The only honest first-person shooter is back. Is Sam Stone a one-trick pony? Well, yes. That’s the point, stupid. I’ve been blasting my way through the singleplayer campaign of Croteam’s latest, and I’m ready to tell you what I made of it. Though, If I was allowed, I would make each and every one of the following 1000-odd words ‘blam.’
The game doesn’t start until you get the assault rifle.
The game doesn’t start until you get the double-barrelled shotgun.
The game doesn’t start until you get the rocket launcher.
The game doesn’t start until you get the Devastator.
No, no, no the game doesn’t start until you get the minigun. Budda-budda-budda-budda-budda-budda-budda-wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.(more…)