Borrowing the idea from Francis's "Your Creation of the Week" contest. In an attempt to revive the digital butterfly section, and bring it back to the glory it had when the site started out, I have decided to create
this thread, where the week's best butterfly is shown on the first post. Here are the rules-
1. Post your nominations in this thread.
2. The butterfly must be rare. (In other words, it must be user-created; use photoshop, paint, or whatever to make it. You can use other images to create your butterfly; for example, my "politicalflys" would count.)
3. It must be a butterfly. (Obviously. So, that means the "anything with wings rule" doesn't apply here. Sorry. The rules are still pretty loose, however, as my "politicalflys" would count. Just make sure it's a butterfly, and not something that's obviously
not a butterfly (Like a dragon, for instance.))
Post your schweet pics- the nominations will constantly continue. The winning butterfly for this week will remain on the first post for a week, while nominations for the next week's butterfly are made.
The current prize is an item from my shop called the "Butterfly-Trophy." The prize will surely change in the weeks ahead. So, let's get to the nominations.
Butterfly of the Week: