Bravely Default Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by GoNintendo Aug 02 2012 17:15 GMT
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- commands include friend summon, fight, ability, brave, default and fle
- friend summon can summon a friend's character into battle to perform a particular move
- get these friend summons through two means: local and internet data transfer with friends or StreetPass
- select "send" from the Friend Summon command menu to use
- select the move you want associated with the summon
- this is the move that your character will perform when another player calls him out into battle
- summon is sent out to all your friends and will also go to strangers via StreetPass
- friend summons that you've gathered can be made stronger
- by using a particular friend summon multiple times, you can raise its "affection" parameter

Posted by GoNintendo Aug 02 2012 03:45 GMT
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- explore a cave filled with monsters
- includes giant beetles and conjurers with owl heads
- Red Mages look like flamenco dancers with frilly shirts accessorized with roses
- Mystic Knights have an Arabian style
- Superstars dress like Elvis Presley impersonators
- if you make Edea a Superstar she gets a bunny costume
- the Superstar is essentially a souped up bard
- Superstar class starts off with a song that restores one BP (brave point) for an ally
- you can "pass" your turn to another attacker who went over the limit and used all of their Brave
- Superstars fight with swords instead of harps
- they can dual wield too
- level up to learn a tune that boosts the entire party’s defense
- also learn Power of Life, a melody that boosts attack
- they have the ability to cut MP cost in half
- the Red Mage has the ability to use white and black magic
- equip a command ability so you can have a Knight that can cast white magic or a Thief that can sing
- you can have three support ability points to select skills like Aspil Sword, which makes your standard attack deal less damage, but absorbs MP
- learn that skill from the Mystic Knight class
- Mystic Knights can enchant their weapons with spells
- this allows you to hit enemies with fira, blizzara or negative status spells like fear with each attack
- when you start with a Mystic Knight, you can only use level two sword magic – poison, silence, and sleepel.
- they also have an innate skill to increase magic damage
- Red Mage has revenge as their class ability, which awards them 1 BP if an enemy strikes them
- Knight has cover which automatically protects allies on low HP
- Freelancer has "Late Bloomer", an ability that increases your character’s strength depending on how many jobs you mastered
- Freelancer can learn an ability to restore an ally’s HP, scan (let’s you see an enemy’s HP and weaknesses), endure (you may survive a fatal attack with 1 HP), and an ability to boost the encounter rate
- the game has a lot of random battles
- possible to finish most fights in 10 seconds
- the Land Turtle blocks you from moving forward
- Knights are a tank class with Chivalry skills that let you ignore an enemy’s defense when you use a physical attack
- they also have support abilities that allow you to equip a sword in both hands or a shield in both hands
- you can double your physical attack strength with the "Both Hands" ability
- dual wielding seems equally as effective
- Superstar can use Overlimit (boosts magic attack damage if your BP is less than 0), Fire Wall (a chance you’ll counterattack with a fire spell), and Aspil Sword

Posted by GoNintendo Jul 30 2012 16:58 GMT
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- due out on August 1st
- called "Job and Ability Volume"
- includes 5 jobs: Knight, Red Mage, Mystic Knight, Freelancer and Super Star
- try out job change, job command setting and ability setting
- Ringabell to appear in the demo's AR movie

More screens here

Posted by GoNintendo Jul 27 2012 08:14 GMT
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- music being handled by Revo
- Revo is the head of the Sound Horizon music team in Japan
- Revo will be creating a special group called Linked Horizon
- this will consist of 54 different musicians
- includes Motoi Sakuraba of Tales, Star Ocean, and Dark Souls fame
- album will include tunes inspired by the world of Bravely Default
- several versions of the Linked Horizon CD being produced
- one is a limited edition with a packed-in DVD
- there's also a Bravely Default-branded version with artwork from the game

Posted by GoNintendo Jul 27 2012 00:04 GMT
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- 4th character is named Ringabel (in Japanese, リングアベル)
- Ringabel is a young man who's lost his memory
- he is traveling the land in the hopes of courting a girl
- he is in possession the "D Notebook," which provides him with prophesies of things to come
- game has a unique summon system
- using Wi-Fi you'll be able to exchange your character with others
- call out characters you've received this way into battle as summons
- 4th demo coming soon

Posted by GoNintendo Jul 23 2012 17:01 GMT
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- limited edition includes a copy of the game, the game's original soundtrack, an art album, an original protect case for 3DS, and a life size AR poster
- latter three items will not be sold separately
- costs ¥12,800
- sold exclusively through the Square Enix e-Shop
- job system is similar to that of Final Fantasy V, but with the element of "cost" added
- this allows for greater customization
- make use of two types of abilities during battle: Job Commands and Support Abilities
- Job Commands are standard commands that the character uses during battle
- Support Abilities are abilities whose effects are automatic without command input
- Job Commands can be set with an ability that you learned when playing as a separate job
- Support Abilities can also be set with support abilities that you learned from another job
- Support Abilities use a cost system
- freely set support abilities, regardless of their originating job, as long as you stay within cost
- earn new abilities when your job level rises
- this happens as you defeat enemies and acquire "JP" (Job Points)
- jobs can be raised up to 10 levels
- character engage in skits where they discuss current story progression, character details and stats
- this is called Party Chat, which can be activated when you see the icon pop up

More screens here
Link, Link

Posted by GoNintendo Jul 03 2012 04:14 GMT
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- only one save file
- this has something to do with the game's wireless features
- random encounters
- the fourth male character who has yet to be identified is scenario writer Naotaka Hayashi's favorite
- the game's name will make more sense once you finish the game
- the graphics are based off the character's job, but some special accessories will be displayed on your character
- most of the events have voices
- the main characters have a massive amount of voice

Posted by GoNintendo Jun 28 2012 09:37 GMT
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- battle system similar to Final Fantasy III
- includes "brave" and "default" commands
- use "default" and Tiz will skip his turn to stock one BP
- choose "brave" to use up one BP and get an extra turn for each BP you have
- hold up a maximum of three BP and unleash four attacks (your regular turn + 3 BP turns) in a row
- you can dip into *negative* BP
- you can take four turns in a row as your first move
- if you defeat the enemy, all is fine
- if any enemies remain after your fourth turn, you have to wait 3 turns to attack again
- you can have Tiz use four attacks in a row, but only have Edea use her regular turn
- if this doesn't destroy all enemies, Tiz will be frozen, but you can still call Edea
- game rewards players who complete battles in one turn with a bonus
- another bonus for finishing a fight without taking damage
- job system includes knight, monk, white mage or black mage
- make your job decision, then Ominous Crow summons a pack of wolves to attack
- white mage spells include cure and poisona
- black mage elemental spells include fire, blizzard, and thunder
- finish this battle quickly to receive potions, experience points and job point
– Ominous Crow sends out a second wave of enemies inlcude two wolves, two goblins, and a sword goblin
- monsters also use the brave & default system
- in the third battle, Ominous Crow makes a group of three zombies appear
- zombies can attack with poisonous claws
- zombies are weak against fire
- Ominous Crow then threatens to call out Bahamut, but instead jumps into the fight himself
- Ominous sometimes attacks with 4 spells in a row
- the knight is a damage absorber and can use a smite skill to attack plus give him or her a defense boost
- Monks have a charge up skill that increases their attack, but it can backfire resulting in damage
- 4th demo on the way

Posted by GoNintendo Jun 27 2012 02:15 GMT
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- due out on October 11th
- ¥6,090 price point
- "Collectors Edition" version of the game for release exclusively through the Square Enix e-Shop
- 12,000 yen pack includes the game, the first print run of the game's original soundtrack, an art album, an original protect case for the 3DS, and life-size AR poster
- latter three items will not be sold separately

Posted by GoNintendo Jun 25 2012 17:22 GMT
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- 3rd demo to be made available this week
- will feature the game’s battle system
- try out two of the four available jobs
- also test the “Brave & Default” system
- includes a new augmented reality movie
- this movie will feature Edea Lee, the heroine
- hits on June 27th

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 22 2012 20:49 GMT
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Journey to the land of Luxemdarc as the Warrior of Light in Bravely Default Flying Fairy.

Posted by GoNintendo Jun 19 2012 17:16 GMT
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- music by Sound Horizon's Revo
- includes a side project called Linked Horizon
- this project includes a series of original songs that are based off the Bravely Default music and are linked with the Bravely Defaut world view
- first single in the project will be released on August 22, priced ¥1,20
- single includes a serial code for special equipment for your character
- full Bravely Default Flying Fairy Original Soundtrack will be released around the same time as the game

Posted by GoNintendo Jun 09 2012 15:23 GMT
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- another demo released shortly
- contains an AR movie
- try the game's battle system for the first time
- als try out the job change system
- Lee Edea is a fifteen year old girl from Eternia
- she's filled with a sense of justice
- Lee Edea was raised in a tough household and meets Anies while on a mission for the Eternia army
- Eternia is the nation that wants to apprehend Anies
- this was among Edea's tasks, but it seems that she'll end up supporting Anies and Tiz.
- Edea can change her job like the other characters
- features a new system that makes use of turns

Posted by GoNintendo May 22 2012 18:00 GMT
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- 60 to 70 hours of play
- this is the time it will take you to get to the credits
- fully completing the title takes longer
- AR-based content takes up 1% of the game
- features summons with elaborate visualizations
- probably won't see a special themed 3DS alongside release

Posted by GoNintendo May 11 2012 08:34 GMT
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- Knight: Excels in offense and defense and acts as a shield for the party.
- Monk: These hand to hand specialists have fists that can break stone.
- White Mage: In addition to recovering HP, White Mages have attack spells like Holy.
- Black Mage: Black Mages are masters of destructive magic.
- Argent Heinkel: This level headed knight is the commander of the Eternia Air Force.
- Bearing Out: A monk who brags about his "steel body" and steers the airship.
- Holy White: As the squad’s white mage she heals the group and controls the airship’s bridge.
- Ominous Crowe: The group’s black mage who butts heads with Holy White.

Posted by GoNintendo May 11 2012 01:42 GMT
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- jobs include Knight, Monk, Black Mage and White Mage
- new jobs and other jobs to be revealed later
- people use a special item called an "Astarisk" to change jobs
- this includes the Eternia air force
- the four members shown are Holy White (white mage), Ominous Kurou (black mage), Bearing Out (monk) and and Argent Hainkel (knight)