Double Dragon: Neon Message Board

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Posted by Joystiq Jan 08 2014 17:00 GMT
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Publisher Majesco announced that it will bring WayForward's arcade-style brawler Double Dragon: Neon and Blue Isle Studios' first-person horror game Slender: The Arrival to new platforms in the first quarter of this year under its Midnight City indie label.

Double Dragon: Neon is set to hit Steam with a new online co-op mode -- a key feature that was missing from its previous PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 ports. Slender: The Arrival will boast new post-game flashback levels when it debuts for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 as a digital release this quarter, and developer Blue Isle Studios plans to patch the PC and Steam versions of the game to add the new console content once it's available.

Midnight City's lineup also outs the upcoming launch of Krautscape, a tactical racing game due for a Windows PC release via Steam later this quarter.

Posted by Giant Bomb Oct 02 2012 16:00 GMT
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Think Double Dragon needed more chest bumps and air guitars? Then Jeff and Ryan have the game for you!

Posted by IGN Sep 25 2012 19:54 GMT
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Check out the awesome abilities of Billy and Jimmy as they battle Skullmageddeon to save Marian.

Posted by Joystiq Sep 12 2012 18:00 GMT
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Dave totally freaked out about Double Dragon Neon's soundtrack in his review, going as far as to deem it his favorite part of the game. It's true, the music has some real crunk beats. It's a mega jam of 80s happening hip, and we happen to think it's boss.

So how radical is it that its composer, Jake Kaufman, just made the entire soundtrack available for free? Yes, it's very awesome radical.

All 45 tracks from the PSN/XBLA game can be found on Kaufman's site. While they can be downloaded at no cost, it would be hella bunk of us to not say that you can send some money Jake's way by naming your price. Fresh!

Posted by Joystiq Sep 10 2012 21:30 GMT
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Developer WayForward Technologies has been able to carve out a niche for itself in the gaming industry through its careful reboots of select series. A Boy and His Blob, Contra 4, BloodRayne: Betrayal and now Double Dragon Neon show the developer's knack for paying respect to the source material, while simultaneously updating it with interesting new gameplay mechanics and systems.

Double Dragon Neon is yet another jewel in WayForward's crown, unmistakably a Double Dragon game but with just the right amount of new flavor to make it something distinct, all wrapped in a brilliant '80s motif. Neon, for those who don't know, was so bad to the bone in the '80s.

Posted by Joystiq Sep 10 2012 20:30 GMT
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If you're a PlayStation Plus member in North America, high five!

Is what you'll do in Double Dragon Neon, which will be available to you tomorrow at no additional cost. Double Dragon Neon joins the "Instant Game Collection" when the PlayStation Store updates at some point, along with another recent brawler, the wonderful Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, which will soon be playable online through DLC.

In addition, PlayStation Plus users have the first crack at Jet Set Radio, and even get to save a dollar when checking it out. It's out a week early on PlayStation Plus for $8.99.

Posted by IGN Sep 04 2012 20:25 GMT
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New footage of Billy and Jimmy beating up bad guys set to one of Double Dragon: Neon's glorious falsetto-driven, synth-rock odes to the acid-washed Eighties.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Aug 31 2012 20:07 GMT
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After 25 years, the original beat ‘em up is bringing pure over-the-top baditude to PSN. In Double Dragon Neon, Billy and Jimmy are kicking butts and taking names as they search for their girlfriend Marian (she seems to have a habit of getting kidnapped). This time, her disappearance is at the hands of the supernatural scourge, Skullmageddon! Face off against a gaggle of goons, some familiar (Williams, Linda, and Abobo, of course!) and some that are absolutely out of this world.


DDN also features 2 player “Bro-Op”, so grab a bro and bring the true power of the Double Dragon to the evil forces that have once again incurred your wrath. Don’t forget to pick up songs along the way for your Mix-Tape, which holds your special powers and upgrades. There are also killer team-up moves, enemy juggling… and some secrets that I won’t spoil here.

Pick up Double Dragon Neon on PSN for $9.99. Oh, and if you’re a PlayStation Plus member, you’ll be able to grab the game for free until January! Pretty sweet, huh?


Push it to the limit in this fresh take on the classic Double Dragon series, coming this September!

Posted by Joystiq Jul 20 2012 16:00 GMT
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Double Dragon Neon is coming, y'all. Who's gonna stop the Lee brothers as they punch and kick everyone on their neverending path to destroy Abobo Corp.? No one, that's who! Okay, we just made up like, all of that story stuff. But still!

Posted by Kotaku Jul 19 2012 02:30 GMT
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#blip We're circumspect that a console do-over of Double Dragon could have the same appeal as the quarter-sucking vacuum cleaner that lined arcade walls in the 1980s. The air-guitaring at a stage's end seems to be a bit much. But Double Dragon Neon will get its shot anyway come Sept. 11. Majesco said the game releases that day on PlayStation Network and then Sept. 12 on Xbox Live Arcade. Price is $9.99/800 Microsoft points. More »

Posted by Joystiq Jul 18 2012 21:30 GMT
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Double Dragon Neon, Wayforward's hilariously, garishly '80s-inspired brawler update, will bring Abobo to a new generation starting September 11, when publisher Majesco releases the game on PS3 in North America via PlayStation Network. The other half of the release date high five will take place the next day, when the XBLA version arrives, according to a post on the game's Facebook page. It'll cost $9.99.

Double Dragon Neon is a new game that riffs on the style of the original Double Dragon, featuring "mixtape" powerups and multiplayer "bro-op," a pun that is acceptable because the protagonists are literally brothers.

Posted by Joystiq Apr 11 2012 13:00 GMT
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The first time I laid my hands on Double Dragon Neon, I was not impressed. The bright '80s colors weren't doing it for me. The character models for protagonists Jimmy and Billy looked hunched and unnatural. Their attacks were stilted and limited. The enemy designs were silly and altogether over the top.

The second time I played it, however, I slipped on a pair of headphones and something happened. The classic Double Dragon music washed over me, reworked with 80s synth and electric guitar, and I saw something I hadn't noticed before: potential.

Posted by Kotaku Apr 06 2012 05:50 GMT
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#doubledragon Wayforward's upcoming Double Dragon: Neon has its first gameplay trailer. More »

Posted by IGN Apr 05 2012 19:42 GMT
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Yesterday, we broke the news that WayForward Technologies was teaming up with Majesco to bring a reboot of the beloved Double Dragon franchise to Xbox LIVE Arcade and PlayStation Network this summer. Today, we speak with WayForward's Sean Velasco, lead designer on Double Dragon Neon, to pick his brain about the recently announced game...

Posted by Kotaku Apr 05 2012 15:45 GMT
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Developer Wayforward (A Boy and His Blob) will revitalize the old-school brawler with Double Dragon: Neon, to be released digitally on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 this summer. You'll also be able to play it at PAX East this weekend. More »

Posted by IGN Apr 04 2012 16:02 GMT
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Already showing some chops in the old-school department with their work on Shantae and Contra 4, developer Wayforward Technologies revealed that they are working with Majesco to bring an updated take on the classic side-scroller Double Dragon to Xbox LIVE Arcade and PlayStation Network. Double Dragon: Neon is an aptly-named 80s style reboot of the beloved franchise and is scheduled to release this July...