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Lord Crump older than one year ago

to post
Gender roles, gender identities, the concepts of masculine and feminine; they are all mere examples of conformism. You may think there are certain ways that males or females should think, dress or act, but why is that?
Is it because you logically concluded that there are certain ways the sexes should behave? Or is it because you are merely conforming to the conservative views of an ignorant society and flawed culture? It is disgusting to think that some people still ...
posted by Lord Crump Dec 31 2009 05:45 GMT in Serious Bizness
If you actively engage in either trying to be or not be like someone or something you are conforming to a standard. The only way to not conform is to not care about anything at all. Everyone exhibits traits of "conforming" therefore we are all conformists. Even you Crump, with your hippie liberal agenda I don't give a *crag* about.
Opinion of Avatar
The film is *crag*ing amazing, and it is a true milestone in the history of film. It will be remembered for decades. With that said, yeah, the plot isn't exactly original; if someone were to call it a cross between Dances with Wolves and Ferngully in s...
posted by Lord Crump Dec 29 2009 04:07 GMT in Movies
Fallen Shade
It still looks like your everyday typical hollywood trash to me
This is quite possibly the best game of 2009 and you should all play it if and when you get the chance.
posted by Lord Crump Dec 28 2009 17:27 GMT in Flower
Lord Crump
not to mention one of the most relaxing gaming experiences out there
herp derp
posted by Lord Crump Dec 24 2009 23:31 GMT in Bidoof
Tails Doll
Why the hell did you post that Francis.
Cat Hairballs
posted by Lord Crump Dec 24 2009 17:10 GMT in Epic Santa's Epic Christmas 2009
Lord Crump
Almost as, but not quite as good as, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wK6uuZkT2qw
Christmas Classics
posted by Lord Crump Dec 24 2009 04:08 GMT
hey remember this
posted by Lord Crump Dec 10 2009 21:37 GMT in Epic Santa's Epic Christmas 2009

Anyone who doesn't remember this should gleefully walk into a truck.


That's moving at full speed.


On a cliff.

The Christmas Thread
What Christmas stuff are you looking forward to
posted by Lord Crump Dec 15 2009 13:43 GMT in Epic Santa's Epic Christmas 2009
The Return of Bruce Wayne
Pirate Batman? *crag* yes.
posted by Lord Crump Dec 11 2009 13:25 GMT in The Dump
Shit's gonna be EPIC
posted by Lord Crump Dec 11 2009 01:34 GMT in The Dump

"Why do they all look constipated?"

"Shit's gonna be EPIC"

I have the best tree of them all
posted by Lord Crump Dec 10 2009 21:35 GMT
I don't have a tree
Black Lantern Corps
posted by Lord Crump Dec 02 2009 01:04 GMT in The Emotional Spectrum
Lord Crump
Death isn't an emotion, but rather, the lack of emotion. When the universe began, there was nothingness; nothing but darkness, blackness, death. And then the white light of creation filled the universe, and was shattered in to the varying emotions; for life is the complete combination of all these varying emotions, and death is the opposite.
Ask yourself; without emotion, are you really alive? Not in a literal sense, but in a meaningful sense. And that is what the Black Lantern Corps is trying to accomplish: to snuff out all the light and return the universe to an ultimate state of nothingness, for, according to Black Hand, that is the only way order or peace may exist.
I was browsing Deviant Art and found this it suits Agent Orange very well
posted by Lord Crump Dec 03 2009 23:24 GMT in The Emotional Spectrum
I saw Fantastic Mr. Fox last night; film's hilarious, go see it
posted by Lord Crump Nov 26 2009 11:51 GMT in The Dump

I thought it was hilarious. The style is a bit weird at first, but you get used to it.

You know, I've had a link to this site in my sig on another forum for quite some time but I have yet to see any evidence that anyone has taken notice, unfortunately. Goes to show that no matter how much text you cram in to your sig, nobody actually pays...
posted by Lord Crump Dec 03 2009 23:35 GMT in The Dump
.....what'd I miss? *blinks*
Green Lantern Corps
posted by Lord Crump Dec 02 2009 01:03 GMT in The Emotional Spectrum
Lord Crump
no need to get racial here
Lantern Oaths
  In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight Let those who worship evil's might, Beware my power... Green Lantern's light! -Green Lantern Oath   In blackest day, in brightest night, Beware your fears mad...
posted by Lord Crump Dec 03 2009 13:36 GMT in The Emotional Spectrum
Sinestro Corps
posted by Lord Crump Dec 02 2009 00:58 GMT in The Emotional Spectrum
Lord Crump
the green lantern and sinestro corps images were made like that on purpose to show the dynamic contrast between the two
Red Lantern Corps
posted by Lord Crump Dec 02 2009 00:57 GMT in The Emotional Spectrum
Every Lantern Corps needs a cat as a ring-slinger.
Star Sapphires
posted by Lord Crump Dec 02 2009 01:02 GMT in The Emotional Spectrum
Indigo Tribe
posted by Lord Crump Dec 02 2009 01:02 GMT in The Emotional Spectrum
Blue Lantern Corps
posted by Lord Crump Dec 02 2009 01:00 GMT in The Emotional Spectrum
Agent Orange
posted by Lord Crump Dec 02 2009 00:58 GMT in The Emotional Spectrum
Characters you like that everyone else hates
1. Tingle. I don't get what dumbassery caused this guy to be hated. Is it because he's creepy, being a middle-aged guy who wants to be a fairy? Well no shit, that's the point, and it works. That's why I like him; the character perfectly accomplished the "...
posted by Lord Crump Oct 17 2009 15:40 GMT in The Dump
Jar-Jar Binks FTW
posted by Lord Crump Nov 11 2009 12:47 GMT in The Dump
Fallen Shade
I'm with manjew on this one
Delightful discussion about transhumanism
Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: Hey You: Hello Stranger: How are you? You: Meh alright You: Just came back from discussing the practical applications of transhu...
posted by Lord Crump Nov 21 2009 02:51 GMT in Omegle
posted by Lord Crump Nov 21 2009 02:03 GMT in Rocket Knight