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Lord Crump older than one year ago

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Amazing, Underappreciated Music
posted by Lord Crump Nov 20 2009 03:04 GMT in The Dump
Public Safety Announcement
posted by Lord Crump Nov 19 2009 23:57 GMT in The Dump
Terrorist monkey bitches
Holy hell this is awesome
best mock trailer ever
posted by Lord Crump Nov 19 2009 21:09 GMT in The Dump
Lord Crump
Yeah, I'm looking forward to a real trailer; that is, if the Thundercats movie hasn't been cancelled
Post Template Idea
It would be like what we have now, but instead of you unhiding "all replies," there are short previews under the main topic of user replies, and you click on the one you want to view, which drops down so you can see the full reply. This would allow room...
posted by Lord Crump Nov 13 2009 02:02 GMT in Feedback
good god I remember this
  Also: http://www.mediafire.com/?fjw1zcy5otz
mediafire.com posted by Lord Crump Nov 11 2009 23:39 GMT in The Dump
after playing the X-naut one, now I remembered it.
This is the most annoying thing I've ever seen in my life
Feel my rage
posted by Lord Crump Oct 20 2009 12:28 GMT in The Dump
That didn't bother me at all.
Wine Tycoon? It's going a little too far now, methinks
posted by Lord Crump Nov 02 2009 19:24 GMT in Wine Tycoon
oooh. Sounds fun
My Lost Odyssey Review
I finally got around to finishing the damn game and beating the super hard optional uberboss, so I'll take a moment to jot down my thoughts about the game, going in to detail about some of the key elements of the RPG. GAMEPLAY: The game's battle syste...
posted by Lord Crump Nov 01 2009 01:35 GMT in The Dump
People write game reviews, you post them on the front page
yes pleaze?
posted by Lord Crump Nov 01 2009 01:28 GMT in Feedback
So is anyone else interested in this
posted by Lord Crump Oct 22 2009 12:12 GMT in Tekken 6
No. Not at all.
The one thing that pisses me off about this game is that it keeps with the Mario 3-esque "multiple overworlds" instead of using an SMW-esque giant connected overworld; seriously, what is up with that, Nintendo
posted by Lord Crump Oct 21 2009 22:02 GMT in New Super Mario Bros. Wii
It's New Super Mario Bros, which means it places it between SMB1 and SMB3...
which means it would have an overworld similar to and simpler than SMB3
What we need is a New Super Mario World.
posted by Lord Crump Oct 20 2009 00:44 GMT in The Dump
Strong Bad
I don't know why I haven't seen this before
posted by Lord Crump Oct 05 2009 21:10 GMT in The Dump
I laughed at how creepy that was
Epic Mickey is Epic
Warren Spector's take on Disney's beloved mascot looks very Tim Burton-esque, which is a good thing. This game continues to look promising; also, try to find some of the earlier concept art. Creepy yet awesome.
posted by Lord Crump Oct 05 2009 16:49 GMT in Disney Epic Mickey
He's a zombie robot.
Problem solved.
Hey, this game actually looks sorta challenging I'm impressed
posted by Lord Crump Oct 16 2009 01:44 GMT in New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Fallen Shade
No it doesn't, you'll beat it in less than a week and never touch it again
posted by Lord Crump Oct 12 2009 12:09 GMT in Dinosaurs
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Epic pic
posted by Lord Crump Oct 11 2009 13:34 GMT in Final Fantasy XIII
A steampunk musical would be *crag*ing awesome, seeing as the music would be a blend between electronic and orchestral
im bored
posted by Lord Crump Oct 11 2009 15:15 GMT in The Dump
Pliosaurs are the most awesome sea monsters; the only sea monsters as cool as pliosaurs would be basilosaurs. The funny thing about basilosaurs, however, is that they AREN'T EVEN DINOSAURS ISN'T THAT SCARY http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basilosaurus
posted by Lord Crump Oct 11 2009 15:13 GMT in Sea Monsters
Best Remixes Ever
posted by Lord Crump Oct 07 2009 01:47 GMT in The Dump
oh god this brings back memories.
How do you like your wings?
Mild? Medium? Hot? Extra hot? I usually get them hot, but not extremely hot. Like, I want them to have a certain "kick," but I want them to remain enjoyable, as well. I usually experiment with them by dipping them in other sauces, as well; I enjoy the Ma...
posted by Lord Crump Oct 04 2009 23:13 GMT in The Dump
There is a place I go to that does them "Pennsylvania" style. It isn't sauce, but they use a mix of spice that in large quantities can scar your fukcing toungue. Once I couldn't eat hot food for like a week.
What's your evil laugh? Buh! Buh! Buh huh huh!
posted by Lord Crump Sep 16 2009 22:11 GMT in E.V.I.L.
Anime Cliches
Post some pretty obvious anime cliches that piss you off. One of my least favorite ones is the "omg hyper genki girl."
posted by Lord Crump Oct 02 2009 15:15 GMT in The Dump
Yaoi fanfics.
Halloween Banner
Make it happen franis
posted by Lord Crump Oct 02 2009 15:15 GMT in Feedback
What do you identify yourself as?
Socially liberal but fiscally conservative, socially liberal while fiscally liberal, socially conservative but fiscally liberal, or socially conservative while fiscally conservative? If you're not sure where you stand, take the test at politicalcompass.o...
posted by Lord Crump Oct 02 2009 15:20 GMT in Serious Bizness
I could only imagine the back pains that would result from this
posted by Lord Crump Sep 30 2009 18:29 GMT in The Dump
this video more like WATCH MY VIDEO WATCH MY VIDEO WATCH MY VIDEO while a guy causes himself physical pain by swinging an irl BFS