Loadout Message Board

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Posted by IGN Mar 21 2014 17:39 GMT
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Here are the basic rules to Hardpoint Domination, along with some loadout and play style tips.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 11 2014 19:00 GMT
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It’s time to look at Loadout, the cartoonish free to play arena shooter. What manner of computer japes might be had within?

Let’s see wot I think, below. … [visit site to read more]

Posted by Joystiq Mar 01 2014 21:30 GMT
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Loadout developer Edge of Reality announced yesterday that the build-what-you-want, shoot-everyone-in-sight game had more than 2 million accounts get locked 'n' loaded - that's "created" in layman's terms - in the short span of two weeks.

Note that this is 2 million accounts, not necessarily 2 million players. Nonetheless, it's an impressive figure for the free-to-play shooter. After all, those who signed up for Loadout's mayhem have logged more than 9 million hours since its release on January 31. That's a lot of bullets no matter which way you shoot it. [Image: Edge of Reality]

Posted by Giant Bomb Feb 11 2014 14:00 GMT
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Brad customizes his guns and checks out some sick skins only to have them peeled from his flesh.

Posted by Joystiq Jan 21 2014 00:30 GMT
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Loadout's key feature may be its massive abundance of player-crafted guns, but as this developer-led walkthrough of the "Annihilation" gametype demonstrates, the game delivers more than just mix-and-match boomsticks - it also offers helpful butt syringes.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jan 17 2014 11:00 GMT
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Loadout is one of those mangun shootythorpes we see far too many of these days, but of those sorts of games it looks like a rather nice standout. The style is eye-catchingly cartoony, the humor is zany, and an emphasis on weapon customization means there’s apparently a possible 44 billion gun combinations. It’s not quite Borderlands… or maybe it is since 87 bazillion is a made-up number. I don’t know. Bottom line: that’s a lot of guns, and Loadout has personality to back them up. It’s about to go from Early Access to final release, too, so soon you won’t have to pay a single sent to try it out.


Posted by IGN Sep 05 2013 21:21 GMT
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Tensions run high as Alfredo forces an opposing team to quit.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 15 2013 18:00 GMT
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The last time Valve updated their list of Steam Early Access games they somehow managed to switch off all the Press accounts. That was the worst hour of my life, let me tell you. This time around, with the addition of free-to-play cartoon shooter Loadout to the raft of in-development games on Steam, I cautiously looked at my library. Everything was there! Though when I downloaded Loadout nothing was actually installed. I just have a DirectX folder, not a game that promises billions of weapon and gloopy violence. Still, baby steps and all that. Having something installed is better than having my livelihood taken away from me. Until Valve fixes this second egregious assault on my Steam library, I’ll just have a stare at this trailer.(more…)

Posted by IGN Mar 27 2013 03:24 GMT
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IGN details the basic info that you need to know going into BioShock Infinite. From basic survival tips to optimal gear loadouts, these are the basics every beginner needs to know before sending Booker DeWitt on his journey to save Elizabeth.

Posted by IGN Jan 02 2013 22:00 GMT
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This episode is for the unsung heroes of Black Ops 2; a crucial part of winning teams. Come find out what a good Support Class can add to your armaments.

Posted by IGN Dec 13 2012 03:15 GMT
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Want to dominate with submachine guns? Here's a special loadout for players who like to charge into a fight with surgical precision.

Posted by Joystiq Sep 05 2012 11:33 GMT
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If there's still any question in your mind that we're in the middle of a free-to-play trend, you can put it to rest right now: Most of the PAX show floor was taken up by indie titles currently in a closed beta, and heading towards a free-to-play "open beta release" later on this year. Firefall might be the highest profile of these, but Loadout, I think, deserves a spot right along Red 5's well-known title.

The game's being developed by Edge of Reality, an Austin-based developer that has been making ports (including console versions of Dragon Age: Origins) and doing contract work for over ten years now. Loadout is the studio's first original title, which means the team is finally applying its knowledge and experience to something it directly owns.

It shows in the game's current polish, even before the full beta launch: The graphics are fun and flashy, with really excellent touches in the controls and animation. It shows in team balance and mode choices, which are generally similar to Team Fortress 2 and other team-based shooters, but with some nice original flairs. And it shows most in the core mechanic, a custom weapon-building system that offers a lot of impressive possibilities for creating a gun that's entirely your own.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 05 2012 14:51 GMT
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While I doubt there’s a game out there that will ever match a certain cartoon shooter’s hold on me, I will pop into any example of that particular niche and have a nosey, asking hard questions like: ‘Why is this not TF2?’, ‘Has anyone played TF2?’, and ‘I have a hat in TF2, do you?’ Loadout is not TF2, but it’s not it in the best possible way: it’s cartoonish, but with a level of violence that makes even an animated death connoisseur like me look around and hope people haven’t spotted me giggling at it. The trailer below has some examples of the implausible bodily harm you can wreak (38 seconds in is just eww), and a peek into the heavy customisation options: you can build your own character and roll your own guns.(more…)

Posted by IGN Mar 02 2012 22:57 GMT
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2012 is flush with free-to-play PC games. Don't believe us? Check out our free-to-play wiki, which now includes the recently announced shooter Loadout. Watch the Announcement Trailer Loadout is a third-person shooter, with cartoony graphics and brutal kills. The big appeal is unlocking new item...