 GMT
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What's the beef about ADAM?

Posted by IGN Jul 30 2012 21:10 GMT
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Get to know Rapture on your way to the bottom of the ocean!

Posted by IGN Jul 30 2012 21:09 GMT
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Arrive at the mysterious underwater dystopia of Rapture!

Posted by Kotaku Jul 19 2012 05:30 GMT
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#bioshock BioShock's Big Daddy enforcers look great, but they're stuck in the past. All that rust and brass, it's so 20th century! What they need is a makeoever, bring them up to 21st century standards. More »

Posted by Kotaku May 10 2012 02:00 GMT
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#bioshock Perhaps you heard today that Ken Levine and Irrational's much-hyped, ambitious Bioshock Infinite has ben delayed until 2013. More »

Posted by Kotaku May 07 2012 05:30 GMT
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#bioshock Thank Ginger Troll for this custom Mr. Potato Head figure, swapping out his standard attire for something a little more nautical, from the underwater world of BioShock. More »

Posted by Kotaku Apr 27 2012 17:30 GMT
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#kenlevine Game design, particularly for big-budget, blockbuster console titles, is an incredibly tricky and intricate process. In the most recent episode of the Irrational Interviews series, the creative directors of two renowned franchises compare notes on how they work, what creative design really means, and how the games ever get out of the door. More »

Posted by Joystiq Apr 18 2012 20:30 GMT
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GameFly and publisher 2K Games have expanded their partnership for the rental services' "Unlimited PC Play," adding several titles that have high-profile sequels or expansions launching this year. BioShock, Civilization 4 and X-Com: Enforcer are available now for free to members.

"With our upcoming releases of BioShock Infinite, Sid Meier's Civilization V: Gods & Kings and XCOM: Enemy Unknown on the horizon, we're taking this opportunity to introduce or re-introduce fans to these beloved franchises," said 2K Games marketing senior VP Sarah Anderson.

Here's a chance for GameFly members with PCs to check out some of the best PC games available... along with X-Com: Enforcer.

Posted by Kotaku Apr 10 2012 18:00 GMT
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#bioshock Mass Effect cosplay? Sure! BioShock cosplay? I guess that shouldn't be a surprise. People love dressing up in all sorts of Steampunk garb, some of which intersects with the aesthetic of the BioShock games. But I didn't expect to see much BioShock cosplay at PAX East this past weekend. There was, in fact, plenty... at the official BioShock party. More »

Posted by Kotaku Mar 26 2012 03:30 GMT
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#bioshock In case you somehow thought the ill-fated BioShock movie project would emerge from the depths of production hell and actually get filmed, know that this seems even more unlikely now given the fact the film has lost its second director. More »

Posted by Kotaku Mar 20 2012 20:00 GMT
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#paneldiscussion Part of Panel Discussion's mission is to look at the ways and places where comics and video games intersect and here in Crossover, we'll be talking to game creators about the comics stories and creators who've shaped their sensibilities. More »

Posted by Kotaku Feb 23 2012 17:30 GMT
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#watchthisplaythis Bytes Breaks presents a video guide on BioShock's underwater city of Rapture. I'm sure many of you know this vacation spot well. The serene waterscapes, the very socially-inclined inhabitants, and the many activities available for young children. The city even provides each one of your young girls with a body guard! That sounds safe. More »

Posted by Kotaku Feb 15 2012 21:30 GMT
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#art Via NerdWire, we have today a set of typographic prints and t-shirts representing some of gaming's most famous icons, old and new. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jan 24 2012 14:58 GMT
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Yesterday, we brought you Ken Levine’s explanation of BioShock: Infinite’s 1999 mode. The response was, perhaps inevitably, divided. Here’s the second part of my chat with him, in which he anticipates that, as well as addressing the fact he can only offer a biased opinion of his game, the problem with out of context headlines, tennis in BioShock, why SWAT 4 would have been a very different game under his stewardship and, yes, why “if you’re a reader on Rock, Paper, Shotgun, you are sophisticated enough to not listen to what Ken Levine says.” (more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jan 23 2012 17:45 GMT
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Late last week, Irrational announced 1999 mode for BioShock: Infinite – an attempt to recapture the sense of binding decisions, permanent consequences and hard-as-nails challenge that we perhaps associate with a lost era of gaming. In this first of a two-part interview, I nattered to avuncular Irrational bossman Ken Levine about why they came up with 1999 Mode, what it entails, why it’s a very different prospect to simply a ‘hard’ difficulty setting, why he doesn’t want non-hardcore gamers playing that mode, and whether or not it’s a reaction to disappointment about BioShock from System Shock fans.(more…)

Posted by Kotaku Dec 06 2011 00:30 GMT
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#bioshock The latest "Co-Op Life" video from Machinima focuses on Bioshock, and it's pretty funny stuff. A couple of guys are playing the game on the couch, and the whole experience has… well, it's come out into the real world with them. It's basically a much more high-budget approach to the same kind of satire we've seen of other videos, but in this case, the bigger production values pay off. More »

Posted by Joystiq Nov 30 2011 00:32 GMT
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Even though we keep hearing about this BioShock movie thing, we're reluctant to believe it'll ever make it to the cineplex. It's almost a shame, then, that this short and sweet teaser for a proposed fan-film has just reinvigorated our interest.

Posted by Kotaku Nov 26 2011 03:00 GMT
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#hollywood The BioShock movie isn't happening. Blame the special effects, blame the water, blame Hollywood. Whatever. It's Dead. More »

Posted by Kotaku Nov 15 2011 09:00 GMT
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#bioshock Once upon a time, Hollywood was hot to trot on BioShock. Now? Less so. Making movies, especially ones that take place underwater, are expensive. More »

Posted by Kotaku Nov 09 2011 09:40 GMT
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#cosplay Pulling off a good Little Sister cosplay is tough! Go too far one way and you'll look creepy, go too far the other way and you'll try and look sexy and end up being even creepier. This one, though, nails it. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 07 2011 16:34 GMT
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While waiting impatiently for something else to download over the weekend, I booted up BioShock 1 for the first time in years, curious to see how it held up a half-decade on. I’d forgotten how remarkable and how magnetic its first few minutes are: whatever else you want to accuse the game of, the work it does in so quickly and so assuredly building a world and a mountain of intrigue around it is something we see all too little of. The vast majority of mainstream games open with enough dry exposition to choke a rhino, but this grabs your total attention with a bare minimum of talk, a steady flow of unpredictable spectacle and a spinetingling cocktail of awe and anxiety. Irrational are, I think, right to leave Rapture behind – but, for no particular reason other than ‘why not?’, let’s remember just why they built it in the first place.(more…)

Posted by Kotaku Oct 31 2011 15:20 GMT
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#speakuponkotaku In today's spooktacular edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter God Hand BrynnFlynn wonders if they're alone in being so terrified by a game that they just couldn't go on. More »

Posted by Kotaku Oct 28 2011 01:40 GMT
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#bioshock While BioShock Infinite is due for release next year, the game's story still is undergoing change, says the series' creator Ken Levine. And if nothing else, the Occupy Wall Street protests going on in New York (and elsewhere) serve as an affirmation to him in how he's scripted the motivations and temperament of the Vox Populi movement in Infinite's airborne dystopia of Columbia. More »

Posted by Kotaku Sep 29 2011 09:30 GMT
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#bioshock Hungarian BioShock fan Gregory Mórocz wanted to build himself a new PC, so he built himself a new BioShock-flavoured PC. Look at it. Isn't it wonderful? More »

Posted by Kotaku Sep 23 2011 01:30 GMT
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#bioshock Over at the Irrational Games' Blog, the BioShock Infinite developer has posted concept art and design documents from an old, abandoned game called Dungeon Duel. The game had made it all the way to development back in 2002, based off of a pitch that described it as a "fast-paced RTS strategy with the addictiveness of card game trading in a unique fantasy setting–a true RTS game built specifically with consoles and their controllers in mind." More »

Posted by Kotaku Sep 22 2011 16:40 GMT
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#fanart Those hands look clumsy. No wonder the Little Sisters keep running for the safety of the vents. By Dan Hipp. More »

Posted by Kotaku Aug 11 2011 22:00 GMT
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#spoilers We live in an era of extreme spoiler-phobia. Be it television, movies, novels, or video games, the speedy connectivity of social media has conditioned us to live in fear of ruining one another's fun. We add spoiler warnings to even the most mundane details, even when the subject of the discussion is years old. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 10 2011 15:57 GMT
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Curse our limited-length titles! For this post should really be called something like ‘Irrational co-founder and now Blue Manchu boss Jon Chey talks more about his splendid-sounding new PC boardgame/ CCG/ MMO mash-up Card Hunter, how to make free-to-play non-horrible, what he thinks the future might be for immersive sims in the vein of System Shock and his thoughts on his former studio’s controversial XCOM remake’. Doesn’t bloomin’ fit though, does it? Oh well. You’ll find all that stuff out for yourself simply by reading on: tons of interesting comments in here, and I’m particularly excited by the thought towards the end that a coming wave of mid-budget simulational shooters might be on the cards, and far more likely to take big creative risks than their glossier triple-A peers… (Oh, and if you missed the more Card Hunter-centric first part of this interview, looky here).
