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Lord Crump older than one year ago

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Posted by Lord Crump Mar 28 2010 15:17 GMT in Pokemon HeartGold / SoulSilver
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I named it Gold

Johnny Awesome
Don't trust a ho.

Posted by Lord Crump Mar 28 2010 23:20 GMT in Movies
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I'm not
Lord Crump
watch it, it's good

Posted by Lord Crump Mar 24 2010 01:17 GMT
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Any help would be greatly appreciated

stick it in her pooper

Posted by Lord Crump Mar 19 2010 18:35 GMT in Pokemon HeartGold / SoulSilver
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I named it Silver

no one cares

Posted by Lord Crump Mar 09 2010 17:50 GMT in Final Fantasy XIII
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I'm about 3 hours in as of now. So far, it's all good; it raises the bar for videogame production values, acting as an "Avatar" of sorts for videogames.

As for the linearity, while it is more linear than FFIX and earlier games in the series, honestly, I think people may have been exaggerating, as the level design is no worse than FFX's (And FFX was an awesome game).

The battle system is just as I expected it to be; ATB perfected. This is, without a doubt, one of the most fun and engaging battle systems in the series; it is true that you can only control one character during battles, but that is a minor issue that really doesn't detract from the experience at all.

As for the cutscenes, some people were saying that the game was incredibly heavy with them, calling the game a "movie" of sorts; so far, this seems like bullshit. The game is no more cutscene heavy than FFX was (And FFX was an awesome game). I like the way the game handles cutscenes, as well; the cutscenes are shorter and more scattered around than other games that elect to just put out less, but far longer cutscenes (I'm looking at you, MGS4).

There aren't any towns, but honestly, I can't say that I miss them. Since when did an RPG need "towns," anyway? In some situtations, they just feel too artificial and non-fluid; in a game like FFXIII where you're seen as terrorists and pretty much hated by everyone, honestly, being able to walk around towns and in to random people's houses and shops would be stupid and completely take you out of the game's atmosphere and plot. Having no towns can really add to the atmosphere, as well; in Metroid Prime, there were no friendly NPCs and everything wanted to kill you, which made it feel special. In Demon's Souls, aside from the Nexus and the odd merchant placed here and there, there was little to no human interaction whatsoever (Adding to the overall feeling of hopelessness the game possessed). In FFXIII, you're outlaws being hunted down by an autocratic, highly religious government. It works.

Speaking of plot, so far, the game's narrative and characters (Save for Vanille, who is really starting to piss me the hell off) are far more interesting than XII's. This is a true step up, and a return to form for the series. And that's without mentioning the lore of the world of Coccoon and Pulse; overall, it's a very interesting setting. Let's see if the rest of FFXIII's plot can make the most out of the setting.

So yeah, overall, so far, so good. The way FFXIII is structured, however, brings to mind a theory that I've often considered; that the video RPG genre is slowly going to die as other genres adopt RPG elements and hold better-developed stories, making "true" RPGs harder to distinguish. FFXIII is a more streamlined experience, with a greater focus on combat than some of the previous FF titles in the series, which had the occasional puzzle in addition to combat. Overall, it's a very experimental title (Of course, then again, the FF series is a more experimental series than most other JRPG franchises).

I will probably get it, but I don't consider it the next step in JRPGs. You know what an example of a good RPG is? Persona 4. The Persona series have proved time and again that the classic RPG formula can still work, but Square refuses to listen.
As for the production values, well it's sad to say that it will only get to wear its crown until next week. Then God of War III is going to come in and slice its head off.
Above poster has either only played one Final Fantasy or has never played any of them at all, seeing as he thinks the games are actually related to each-other plotwise.

Posted by Lord Crump Mar 14 2010 00:37 GMT in Pokemon HeartGold / SoulSilver
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holy shit it all makes sense now

Fallen Shade
with a penis ;D
Posted by Lord Crump Mar 13 2010 23:00 GMT in Pokemon HeartGold / SoulSilver
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K, I'll create legit looking Arceus with pokesav and steal your Jirachi.
Lord Crump
but it doesn't unlock the SPECIAL POKEWALKER PATH now does it

Posted by Lord Crump Mar 05 2010 03:11 GMT in The Dump
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You're all fanboys/fangirls of something. Usually, you're not just fans of a single franchise, either; if you're not an extreme, obsessive-compulsive maniac, you're probably a fan of multiple different fictional universes. And if you're like me, you've probably wondered what it would be like if elements of your favorite fictional universes were taken and crammed in to a single awesome game.

For example, my ultimate fangasm fantasy crossover videogame would be a Final Fantasy/Mass Effect/DC Universe crossover game. Your starting playable characters would be Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, the Flash, and Wonder Woman. The plot would go something like this: the Justice League recieves a distress call from the Guardians of the Universe, so they set off in to space to find out what's wrong. Along the way, they confront Garrus Vakarian and Urdnot Wrex from Mass Effect, who are tracking down the missing Commander Shepard.

HOWEVER, the plot thickens. Garrus and Wrex believe that the threat that the Guardians of the Universe are warning about is actually the REAPERS, but in truth, it isn't.


But they aren't the traditional four fiends of chaos, no. They're Kefka, Sephiroth, Golbez and SEYMOUR GUADO. During the climax of the game, the four fiends summon the great demon Chaos who then teams up with Lex Luthor and Darkseid to pose a threat of cosmic proportions, and it's up to the Justice League--now composed of Final Fantasy and Mass Effect characters in addition to the original DC Universe superheroes--to stop this threat once and for all.

So, in summary, it is the greatest idea for a videogame ever and would be totally awesome.

Share your crazy ideas for an ultimate fangasm game that addresses all of your geeky interests here.

...crump what are you smoking
count cannoli
i would say something slightly positive about this, but that would mean leaving the safe areas of digi and entering the dump... wait, where's the safe areas again... ah *crag* i'm lost.
Posted by Lord Crump Mar 04 2010 02:49 GMT in Final Fantasy XIII
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On the 360, it's 18 GB. On the PS3, It's 38 GBs. 360 has a total of 3 disks.
I don't think Yakuza 3 looks all that great, but if that's what you're into.
Posted by Lord Crump Mar 04 2010 02:55 GMT in The Dump
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You are Gordon Freeman, theoretical physicist. You are told by scientists to get an HEV suit and go to the test chamber, which you do. You push a sample from an alien world into a beam thing, but something goes wrong, creating a Resonance Cascade, which gives the various inhabitants of the planet Xen a chance to invade. Your goal is to make it to the surface, fighting your way past headcrabs, the zombies that they make, Vortigaunts, and barnacles. As you progress you encounter a large tentacle thing, which you destroy. As you get nearer to the surface, you find that the military will not help you, and have been dispatched to kill you and everyone in Black Mesa. After this your goal is to reach the Lambda Complex, for some reason. You encounter some alien things, look a bit like large armored vortigaunts. Nothing all too important, except for the ninjas, and you find yourself at the Lambda Complex. You must restore the core to working power, to allow the portals (which you don't have clearance to know about) to function. You get some weapons (which you don't have clearance to know about) from the weapons department (which you don't have clearance to know about) and get the core working. You make your way to the top, and enter the portal to Xen. This part doesn't last long, and you find yourself in the Gonarch's Lair. The Gonarch is sort of a headcrab queen(?). You kill it, and progress. You find a factory, which seems to be in the business of making those armored alien things, and eventually come face to face with the Nihilanth, which is leading the invasion. You kill it, and find yourself on a platform in Xen. G-Man talks to you, explaining how Xen is under control for now, and places you on a tram sort of thing. The G-Man offers you employment, you accept, and await assignment.
Next assignment: Half-Life 2. This whole incident may have attracted attention to Earth, which is why the Combine invaded.

You are Gordon Freeman, interdimensional freelance mute for hire. This is your story <-- All you need to know to play Half-Life 2

Posted by Lord Crump Mar 04 2010 03:02 GMT
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Fallen Shade
you posted to much, it happened to me too
Lord Crump
don't believe a thing he says he's going to DOOM YOU ALL.

Posted by Lord Crump Mar 02 2010 03:09 GMT in Gaming News
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*crag*ing ps3 system clock error

What's been up with that shit anyway? I've seen complaints about it but I still don't know exactly what it is.

Posted by Lord Crump Feb 24 2010 15:07 GMT
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Posted by Lord Crump Feb 22 2010 00:26 GMT
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Fallen Shade
Meowmixer's and Yellow's are the only suggestions that aren't shit in this topic so go with those 2 instead of adding a bunch of smilies nooone are ever going to use.

Posted by Lord Crump Feb 11 2010 19:24 GMT in Comics
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Posted by Lord Crump Feb 02 2010 00:49 GMT in Movies
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who cares
Lord Crump
Some things work better in Comic Books than in Movies, but at least the Nolan Batman films were able to incorporate most of Batman's key characteristics

Posted by Lord Crump Jan 31 2010 17:55 GMT
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hahaha oh wow
Wait when did Boxer Hockey start updating again?

Posted by Lord Crump Jan 15 2010 02:52 GMT in Movies
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a short summary would be that it's about a guy on the moon

Lord Crump
It also has a wonderfully atmospheric soundtrack
Lord Crump
good to see you finally saw it; it was an interesting tale about human nature
Posted by Lord Crump Jan 25 2010 02:11 GMT in Mass Effect 2
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weedlord bonerhitler
ffxiii is to linair its liek a wesstern game squaresoft westernized it so its linair like western rpgs linair so gayyy
Sort of like what MGS3 did, only not third person, and a lot more realistic.
Posted by Lord Crump Jan 17 2010 12:18 GMT in Mass Effect 2
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2 weeks you mean

Posted by Lord Crump Jan 15 2010 20:34 GMT in Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I
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Fallen Shade
Doesn't mean shit crump
Lord Crump
the sonic cycle only holds true if you're a pessimist

Posted by Lord Crump Jan 08 2010 14:54 GMT
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that strange transitioning phase when you're no longer a teenager but you're still too young to legally purchase booze

That's where McLovin comes in, my friend.

I can already buy alcohol at 18, and I was "legal" at 16. I think. Brb, intertubes.

EDIT: Yep, British age of consent is 16. Also, the age of consent in Japan is 13. ._.

Posted by Lord Crump Jan 03 2010 03:57 GMT in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
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Treasures seem to be much harder to find. I just beat it and don't even have half of them yet.
Lord Crump
that's why I'm using a treasure guide on this playthrough; I really only found half on the first run