PayDay: The Heist Message Board

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Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 12 2013 17:30 GMT
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I haven’t played the original Payday, so I asked the current guests at RPS manor to provide an opinion for me. “It was good, but cruelly tough,” claimed Craig Pearson, Scottishly. “It really is Left 4 Dead,” he added, Welshly.

Said Adam: “” Said John: “” Said Cara: “”

Therefore my opinion of Payday is that it was good, but cruelly tough. It really was Left 4 Dead. And there’s to be a sequel later this year, with the now Starbreeze-owned Overkill once again on dev duties.(more…)

Posted by Valve Oct 02 2012 15:58 GMT
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Patch 17 is now live!

This patch brings network fixes and also solves some glitches some perceptive players have found. It includes the following:

  • Fix for lost network peers not being timed out properly and blocking drop-in for other peers
  • Fix for rare client crash occuring if host drops a client that has missed the loading sequence from lobby to load-out
  • Fixed network related bugs connected to time outs
  • Made a fix for clients not being able to connect with each other under severe network related circumstances
  • Made a fix connected to clients that have been kicked out of the lobby and then tries to rejoin the game again
  • Fixed a bug where the game would crash while dropping in a game


  • Fixed a collision error in UNDERCOVER where you could go glitch out of the map
  • Fixed a bug in PANIC ROOM where players were able to take money bundles from areas originally not intended to
  • Fixed a bug in COUNTERFEIT where players were able to jump up on the roof
  • Fixed a bug in NO MERCY where the elevator display wouldnt work properly

Posted by Joystiq Sep 18 2012 02:03 GMT
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Developer Starbreeze has revealed 505 Games will be its publishing partner for the upcoming sequel to the multiplayer-focused shooter, Payday: The Heist, along with original intellectual property P13, in development for the PSN, XBLA, and PC. Both games are planned for launch in 2013.

Starbreeze, which was behind EA's recent attempt to reboot the classic Syndicate series, acquired Payday alongside developer Overkill Studios earlier this year.

Though P13 is still masked in secrecy, we know it will be a downloadable "action-adventure game" and that Starbreeze has partnered with Swedish film director Josef Fares to help guide its "storyline, look and feel."

Posted by Valve Sep 13 2012 23:13 GMT
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PAYDAY: The Heist Patch 9 Update Notes


Fixed slow moving Teammates
Changed up some SWAT tactics for better group flow
Secret stuff...

PAYDAY: The Heist Patch 8 Update Notes


Much better AI movement with almost no clipping issues when moving around
Fix for civilians wanting to run ontop of things when in panic
Multicore CPU optimizations for more performance
Fixed some issues with users being able to tamper with memory and getting access to Sentry Guns
WOLF PACK levels outed in the menu to prepare for DLC
Added a percentage progress counter on the drop-in status for players joining mid-game

PAYDAY: The Heist Patch 7 Update Notes


New Menu theme selection: The players can now switch menu theme from original to heat. For all our dedicated heisters we upgrade the menu theme so they can pick their favourite theme to heist in.
New option - Light adaption on/off: The players can now choose to have Light adaption on or off.
Unveiling of the technician class: The players can now view a tease of the Technician class in the upgrades menu.
A bright future: Someone in the Garnet Group Skyscraper is heading for a bright future...
A dark future: Someone in the projects is preparing for a dark future...
New moves and tactics by the SWAT AI.


Fixed a bug where Bain's subtitles appear on the post game screen
Fixed a bug where the rep limit is set to level 0 from the edit game settings menu even if it is set higher before creating a heist
Fixed a bug where the game would lock when the character is in custody and one of his mines would defeat a cop
Fixed a bug where enemies sometimes would teleport to a nearby location after performing an evasive maneuver
Fixed a bug where the "Play With Team AI" selection would not save when turned off
Fixed a bug where there would be error text in the online in-game menu for Edit Game Settings
Fixed a bug in Single Player, with no AI, dialogue would still talk about freeing comrades after each assault
Fixed a bug where previously selected character flashed briefly on screen when navigating back to 'Choose Character'
Fixed a bug where the Reputation Limit description had a grammatical error
Fixed a bug where Cloakers would be able to club players at range
Fixed a bug where the Select Difficulty description was not entirely correct
Fixed a bug where Merry Xmas challenge was still present in the Challenge list
Fixed a bug where masks would not update correctly after a game had been played
Fixed a bug where a late join would cause looping sound effects
Fixed a bug where levels are not listed under Available Heists when selecting difficulty
Fixed a bug where the number of players in a game would not display correctly on the load out screen
Fixed a bug where the challenge complete bar would not pop up when completing any of the 145+ challenges
Fixed a bug where Dallas' President mask would appear incorrect

First World Bank

Fixed a bug where grey rectangular polygons would drop in and out in the basement area
Fixed a bug where a 'Unknown Location' would be found right before the Basement
Fixed a bug where the game would lock all players when a player late joined after the heist had started
Fixed a bug where dialogue would continue to play after commanding the Bank Manager to get down

Heat Street

Fixed a bug where only 10/11 objectives would be able to be completed
Fixed a bug where the door for the orange container next to the crashed van was slightly clipping into the van

Panic Room

Fixed a bug where corrupt graphic was seen coming from a mouse on the floor
Fixed a bug where corrupt ceiling fan graphics was seen
Fixed a bug where there were no enemies in the smoke that fills the stairway to the roof
Fixed a bug where there would be multiple collision issues during gameplay
Fixed a bug where flickering text graphics could be seen above each doorway
Fixed a bug where the enemies throughout the heist could be found in the t-pose

Green Bridge

Fixed a bug where two objective markers appear on-screen at the same time when running to the exit
Fixed a bug where there would be missing side rail graphics at the end of the bridge during the "Make The Escape" objective
Fixed a bug where the yellow end game marker does not appear if players reach the exit before the escape prompt
Fixed a bug where the ziplines would not show from the towers to the top of the scaffolding
Fixed a bug where the user was able to place trip mines on invisible collision on open prison trucks

Diamond Heist

Fixed a bug in where as the alarm was triggered some A.I. guards would appear to be warping from their current location
Fixed a bug where two waypoints appear on the screen
Fixed a bug where the game would crash when the codes did not work on the Vault door
Fixed a bug where the Big Diamond was able to be taken through the metal fence that drops down after the cutter had completed
Fixed a bug where there would be multiple collision issues during gameplay


Fixed a bug where the player could become stuck inside the falling safe
Fixed a bug where the Armored truck was appearing incorrectly in the main room
Fixed a bug where the A.I. Was seen standing on invisible collision
Fixed bugs where four 'Unknown Locations' were found inside the building of the Main Room
Fixed a bug where meat hanging in the main room would be inconsistent from the host and the clients

PAYDAY: The Heist Patch 6 Update Notes

PC patch 6 is finally here, and were bringing out the big guns on this one! We bring a whole new set of bug fixes, random events, masks and even more stuff… what do you say about an entirely new difficulty setting and new challenges/Steam achievements? Yeah, and this stuff isnt even the DLC, which will contain even more stuff that is even more awesome!

Here is the complete change log for PC patch 6:

NEW DIFFICULTY For the PAYDAY fans that think the action is the juice, we now introduce a new difficulty setting called OVERKILL 145+. It can only be played if you have reached level 145 and opens up the possibility for new achievements as well as the OVERKILL 145+ leaderboards!

NEW RANDOM EVENTS All the heists now have new events that will surprise and challenge you like never before.
STREET: New OVERKILL 145+ events
PANIC ROOM: New OVERKILL 145+ events

NEW ACHIEVEMENTS The patch includes eight new achievements for Steam.
FOUR MORE YEARS: Awarded for reaching reputation level 145. Along with the achievement, players are also rewarded with the presidential mask set!
BANK ON ME: Awarded for beating FIRST WORLD BANK on the OVERKILL 145+ difficulty setting.
HILLS STREET BLUES: Awarded for beating HEAT STREET on the OVERKILL 145+ difficulty setting.
BRUSH WITH DEATH: Awarded for beating PANIC ROOM on the OVERKILL 145+ difficulty setting.
BEAT THE SHIELD: Awarded for beating GREEN BRIDGE on the OVERKILL 145+ difficulty setting.
BAD CODE: Awarded for beating DIAMOND HEIST on the OVERKILL 145+ difficulty setting.
LOTS OF PIGS, BUT NO PIGS: Awarded for beating SLAUGHTERHOUSE on the OVERKILL 145+ difficulty setting.
YOU ARE GOLDEN! Awarded for beating all six original heists on the OVERKILL 145+ difficulty setting. Along with the achievement, players are also rewarded with the golden 145+ mask. Overkill salutes you!

Players who reach reputation level 145 (and get the FOUR MORE YEARS achievement) are awarded with the presidential mask set.
Players who beat all heists on the new OVERKILL 145+ difficulty setting (and get the YOU ARE GOLDEN! achievement) are awarded with the golden 145+ mask the most fashionable way to show others that you are a true career criminal!

NEW OPTION By popular demand, players can now set their FOV (field of view) ranging from 60 to 100. Simply go to the Advanced Graphics Menu to make the change.

HALL OF FAME 200 dedicated career criminals are in for a surprise! As a token of appreciation to our community, 200 of the most dedicated PC players have gotten their nick names immortalized in the PC version of the game. Where could your name be hiding?

WORLDWIDE SUCCESS RATE Payday players can now view statistics on how large a percentage of players in the world have completed the different heists on all difficulties. Access this information in the Select Heist Menu.
NEW CHARACTER ANIMATIONS The law enforcers can now move like never before! Expect the unexpected! Also, the party goers in DIAMOND HEIST have new dance moves.

HUD UPDATE Players can now see the name of the character they are currently playing in the portrait window while in-game.

NEW MUSIC The DJ at the party in DIAMOND HEIST has a nice playlist.

Added a fix for those who experience lag after a successful heist.
Collision fixes on all levels.
Added separate mouse sensitivity for aiming and looking. Added an optional check box for mouse sensitivity (PC only).
Added a fix for AI movement in DIAMOND HEIST.
Added a fix for the glitch where the enemy could not see you in SLAUGHTERHOUSE.
Added a fix for LOD (level of detail) steps on several heists.
Added a fix for the big red diamond abuse in DIAMOND HEIST.
Added a fix for crashes when leaving multiplayer.
Added fixes for several rare crashes.
Added a fix for the Cloaker who would not attack players.
Added a fix for the Cloaker who would do range attacks on players.
Added a fix for brightness control which previously didnt always work properly.
Added a fix for snipers that would shoot through the building walls in PANIC ROOM.

Added a fix for the Taser, who now has a longer interval before he starts to tase again after being interrupted.

The shotguns now have new more realistic reload animations, in which the weapon isnt cocked unless its needed.
Graphical updates on some heists. New events have caused us to make certain graphical improvements, changing the layout of several environments.

PAYDAY: The Heist Patch 5 Update Notes

Fix for custom Nvidia Settings being reset by PAYDAY
Fix for Steam disconnect crash
Fix so you can play PAYDAY in Steam Offline mode
Fix for random crashes in DIAMOND HEIST
Fix for Drop In disabling some interactions for the dropped in clients on SLAUGHTERHOUSE
Optimizations for higher FPS

That's all for now - enjoy!

Posted by Joystiq Aug 01 2012 19:00 GMT
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It may not be a zombie-filled hospital, but Payday: The Heist's "Wolfpack" DLC does include new weapons, missions, and what appears to be some kind of fog-spewing basement or stairwell.

You also get two new heists, a new crew member called "The Technician," a raised level cap and a few extra weapons when the DLC launches in North America, on August 7 for $9.99. If you're more into robbing French banks than American ones, the content pack has already been released in Europe for £6.49/€7.99.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Aug 01 2012 14:01 GMT
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Attention PAYDAY crew! Wolfpack, the first PSN downloadable content for PAYDAY: The Heist, is coming to North America next Tuesday, August 7th.

We’ve been busy casing some new jobs for you, with Wolfpack featuring two never-before-seen epic heists – Undercover and Counterfeit. The Undercover heist forces players to drive away the pesky police interrupting a back alley deal, while the Counterfeit heist pressures players to use silenced weapons to keep whistle-blowing civilians from escaping an underground money printing gig. If they tell the 5-0, they’ll blow the whole operation!

We’re also arming you with new weapons and crewmembers to ensure the job goes smoothly. These new heists require advanced skills, but award bigger payouts. Key features of the Wolfpack DLC include:


New Weapons: Spray some lead on the move with the all-new auto handgun and assault rifle, or blow away tenacious foes with the shiny new grenade launcher. Need someone to watch your back? Release the deployable sentry gun to take out your enemies. The Technician: Based on the character Wolf, the technician is a man who knows how to get things done. With a new skill set and equipment, the technician is a techno-sociopath using the sentry-gun and tool kit. One Pays, All Play: Got friends in high places? If you are tight on cash until the next score, all you need is a friend with the content. The new heists can only be hosted if you own the DLC, but anyone with the base game can join for free. Just When You Think You’re Out: With all-new Trophies and a raised level cap, there will be a lot more for you to brag about.


The Wolfpack DLC pack will be available in the US for $9.99. Check out the PAYDAY The Heist website for more info.

Thanks again for your support; looking forward to the in-game action!

Posted by Valve Jul 25 2012 16:00 GMT
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PAYDAY: The Heist - Mercy Hospital out now!


OVERKILL brings you Mercy Hospital - OVERKILL's fan fiction for Left 4 Dead!

The Mercy Hospital Heist is finally here! We have collaborated with Valve to bring our beloved PAYDAY fans a completely new heist, free of charge! Set in the Mercy Hospital - made famous by Left 4 Dead - everyone's favorite robbers are out for blood. We also have some extra candy hidden in there for those who just can't help ending up in the hospital.

If the regular difficulty levels won't do it for you, don't forget that you can play the Mercy Hospital Heist in the new OVERKILL +145 difficulty. We promise you that this one will leave you gasping for air...

But wait, the infection seems to be spreading: not only do our beloved players get a new heist for free, they also get new zombie masks AND a new zombie theme! Oh, the horror! New related challenges and Steam achievements will be released in an upcoming patch.

Here is the complete change log for the Mercy Hospital Heist release:

  • NEW HEIST: The Mercy Hospital Heist is available to everyone who owns PAYDAY on the PC.
  • NEW MASKS: Players that have "Left 4 Dead" or "Left 4 Dead 2" in their Steam library and have it installed on their computers, are awarded the new zombie masks. Wolf and the gang can now disguise themselves as the walking dead.
  • NEW THEME: Players are now able to choose a new theme inspired by our favorite undead.

Until then - Stay alive! If you can...

Posted by Joystiq Apr 19 2012 21:00 GMT
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Payday: The Heist developer Overkill Software picked up quite the haul from its bank robbery simulator, with over 400,000 sales since the game's launch last October. The PC and PSN title made £1.42 million ($2.3 million) in revenue and £388,000 ($625,000k) in "net profit" for the studio.

It was announced today that Syndicate developer Starbreeze is attempting to purchase Overkill. Work has already begun on planning expansions and a sequel for further Paydays. For giggles, we've contacted Overkill to find out how many copies of the game were stolen.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 19 2012 18:00 GMT
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I think it’s more of a polite corporate takeover (IF SUCH A THING EXISTS) than a masked, gun-toting robbery, but the fact remains that Syndicate Riddick developer Starbreeze is awaiting shareholder approval as it bids to buy Overkill Software, they of PayDay: The Heist. If it all goes ahead, Overkill shall continue enhancements of the first game while also working on a sequel, which must feature supernatural elements and go by the name HeistGeist. Starbreeze have plenty in development already, with three internal teams working on three separate games, including “free-to-playish” Cold Mercury, the self-funded P13 and one other mystery title.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 02 2012 16:48 GMT
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Ooh, I’m in PSA mode: bank-robbing FPS PayDay:The Heist is free on Steam this weekend, and 50% off if you choose to buy it. Dan Gril loved it, and I concur that it’s an excellent mash-up of gaming and film influences: everything from the opening sequence of The Dark Knight to Heat is mined and tossed into a Left 4 Deadish co-op run and gun. It’s kind of the perfect weekend game, if your idea of the perfect weekend is shooting policemen and being able to get to sleep at night afterwards. And if you’re not planning to play this, why not tell us what you are up to that’s so important that you can afford to ignore a free game? It better be damn good.(more…)

Posted by Valve Dec 15 2011 23:31 GMT
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PAYDAY receives fourth update!

Here is the list of features and fixes based on the fast feedback from the community:

Features (because you asked for them)

* Filter servers by difficulty

* Possible for server to allow/disallow drop-in

* Possible for server to set a reputation limit for the server. Players with lower reputation then the set value will not be able to join.

* Possible for server to change permission, reputation limit and allow/disallow drop-in mid game from ingame menu.

Bug fixes

* Fix for Bulldozer trying to do acrobatics such as jump over tables and crashing the game in the FW Bank.

* Fix for timers on devices (drill,saw and tablets) restarting on rare occasions

* Fix for first character not being registered in chat input when chat is mapped to the enter key


* Increased the difficulty of hard and OVERKILL by tweaking some AI group logic for better attack waves

* Enemies take decisions faster

* Enemies pause less when travelling long distances

Ok now let's do this...

OVERKILL Crew & Sony Online Entertainment

Posted by Valve Dec 09 2011 16:54 GMT
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The PAYDAY Xmas update!

Thanks to all you players who have robbed countless banks, snuck off with thousands of diamonds and scooped up gold bars by the tonnes!
OVERKILL Software has monitored you closely through the security cameras and here are our counter measures:

PAYDAY Xmas achievement!
Find a Christmas present on any of the levels in multiplayer - take it and you will be given a Santa mask! Plus you will get the chance to be surprised later on...

Big features
Player drop-in ability in load-out and in-game!

You can now join an ongoing game! You will no longer be locked out of games just because they have already started or because you dropped out during play. Just rejoin and continue collecting those precious dollars and gems!
These are the rules: Players who are downed or in custody and drop out only to rejoin the same game will respawn in custody. Drop-in is disabled during the "point of no return" phase of the heist, as well as on the end screen.

Heavily improved fighting and acting by team AI and enemies
New features and fixes include:
• New events and enemy tactics on all levels
• Team and enemies now pick better cover and firing positions, and use more intelligent firing lanes for suppression and sniping
• Enemies now master additional acrobatic moves (such as dashes and slides) and they can fire at you while doing them!
• More cover moves for team AI and enemies
• Enemy AI move in tighter formations and coordinate better
• Team AI now keeps up with human players much better
• Smoother turn and aim on team AI, and reduced animation glitches on movements
• Better looking weapon recoils on team and enemies
• AI teammates now pick weapons that better suit the current combat situation
• Combat will now be more mid ranged and not run-in gun battles
• Team AI no longer has "ants in the pants" (they don't move around so much) when there are no enemies around

Advanced GFX settings menu (AG menu)
Custom visual settings and optimizations, including:
• Texture resolution setting "low" to "high"
• Texture filtering "off" and up to x16
• V-synch on/off
• AA on/off
• Light streaks on/off
• Animation level-of-detail setting for better performance
• More suitable default resolutions to fit laptops etc.
• AlienwareFX on/off (for Alienware computers)
• Added eight color grade filters (inspired by a range of heist and action movies)
"Payday +"
"In Traffic"
"Xgen Brown"
"Future of Gaming"
"The Matrices"

New masks
To celebrate that yet another bunch of military shooters was released recently, we've added four new masks to Payday!

Improved network code
Disclaimer: We did not fix the Internet. Please talk to Al Gore about that.

We've added a red toothbrush to Panic Room, and we've made sure this one's worth the hullabaloo!

Additional features and fixes
Slaughterhouse and Diamond Heist are now available in the Normal difficulty setting
Single Player has improved scenario and difficulty balancing
Added more money bundles to First World Bank
The legendary über killer sniper removed from Heat Street
Teammate "mugshot" icons (lower left corner of the screen) now flash to indicate who is talking over VOIP
You can now see the cash value of the "near completion challenges" in the TAB menu
Fix to better hear team AI voices
Fixes for random crashes
Fixed the drill that kept resetting to full time for some people
Fixes for fake lobby appearing
Changed [Enter] to $Continue; to fix binding of enter to block the final stats screen.
More camera impacts on explosions
All weapons now have alert ranges, unique for each weapon
Chains is no longer replaced by Wolf on rare trade occasions
Bain will now correctly call the equipment "saws" (not "drills") in Panic Room

Now have fun, fellow heisters! DLC is of course in the works, as well as Patch 4! :-)
/The OVERKILL Crew and Sony Online Entertainment


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 14 2011 10:45 GMT
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The heist genre seems to have been arrested before it even got going: Subversion is serving a ten-year stretch as the new Prison Tycoon; Monaco’s team is keeping its head down and hoping for an early release. Only Payday: The Heist is at large, having stolen the nascent heist genre blueprints from under their noses. Here’s Wot I Think.(more…)

Posted by Joystiq Oct 28 2011 14:55 GMT
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Can you get Payday bars in Europe? We don't imagine there's much of a market for American candy, since our chocolate is so famously lacking -- but Paydays don't have any chocolate! Just nougat and a bunch of peanuts. Delicious.

We might not have word on the availability of Payday bars, but we can tell you exactly when you'll be able to get access to the PSN game, Payday: the Heist: on November 2. Co-op robbery capers aren't as filling as a big peanut bar, but they're more fun to share with friends.

Posted by Giant Bomb Oct 20 2011 20:00 GMT
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3 out of 5

Payday: The Heist is probably the closest we'll ever get to Heat: The Game, and that's a bit depressing. To be more accurate, Payday is basically The Best Part of Heat: Done as a Game With Middling Results. Payday is about heists, often heists very similar to those seen in Michael Mann's Los Angeles crime classic. Four players get together, take down a bank, or a jewelry exchange, or a cash-flush meth lab, fending off waves of cops and rival criminals while achieving specific, randomly-generated objectives. It's a neat idea that could be amazing were it more rich in atmosphere, storytelling, and excitement. Sadly, Overkill Software's game is lacking in all of these things. There are moments of multiplayer thrill to be had here, but they're infrequent, and sometimes tough to get to.

Based solely on the concept, Payday: The Heist should be the best game ever made...

First and foremost, understand this about Payday: The Heist: this is a multiplayer game. Offline play exists, albeit in a form similar to Left 4 Dead's own single-player mode. It's there if you want it, but there's no conceivable reason why you'd want it. The accompanying A.I. is radically inferior to just about anyone you could possibly scrape together for an online match, and the total disconnection of the action from anything resembling a story means that there's no real progression here. There are six heist missions. You do them entirely independently of one another. The only constant is the characters, who are less characters, and more differently-accented voice actors who are solely there for player differentiation purposes.

With this in mind, also understand that it is not the easiest process in the world to get into a game of Payday: The Heist. A couple of days after its launch, only a handful of players seem to be online at any given time, and I found myself running into a variety of strange "this lobby has already been filled" errors, even for lobbies that only appeared to have a single player in them. Getting into a game proved far more of a chore than it arguably had any right to be, considering the meager number of players seemingly hitting the servers.

But let's presume that you do manage to navigate potential errors and a dearth of players, and find your way into an actual game of Payday, and let's also presume that the players you're in a game with are competent, collected individuals who know how to follow instructions and patiently follow the progression of a map. If all these various things prove to be true, you will have some fun with Payday: The Heist.

The missions are varied in style and objectives; some involve straight money-heisting, while others involve revenge plots, and even a prison break that plays like a weird reference to the opening scene of Grand Theft Auto III. All of this stuff seems referential in one way or another, though most of those references are directed toward the aforementioned Heat. From the bank job that uses a musical score almost identical to the one in Heat's iconic bank heist, to a mission literally called "Heat Street" where you run around shooting up cop cars, it seems that Overkill's crosshairs were aimed squarely at Mann's movie when developing this game. There's even a hacky reference to Tom Sizemore's "For me, the action is the juice" line shoved into one of the loading menus.

I wish I could say that any of Payday's content was anywhere near as compelling as Mann's film, but frankly, it's not even as compelling as most modern shooters. Overkill has liberally cribbed from Valve's Left 4 Dead methodology, building missions around a lengthy series of objectives--kill the alarms, set up saws and drills to break into various things, find a guy who has a key for something, and so on--that sometimes employ randomized locations to keep things fresh. There are even horde-like waves of SWAT cops and FBI agents that periodically show up to try and derail your mission in aggressive fashion. Again, pointing to that ideal scenario where everyone knows exactly what they're doing, these missions can be quite fun. Heists are lengthy and full of fast-paced combat and strategy that keeps you on your toes. If you and your cohorts can communicate, there's a good bit to like here.

...Unfortunately, the final product doesn't quite make good on all that potential.

If you can't, you're boned. All it really takes is one or two associates with a Waingro mentality to completely screw up a mission. You have to know what objectives each of you are taking on, and when to stick together. A heist can still be successful so long as one of you survives, but the waves of cops that Payday tosses at you are so hefty that it's damn difficult for anyone to survive if even one person decides to freelance. A tight challenge is a good thing, but the action itself is not necessarily thrilling enough to want you to keep coming back time and time again to try these missions should you end up with some regularly lousy players.

Part of that comes from the weirdly antiquated feel of Payday. It looks okay, but often feels like a game out of time, like something that should have popped out around the early 2000s, back when a game could sort of ride on controversy over gameplay. The shooting is fine, but there's something Counter-Strike-mod-feeling about the action that makes it feel kind of...fake. Like one of those fake video games some writer on Law & Order would have conceived for an episode in which real bank robbers used the game as a road map for a real robbery, and Jack McCoy is up in arms and wants to charge the developers as an accessory or something. Except Payday is real, and feels a few years past when it might have actually made some kind of impact.

Ultimately devoid of impact as it is, Payday is a game that does manage to offer a few hours of entertainment. Its spartan slate of features and atmospherically lackluster missions fail to give it the kind of addictive quality so important to a game like Left 4 Dead's lasting appeal, but for those who just feel like mowing down some cops, heisting some loot, and reminiscing about how damned good a movie Heat is, Payday is serviceable enough across the board.

Posted by Giant Bomb Oct 20 2011 19:00 GMT
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Well ya know, for Jeff and Ryan, the action is the juice.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Oct 18 2011 21:00 GMT
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Attention PAYDAY crew! The time has come – PAYDAY: The Heist officially launches today on the PlayStation Network, developed by OVERKILL Software and published by Sony Online Entertainment (SOE). Grab your masks, don’t forget the ammo and most importantly make sure you bring along your friends!

Dive full force into six heists of co-op madness, fighting off cops, stealing large sums of money and embarking on the ultimate high-intensity, first-person shooter adventure. To kick-off launch, take a look at the never before seen Heat Street Heist trailer (which might look familiar to some of you movie buffs):

In case you missed them previously, here’s the entire series of heist trailers…

  • Slaughterhouse – View the trailer that highlights one of the most difficult heists featured in the game. Click here for trailer.
  • Green Bridge – Intense bridge explosions, mass destruction and lots of casualties all in the hopes of a successful prisoner escape over the deep sea. Click here for trailer.
  • Diamond Heist – Stealthily commandeer a caper of the worlds’ most precious stones. Click here for trailer.
  • Panic Room – Burst onto the seedy scene of a deal gone bad and blast out the roof in order to retrieve the big bucks. Click here for trailer.
  • First World Bank – Sweet talk your way into the vault and grab the goods in the classic First World Bank Heist. Click here for trailer.

Check out the PAYDAY: The Heist website for more info. Thanks again for your patience and support. I’m looking forward to the in-game action!

Posted by IGN Oct 18 2011 16:00 GMT
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I've owned a copy of PayDay: The Heist for a while -- nearly a month, in fact -- and although I've played plenty of other games since this download arrived, PayDay memories still bring a smile to my face. Nix getting killed outside the bank vault over and over again, exchanging my first hostage for ...

Posted by IGN Oct 14 2011 00:21 GMT
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After the announcement of a delay last week, PayDay: The Heist has now been given a final release date...

Posted by IGN Oct 14 2011 00:21 GMT
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After the announcement of a delay last week, PayDay: The Heist has now been given a final release date...

Posted by Kotaku Oct 13 2011 15:00 GMT
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#paydaytheheist Payday: The Heist will be available for download in North America on Oct. 18 on the PlayStation 3 for $19.99, according to Sony Online Entertainment. More »

Posted by Joystiq Oct 13 2011 15:55 GMT
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The PSN launch of Payday: The Heist will bring the heat and set it off on October 18 in North America. A European date for PSN has yet to be confirmed. The high-stakes robbery simulator features six co-op heist situations, with the Slaughter House scenario featured in the clip above.

According to Steam, the PC version is still due in "October." Remember: if you purchased all the titles in the PSN Play promotion, a Payday voucher should be your payoff.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Oct 13 2011 13:00 GMT
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We’re at it again, PAYDAY crew! The criminal masterminds behind the highly anticipated PSN co-op shooter PAYDAY: The Heist, are coming for your PS3s next Tuesday, October 18th!

SOE and the OVERKILL team have worked diligently to develop and create a game with the highest quality of content – which will give players continued replayabilty and hours of complex, death-defying heists in a never-ending pursuit of the next big score. We can’t wait for the launch of this highly anticipated game and are even more excited for players and fans to finally enjoy PAYDAY The Heist together online. Once again, SOE would like to thank the loyal community for your patience and assure you that this will be worth the wait!

In the meantime, feel free to check out the all-new Slaughterhouse trailer above that highlights one of the most difficult heists featured in the game. Check out the PAYDAY: The Heist website for more info.

Thanks again for your continued support! Gear up to seize the game on October 18th.

Posted by Joystiq Oct 04 2011 17:01 GMT
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Nobody likes to discover that Payday's been moved. The PSN release of Payday: The Heist, the co-op robbery game by Overkill Software, is the subject of a rare release-day delay, bumped from its original date of today to "later in October." According to Steam, the PC version is also due in "October." We suppose a game with this many masks just gravitates toward Halloween.

Payday was to be the triumphant payoff of Sony's "PSN Play" promotion, and that offer is still in effect. If you've purchased all of the other PSN Play games, you'll still get your voucher for a free PS3 copy of the game.

Posted by Joystiq Oct 04 2011 04:00 GMT
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What do you get when you combine the Gorton's Fisherman and Killer Clowns from Outer Space? You get our nightmares (obviously) but now you also get this new media for Payday: The Heist. We guess it's been a rough year for the fishing industry.

Posted by IGN Oct 03 2011 22:34 GMT
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Payday: The Heist, a multiplayer downloadable from Overkill Software, has been delayed. Payday was originally scheduled to launch on the U.S. PlayStation Network tomorrow but an official press release has announced that the launch has been moved to later this month...

Posted by PlayStation Blog Oct 03 2011 22:12 GMT
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Word on the street is that to pull off the biggest score, a heist must be planned and outlined to the very last detail with perfect team members, unbeatable weapons and unrecognizable disguises. That being said, SOE & OVERKILL Software need a little more time to assemble the ideal squad and attack strategy for our highly anticipated adrenaline-pumping first person shooter, PAYDAY: The Heist.


With this in mind, SOE and the talented OVERKILL team have decided to push PAYDAY’s official launch day to later in October, ensuring the overall game quality and potential score for all heist team members.

Not a PAYDAY crew member yet and hoping to get in on the loot? SOE has extended PRE-ORDERS – which have been excellent to date – to gather an even larger body of potential crew to co-operate with at launch!

For our established crew members, PAYDAY will still be awarded to those who purchased all four PSN titles in our inaugural PlayStation Network PLAY event, according to the terms of that program.


Your continued loyalty and patience with the game’s further development is very much appreciated, we truly believe your first heist will be worth the wait. SOE recognizes the demand for quality from PlayStation® players and looks to meet this head on with the upcoming launch of PAYDAY: The Heist.

To feed your inner convict until the big day, check out the official PAYDAY: The Heist site for more info:

We’ll meet you all at our set location via the PlayStation Network later this month! Stay tuned for updates!

Posted by Kotaku Sep 23 2011 21:00 GMT
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#payday Payday: The Heist is a first-person cooperative heist game inspired by some of the best in crime cinema. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 13 2011 12:04 GMT
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We forced Dan Gril to wear a clown mask, break into Sony’s HQ, and hold everyone up until they gave us information on Overkill Software’s heist-them-up, Payday. Read on to find out all about the life of crime that awaits.


Posted by PlayStation Blog Aug 19 2011 19:30 GMT
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Sony Online Entertainment’s PSN publishing division is really on fire. As announced yesterday, Rochard, Sideway: New York, and PAYDAY: The Heist are all coming to the PlayStation Network on consecutive weeks this fall. Earlier today, I had the pleasure of a walkthrough of PAYDAY: The Heist with developer Overkill Software.

Here, creative director Simon Viklund explains PAYDAY’s level-up system and customization, and the importance of co-operation in a heist.

Of note: these missions are pretty lengthy. My World Bank playthrough took 28 minutes to complete, though it was with first-timers. Viklund estimates between 15 and 30 minutes of gameplay per playthrough of each of PAYDAY’s six missions.

PAYDAY: The Heist will be available for download on PSN this October 4th for $19.99. That price drops to ZERO if you purchase the rest of the PSN Play lineup. Click here for more info.