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Posted by GoNintendo Oct 11 2012 04:09 GMT
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- gather five beast livers for one of the townspeople
- earn these by defeating Panthers and White Caits
- all of the jobs start off at level one, but level up really fast
- the first townsfolk quest takes fifteen minutes
- others take a couple of hours
- clearing these quests gives the wanderer better items to sell
- the wanderer is an adventurer who acts as a save point and mid-dungeon item store
- another villager asks you to bring back seven devil tails
- defeat Imps to get these
- Imps only appear at night
- Imps are more vicious than other enemies since they use drain magic to steal HP and cast fear
- some Imps are paired with Venom Snakes, which can inflict poison
- features Ninja, Venus/Valkyrie, and Sword Master classes
- Valkyrie/Venus looks like Bravely Default’s Dragoon
- this class starts off with the Jump ability
- after you level him up you get Crescent Moon, an attack that hits all of the enemies on screen
- Jump and Crescent Moon consume BP (brave points) instead of magic points
- can't double jump, but you can use Crescent Moon twice
- this drops your Brave to –3, which means you have to wait *three* turns until you can attack again
- using Crescent Moon twice usually kills all of the enemies
- this will win the battle with a bonus for finishing within one turn
- Valkyrie/Venus also get an attack boost if a character dies in battle
- Ninja is an evasive class
- Ninjas start off with an ability that gives you a 100% chance to evade one physical attack
- next two skills: one grants a counterattack after evading and the other gives your character an attack boost if you evade
- Sword Master has an innate ability to counterattack
- first battle skill boosts the amount of damage a counterattack deals
- also get an ability to cleave an enemy’s BP which can prevent them from attacking

Posted by GoNintendo Oct 05 2012 12:19 GMT
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General of Etarunia Dukedom (Job: Holy Knight) – Idea’s father and the Dukedom General who put the Council of Six together in a resolute manner. Voiced by Takehito Koyasu.

Anazel (Job: Dark Knight) – The trusty subordinate of Etarunia. He is an orphan, but the General saw talent in him and appointed him to the Council of Six. He wears a mask of darkness, so no one has seen his face.

Dr. Victor (Job: Monk) – Doctor studying white magic in Etarunia Dukedom. He is uncommonly gifted in white magic, and he became the dukedom chief of medical technology at a young age. He follows Victoria (detailed next) like a butler. Voiced by Daisuke Ono.

Victoria (Job: Magician) – A little girl endowed with outstanding magic and intelligence. Contrary to her appearance, she speaks like an old person. Due to her unstable emotions and physical condition, she constantly relies on Victor’s medical treatments. Voiced by Tani Kanon.

Posted by GoNintendo Oct 02 2012 22:36 GMT
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- latest demo features town area, world map, and the ability to save your game
- also includes StreetPass
- opening cut scene shows the village of Norwend getting destroyed
- this gives Tiz the motivation to embark on a quest
- option of trying to rebuild Norwend through StreetPass functionality
- build up the economy of the town by using the StreetPassed people to make weapons, clear out dilapidated areas of town, or open up shops
- use touch screen to check in on areas that need to be fixed up
- touch those areas to see how much time (in real time) it will take your StreetPassed characters to accomplish their goa
- some of the rebuilding requires certain items to complete
- battle enemies, choose jobs and abilities, purchase and sell weapons and more
- town features enormous windmills with a giant clock in the middle of the town

Posted by GoNintendo Oct 02 2012 22:19 GMT
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- Prometheus’ Fire makes a fire breathing train appear
- Ziusudra’s Sin summons a woman-like figure that floods the screen with water
- Hraesvelgr transforms from an airplane into a bird-like creature that hits all enemies with a wind attack
- Girtablilu is a giant scorpion that makes the earth shake when it slams both of its claws into the ground
- Deus Ex is a giant machine that builds up electric energy and shoots lightning

Posted by GoNintendo Sep 28 2012 05:09 GMT
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- Atsushi Okubo, the author of the manga Soul Eater, designed the character Einherjer Venus, as well as the Valkyrie job costumes
- Hideki Ishikawa, an illustrator who has worked on various card games including Lord of Vermillion Re:2, designed the character Nikosguy Boritori, as well as the merchant job costumes
- Makoto Tsuchibayashi, the character designer and illustrator for Capcoms’s Sengoku Basara series, designed the character Kami Izumi, as well as the Swordmaster job costumes.
- Foo Midori, a freelance illustrator on various online games and light novels, designed the character Kada, as well as the herbalist job costumes.
- Take, the character designer on Katanagatari, designed the character Victoria, as well as the magus job costumes
- General of Eternia will be voiced by Takehito Koyasu
- he is Idea Lee’s father, and one of the supporters of the anti-crystal movement
- Anazel is mysterious masked knight serving under the general
- his true identity and voice actor is unknown
- two characters supporting the general is Doctor Victor (Daisuke Ono), the lead researching on White Magic in the land, and his companion Victoria (Kanon Tani), a witch who is both emotionally and physically unstable
- Holy Knight job increases the BP limit
- Dark Knight job alters the attack power based on the amount of HP available
- Devout job can increase the effectiveness of healing magic based on the highest BP available
- Magus job has the highest attack magic power among all the jobs
- Paladin can increase the maximum number of brave points
- brave points allow you to do successive attacks during battle

Posted by GoNintendo Sep 25 2012 20:12 GMT
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The following comes from Square Enix producer Tomoya Asano and Naotaka Hayashi...

- collaboration between the two wasn’t originally planned
- when Asano was looking for a writer to work on his new project, one of his colleagues recommended Steins;Gate to him
- Asano wants Bravely Default to be “the new epic RPG from Square Enix”
- three pillars of an RPG are the battles, the plot, and growth
- Bravely Default has a fourth pillar—its wireless capabilities
- to Asano, what could possibly be more epic than playing a grand story with a whole group of people, all working toward the same goal?
- use StreetPass to summon friends in battle
- use Abilink to borrow job abilities from your friends
- if Person A raises a Knight, and Person B raises a Magician, then they can trade abilities such that A could have a more powerful Magician and B would have a more powerful Knight
- these characters start out at a low level when you use them,
- they will have the new skills
- this allows you to use them in battle quicker and easier
- Hayashi placed special emphasis on not only creating relatable characters, but also on creating a relatable world
- the world would have to be firmly set, with its own history, and it would resonate with our own despite being completely different from it
- characters, NPC and main characters would be as lively and as fun as possible
- Hayashi says he paid special attention to the phrasing and wording of each of the characters’ lines
- he also paid particular attention to the balance between story and freedom
- Bravely Default was to be a completely new, but “nostalgic” RPG
- both drew inspiration from the older role-playing games they’d played as children
- game systems back then were uncomplicated, battles were simple, you didn’t have to sit through lines and lines of tutorial or manuals to be able to play the game
- Brave and Default system unique to the game would have to be easy to use
- allows you to input a bunch of commands at once to be used all in one turn
- Brave command would be for offense, and the Default would be defense.
- players won’t get far before they realize that strategy is extremely important
- designed so that players could easily use the system to suit their playing style
- Asano used the game’s demo as a sort of beta test
- suggestions from players were used to make improvements
- improvements include speeding up the battle movement, speeding up the walking through towns, the ability to skip through the text, and removing as many camera angle changes as possible
- this input not only bettered the game, but also increased the players’ faith in it
- felt that all the opinions along the way would make for an even better game—one step closer to their goal of creating a truly “epic” RPG

Posted by GoNintendo Sep 24 2012 21:25 GMT
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- key features of the gameplay system include the four-character setup and the job system.
- gameplay and writing were worked on together
- goal was to create characters—even villains—that would be loved
- dialogue would be lively and interesting
- game’s world would be crafted to create as interesting a setup as the characters needed
- each of the four main characters in Bravely Default is intricately linked to a key aspect of both the game and the plot
- one of goals of Tiz is to rebuild a village
- using StreetPass, you can recruit more and more villagers to your village
- they can all help with the rebuilding
- two villagers would cut the time in half
- Agnes is the girl who appeared in the original AR demo
- she is searching for the four crystals
- she is also the one most connected to the main plot of the game
- Edea, who is the daughter of one of the villains, is in charge of the sub-quests and the job class system
- Lingabel is an amnesiac boy who keeps a memo that has events from the future written in it
- the memo can be read at any time during the game.

Posted by GoNintendo Sep 19 2012 17:17 GMT
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- 9 weapon types
- Multiple finishing moves per weapon type
- Effects of finishing moves (which can be customized) stack
- Each character has a unique theme which plays after using a finishing move
- Send characters to other people by Street Pass or over the Internet
- Nolende Village takes 1000 hours to rebuild; increasing the population will reduce this time
- Increase the villages population via Street Pass or by using the internet
- A shop in Nolende Village lets you buy parts to customize finishing moves
- Abilities gained via abilink are less powerful and require higher cost
- "Fear" status ailment prevents Braving and Defaulting
- Some bosses have huge amounts of HP
- Dark Knight job shown, looks like FF4 Dark Knight Cecil
- Dark Knight's skills can use up HP; you can inflict status effects on yourself to increase abilities
- Onion Knight costume shown for Tiz; obtained via FaceBook
- Planning more costumes, some to be distributed via Twitter
- 46 tracks in the game, with 10 being battle tunes
- Collaboration weapon with Dengeki; a lance
- The first RPG Asano ever passed was FF3. Ironically, he was in charge of the FF3 remake on the DS. Also worked on Four Warriors of Light and the FF4 remake.
- Hayashi (Mages) worked on the scenario. Used to work at KID. Worked on the scenario for Stein's Gate.
- Asano first said to Hayashi he wanted him to create characters you could fall in love with.
- The 'base' idea of the game was four characters who had changable jobs.
- They focused on creating characters who had good interactions with each other, and a balance of personalities and how to show the drama between them and the "bad guys".
- The main character's motivation is to restore her hometown.
- For example, say it takes 1,000 hours to restore it with one person, 500 with two, 250 with four and so on, where the additional villagers are collected through StreetPass. The main character is the one who bears the communication functions.
- One of the heroines is the daughter of bad characters.
- The notebook held by Ringabel can be read by the player at any time. It contains information on the future.
- The game (scenario, characters) has a nostalgic feeling of older style RPGs.
- Abi-Link system; can use friends higher-leveled character's abilities for a time.
- Can connect the game online for those living in regions where StreetPasses are uncommon.
- Core-concept: "A single player RPG that you play together"
- Quests, like item collections, don't make up the main part of the game, like the 5th demo.
- Order of learning abilities is different too.
- Changing the game based on feedback from the demo was based on seeing how social games are improved on after release with feedback from players.
- Team worked hard to increase the battle speed, but Asano recognises it will still not please everyone.
- Asano feels the pressure because of the expectations with this being a SE RPG.
- No problems picking the battle system up for FF or DQ fans.
- Been in-dev (since planning) for about 2 years.

Iwata: Listening to what you've said I've found it unusual that you've thought so logically about the roles and functions (of characters) and how you can bring them life. Usually, when one thinks of Square Enix it's easy to think of pretty graphics, and the idea that a characters visual image comes first more often than not. But to answer the question "Why are RPG's interesting?" with the logical analysis of "They're fun because of the wonderful construction of the features and scenario" at its root, and for the both of you to focus from there from the beginning of development, I feel may be the source of this games individuality.

Iwata: The average feeling is that "demo versions let you enjoy the beginning of the full version" in most cases, but that isn't the case this time, right?

Asano: Yes. Instead of cutting out a portion of the full version for a demo, we've purposely had them lack story, focusing on the gameplay. Even if you earned levels and money, it's not fun if you have to play through the same area again, so we wanted the story to be something you experience freshly in the full version.

Iwata: This time, via the demoes, you engaged in catchball with the players. Answering opinions from players with "We'll do this next time", comunicating along the way, I thought "this is something that can only be done in this day and age", but was that way of developing your idea?

Asano: Yes, it was.

Iwata: What led you to come to that idea?

Asano: Actually, I sit close to someone working on a social game, and seeing that was the beginning. After being released social games are constantly having their quality improved based on players reactions. That's why I thought "can we introduce even a little of that development formats good points into ours?"

Asano: It's be about 2 years since we started planning, and it was a long 2 years (laughs). However, it was a chance to create a new Oudou RPG, and the effort for the AR, the many demoes and the catchball with the players, I feel we've done our best. That's why even though the release is a little scary, it's also exciting.

Posted by GoNintendo Sep 18 2012 18:53 GMT
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Dark Knight

- has abilities that consume HP
- get a parameter boost each time they take damage
- use the Death Sentence skill on yourself for a huge parameter boost
- collaboration content, such as a weapon you can get with the next issue of Dengeki Online
- magazine will include a serial code users can redeem for an in-game item

Posted by GoNintendo Sep 10 2012 17:03 GMT
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This is the final demo Japan will receive for Bravely Default: Flying Fairy. Mechanics like Friend Summons, the Noruwend Village Recovery system and Abilink will be included. With this demo added, all previous demos will be yanked.

Posted by GoNintendo Aug 17 2012 17:22 GMT
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- includes valkyrie, summon master and hunter jobs
- features a wireless system called "Abilink"
- system will help with strengthening your characters
- Blood Rose is a special forces group within the army
- the group consists of four members: Einferia Venus, Meferia Venus, Altemis Venus and Fore Derose
- first three girls are sisters
- Einferia, the eldest, learned from the same teacher as one of the main characters, Idea
- her little sisters will not listen to anyone
- the fourth character puts on the appearance of a bum walking around the streets, but he's actually leader of the Blood Rose group

Posted by GoNintendo Aug 07 2012 17:20 GMT
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- you can skip the animations for summon spells
- new jobs include Valkyrie, Ninja and Summoner
- game will offer a variety of methods for recovering your BP
- hit count during attacks is determined by your job's level
- 5th demo confirmed
- this will be the last demo
- some content from this demo can be carried over to the final game

Posted by GoNintendo Aug 06 2012 19:51 GMT
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- game includes "Orthodox Knight" equipment for heroine Anies
- buy the soundtrack to get a Suppin job outfi
- buy the game's theme song single from Linked Horizon to get "Noble Composer" equipment for Ringabel
- latter two items can be downloaded through December 13th
- afterwards anyone will be able to download them when they've reached a certain point in the game
- expect additional character equipment and outfit downloads