Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by Joystiq Apr 17 2012 03:00 GMT
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Modern Warfare 3 had a strong start out of the gate, but hasn't shown the same vigor in sales as Treyarch's 2010 outing, Call of Duty: Black Ops - at least, according to industry analysts. Could the franchise fatigue we've seen across the pond be setting in here as well?

According to comments made to Gamasutra, the firm estimates the total volume of sales for Modern Warfare 3 are down, somewhere around 4.2%, but it's not necessarily due to franchise fatigue. The firm posits that casual gamers are using their consoles more for streaming content (such as Netflix), and purchasing fewer games.

Last month, year-over-year software sales continued to decline. The estimated sales for Modern Warfare 3 are for boxed copies only, mind you - Activision is making lots of cash on digital wares too.

Activision has yet to comment on our inquiries, but with their annual earnings call due in the next couple weeks, we should hear one way or the other soon enough.

Posted by Kotaku Apr 16 2012 02:00 GMT
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#callofduty For years now, through thick and thin, one thing has remained constant in this business: every holiday season, a new Call of Duty game arrives and outsells the last one. More »

Posted by Joystiq Apr 10 2012 18:30 GMT
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Content drops 7 and 8 have deployed for Call of Duty Elite premium members on Xbox Live today. Multiplayer maps Sanctuary and Foundation are now available for download in Modern Warfare 3 on Xbox 360.

Sanctuary (pictured above) takes place in Greece, throughout several different monasteries; Foundation is a map based in South Korea, inside a derelict factory. The two maps will be available to PS3 and PC players on some undisclosed future date.

Posted by Joystiq Mar 26 2012 22:15 GMT
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Longtime hype man for the Call of Duty franchise, Robert Bowling, has resigned from Infinity Ward and Activision today. Robert "FourZeroTwo" Bowling, who served as creative strategist for Call of Duty and lead at Infinity Ward, just announced his resignation via Twitter. He has yet to announce where he is going next.

Bowling stayed on at Infinity Ward following the mass exodus of staff who would go on to form Respawn Entertainment in 2010.

Posted by Joystiq Mar 20 2012 22:30 GMT
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Content Collection 1 for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is available for widespread consumption now on Xbox Live, after launching on March 13 for Elite members. Content Collection 1 includes four new multiplayer maps: Liberation, Piazza, Overwatch and Black Box, plus two Spec Ops missions, Black Ice and Negotiator.

Not "Black-ice negotiator," because it would be hilariously difficult to discuss anything of real import atop a slick of black ice, and MW3 is nothing but serious business.

Posted by Kotaku Mar 16 2012 16:30 GMT
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#watchthisplaythis Against all odds of flash grenades, timid teammates, and an onslaught of enemies, one intrepid warrior makes it through the battlefield alive. Or for an impressive while at least. More »

Posted by Joystiq Mar 15 2012 18:40 GMT
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If those 20 pieces of planned DLC for Modern Warfare 3 weren't enough for you, perhaps four additional bits will do the trick. Activision is sharing the four-piece bonus with Elite subscribers throughout the coming months, but isn't saying exactly what the content will be. All we know is that it'll be interspersed throughout the planned Elite content "season."

Elite's platform ubiquity is increasing as well, with the service's planned launch on tablets coming in the near future. Nearly 2 million folks have already snagged the app across both iOS and Android -- that's quite a few, considering approximately 7 million folks are Elite users. Activision promises a variety of (specified) updates to Elite's functionality over the next few months.

Posted by Joystiq Mar 14 2012 23:00 GMT
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PS3 players, you've got some new maps coming your way over the next 30 days. One of Swords reports that Overwatch is set to drop on Modern Warfare 3 PS3 on March 29. It'll be available to premium subscribers of the Call of Duty Elite service on PS3.

Then, the multiplayer map Black Box, and two Spec Ops maps, Black Ice and Negotiator, will come to PS3 "on or around April 12." We recently got our hands on those maps, which we wrote about here.

If you're wondering about the vague date, it's because the time for posting the DLC on the PlayStation Network is up to Sony -- it could go live in the morning, or it could go live late at night.

Posted by IGN Mar 14 2012 00:35 GMT
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Today Call of Duty Elite Premium subscribers on Xbox 360 can download three new pieces of content for Modern Warfare 3. This content opens up to all Xbox 360 players on March 20th for 1200 Microsoft Points...

Posted by Joystiq Mar 13 2012 13:00 GMT
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Today you should find three new stomping grounds in Modern Warfare 3 on Xbox 360, provided you're a premium member of the Call of Duty Elite service. Black Ice and Negotiator, a pair of Spec Ops maps we were able to try out last week, and multiplayer locale Black Box, have been deployed in Modern Warfare 3.

If you're not on board with Elite, you can pick up these maps -- along with Liberation, Piazza and Overwatch -- as part of the Content Collection #1 DLC pack on Xbox 360 from March 20.

Posted by Kotaku Mar 12 2012 17:00 GMT
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#modernwarfare I avoid Modern Warfare multiplayer, because it's no fun to lose all the time. (I've got no time to practice!) But you might be having fun—and I might finally have the will to join you, thanks to a twist in two of the three new maps coming to the Xbox 360 in the coming days. More »

Posted by IGN Mar 12 2012 12:09 GMT
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It's four months since Call of Duty Elite launched in tandem with Modern Warfare 3, and things have changed. For the uninitiated, Elite is best described as a niche online network it just so happens that the niche is massive. It's a collection of stats, information, video and social features design...

Posted by Kotaku Mar 05 2012 06:00 GMT
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#callofduty There is trolling in the name of evil, in which you act like an asshole. But there can sometimes be trolling in the name of public good. Like this. More »

Posted by Joystiq Feb 29 2012 23:30 GMT
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Those who decided not to opt for premium status in the Call of Duty Elite program on Xbox Live will get their first taste of DLC for Modern Warfare 3 on March 20. Content Collection #1 includes the Liberation, Piazza, Overwatch and Black Box maps for multiplayer, plus Black Ice and Negotiator -- two Spec Ops missions.

Black Ice tasks players with infiltrating a diamond mine and planting a bomb to cripple operations there forever. The Negotiator Spec Ops mission takes players to India, where they must rescue hostages by negotiating bullets into enemy bodies.

Black Box, Black Ice and Negotiator will come to premium Elite members first on Xbox Live on March 13. All of this content will deploy on other platforms at a later, unspecified date.

Posted by Joystiq Feb 29 2012 01:00 GMT
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The Call of Duty Elite "Content Season" begins for PS3 owners today, with the release of the "Piazza" and "Liberation" maps for Modern Warfare 3. You'll be able to download the maps today whenever the PlayStation Store updates.

For more information about the maps, you can consult the trailer above. Or, you know, ask anyone with an Xbox 360.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Feb 28 2012 23:19 GMT
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Welcome to winter. It’s snowing in Fargo today and the northeast is about to get some of that white stuff too. But I hear Italy is lovely this time of year. Wouldn’t you rather be seaside in some adorable little European villa? Picture it: Sitting in a small bistro, overlooking the sea, sipping something delicious…why, it’s a little slice of paradise.


Then you hear the WHUPWHUPWHUP of rotors overhead, and your exquisite view is obscured by smoke from a nearby grenade. Sorry, pal, you’re not on vacation – you’re in the thick of the conflict, because you’re in Piazza, one of the two new Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer maps that are reaching Call of Duty Elite premium members today via the PlayStation Network. Now it’s a little slice of paramilitary paradise.


Piazza is actually going to be a big hit with fans of close-quarters combat; the tiny town features several sharp corners, tight corridors, and dangerous staircases that just beg to be explored with a Striker or P90 in hand.

Is the European coast not your style? Maybe the cold doesn’t bother you – maybe you prefer a brisk walk through New York, taking strength from the bracing temperatures while you enjoy the famous foliage of midtown Manhattan’s Central Park. But again, don’t just look at the skyscrapers – look out for the soldiers who have their MSRs trained on the map’s objectives. You’re in Liberation now, complete with winding paths, underground tunnels, and exposed Domination points. The large scale of the map makes it a playground for assault rifle experts and snipers, especially.


Piazza and Liberation are both available now for Elite premium members. If you’re one of them, all you need to do is select Store from the MW3 multiplayer menu and you’ll be invited to download the new maps for no additional cost – your Elite premium membership includes access to all the maps, modes, and surprises that are coming for the next nine months. If you’re not an Elite premium member, you’ll be able to get these two maps a little later on in the year, but an Elite subscription brings you everything as soon as it’s released on PS3. You can find more info on Call of Duty Elite here.


I need to practice a bit, but then I’ll be giving these two new maps a workout this Friday. Hope you see you online!

Posted by IGN Feb 28 2012 18:27 GMT
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While Xbox 360 Elite members got the first two Modern Warfare 3 maps last month, Playstation 3 gamers can now download the maps if they're a member of Call of Duty Elite Premium...

Posted by Joystiq Feb 22 2012 05:30 GMT
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Console gamers have been missing out on some Call of Duty Elite functionality -- specifically, Clan Operations. Activision promised Clan Ops would be available soon and delivered today, flipping the switch that lets clans take part in competitions for extra experience and prizes. While all Elite members can take part in Clan Ops, only premium members will be scored and ranked on their performance.

If you're still having trouble understanding how it all works, check out the handy explanation after the break, care of Activision.

Posted by Kotaku Feb 21 2012 21:15 GMT
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The latest Call of Duty will get 400 new ranks and 5 new prestige levels for Xbox 360 today and PlayStation 3 on February 28, Infinity Ward creative strategist Robert Bowling said today. PC users got'em last week. [Robert Bowling] More »

Posted by IGN Feb 21 2012 19:54 GMT
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Sledgehammer Games today launched the latest content drop for Call of Duty Elite Premium subscribers. The drop is composed of one new map, Overwatch, a combat zone set atop a New York City skyscraper...

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 17 2012 10:05 GMT
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Did you know that 90% of all gaming videos on Yourfaceinatube are Modern Warfare related? And that 99.99% one of them has music that’s been recorded in a scrapyard crushing machine? I believe there’s an option labelled “scrrrrrawwwwwwewrarrr” during upload that adds it. In addition, every video must have at least two labels, pointing to various other videos that benefit you, the viewer, and for no other reason. There’s an exciting world of video-making that I’m just not a part of. If you’d like to get some of that action, but don’t own the game, Modern Warfare 3 is to free play now and all weekend on Steam. If you start downloading now, you can spend the evening Warfareing Modernly 3ish, like the chaps in the video below.(more…)

Posted by IGN Feb 16 2012 21:46 GMT
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Activision will offer the multiplayer component of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 for free on Steam this weekend...

Posted by Joystiq Feb 15 2012 18:30 GMT
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We're just gonna tell you up front: you're gonna wanna skip to about 50 seconds into this trailer before you see any gameplay featuring Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3's "Overwatch" map in action. And you're gonna want to do that, as the first part is just Rob Riggle talking total nonsense. But the map part? Aces.

Posted by Kotaku Feb 15 2012 18:00 GMT
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#callofduty Former Daily Show correspondent Rob Riggle wriggles his way into Modern Warfare 3's upcoming Overwatch map, giving us a guided tour of the hoary heights of New York City skyscrapers. More »

Posted by Joystiq Feb 10 2012 22:45 GMT
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GameStop is building its digital distribution business, having seen a 158 percent growth year-over-year in the third quarter, with strong returns thanks to customers who don't use credit cards.

"70 percent of our sales for DLC is non credit card. So that's a customer either paying with cash, GameStop gift card or trade credit," Steve Nix, manager of PC digital distribution for GameStop told us at DICE 2012. "Think about all those Call of Duty Elite subscriptions and all those customers who aren't using a credit card to purchase them."

"We're actually growing [the downloadable content] market, because about half our DLC customers never purchased DLC previously. So, for game developers that want to sell more DLC, we're introducing gamers to DLC for the first time in our stores."

Nix recognized that it may seem odd the retail chain's brick and mortar stores are so successful selling digital content. It's clearly servicing customers who don't have credit cards or don't want to use credit cards, but still wish to extend their favorite games. He "absolutely" feels this same situation is what's pushing their in-store PC full game sales, despite PC gamers having so many online purchasing options.

Since Gamestop purchased Stardock's Impulse digital distribution store, we wanted to know if it would continue to pursue Goo, which would have essentially created a "used PC games market."

Nixing the idea, he said "We don't see a lot of interest in that model from our publishing partners." He recognizes customers would be interested, but is not really seeing publisher support for such a model.

Posted by Kotaku Feb 10 2012 02:30 GMT
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#callofduty Activision today said its Call of Duty franchise has more than 40 million monthly active users across all of its titles, half of that coming from the latest release, Modern Warfare 3. More »

Posted by Giant Bomb Feb 09 2012 22:55 GMT
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Future legal ramifications aside, the Infinity Ward fiasco seems long forgotten at Activision HQ, with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 being yet another runaway success for the company.

That Skylanders turned out to be a huge hit with kids--20 million toys sold, by Activision's count--was a nice bonus, too.

More Skylanders and Call of Duty in 2012 was the reoccurring theme on today’s quick ‘n dirty fourth quarter investor call, which also featured some interesting numbers about the last few months.

Diablo III being pushed back a few months was the big “news” out of the call, and as with the last few calls I’ve been listening to, I decided to publish the notes I was taking as the call went on.

Here’s what stuck out:

  • Activision generated $1 billion dollars in operating cash flow throughout 2011.
  • World of Warcraft has 10.2 million subscribers.
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic was not mentioned once during the call, neither was Battlefield 3.
  • Skylanders is “one of the most innovative products we’ve ever created” and will have “success for many years.”
  • Call of Duty Elite is “one of the fastest growing online services in history” with 1.5 paying members, ranking behind World of Warcraft and Xbox Live.
  • There will be a new Call of Duty game later this year. No details on what it is.
  • Activision will continue to invest “in our new universe from Bungie,” as that universe will be “one of publishing's next big games,” and will be “a genre-defining new IP” and a “key strategic growth pillar for the future.”
  • Can you tell that Activision is excited about Bunige’s next game? Unfortunately, no details just yet.
  • Activision declined to make any sales predictions about Wii U, but it was mentioned on a sales chart.
  • The company expects high-definition consoles to continue selling well throughout 2012.
  • In December 2011, there were 40 million users playing Call of Duty across the last five games.
  • Call of Duty Elite 2.0 is coming with “several new features” to will work “hand-in-hand” with the next game.
  • A press event for World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria will be held next month.
  • Blizzard hopes to release multiple games this year but declined to specify what games.
  • Activision has sold more than 20 million Skylanders toys since launch.

Posted by Joystiq Feb 09 2012 21:49 GMT
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Call of Duty Elite, the community portal for Activision's perennial shooter is apparently doing gangbusters, according to the publisher's 2011 earnings report. The report states that Elite has pulled in over 7 million members as of January 31.

Even more impressive: over 1.5 million of those are premium subscriptions, available as part of the $100 Hardened Edition of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 or as a separate $50 purchase. Paid membership grants a few benefits, most notably a free pass and early access to Modern Warfare 3 DLC.

We'd say the service probably qualifies as a success at this point, at least from Activision's perspective.

Posted by Kotaku Feb 07 2012 19:30 GMT
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#callofduty The globe-trotting nature of the Call of Duty series means that multiplayer maps have a plethora of locales to choose from. And the latest one is in… New York?! More »