
digibutter.nerr lite

AuthorMessage (Newest at bottom)
DanganFan Hiyoko2
reply to Watchman Bozzo posted 3 years ago

Do dislikes or likes do anything? It seems the posts are arranged by the most recent comments on posts.

Mr. L Productions

I agree. I just dislike the spams because they deserve it.

Watchman Bozzo

Dislikes make a post less likely to cover up a new one, if they both get commented on.

3 years ago
9I forgot my password lol

Pew pew bang *insert rhyming here*

reply to DanganFan Hiyoko posted 3 years ago

Combat looks fun! maybe? ah!?


I hope...

reply to Shining_Fame posted 3 years ago

Oh heavens! The website has been invaded by an impetuous E Girl! Don't simp for the generic 15 year old

Mr. L Productions
reply to Mr. L Productions posted 3 years ago

27 Hours

Mr. L Productions2
reply to Doo_Liss posted 3 years ago

2 questions! 1) What is a simp? 2) Who is this person?

DarkDivo II1

A simp is someone who "Would do anything for a girl!" and chases women. Instead of finding a real person, they look for girls online and tries to get in a relationship with them and never gives up. The simp pays the E-Girl money and does lots of favors to get the E-Girl to like him. The whole time he was being played because he fell so hard for the girl. Essentially, a simp is a person who is so lustful, they let themself lose their humanity. Remember people, always find a good partner for yourself and enjoy your life with them.

DanganFan Hiyoko3
reply to Tree_5000 posted 3 years ago

Honestly looks fun but I'm kinda worried it could quickly become repetitive and dull and maybe not even worth doing since the only rewards are coins and confetti

Watchman Bozzo

I hope we can buy stuff with coins, other than time during battles. Maybe, the weapons system might work. Hopefully, instead of just "USE YOUR CARD AND PUNCH 'EM" It'll be more like Fire Emblem with different weapons of different types that you can choose to your benefit that can break after repeated use. Also you might be able to level weapons up? That's be cool, it reminds me of the old Paper Mario Level Up system with stuff from a Final Fantasy Game

reply to DarkDivo II posted 3 years ago

I'd say a simp is any guy who puts his crush / love's interests ahead of his own. Including things like money, time, and own will. They think being a nice guy to a girl completely out of their league and never making any actual move is going to lead to a relationship, which it never does. Their pursuits typically involve donating insane amounts of money to big titty twitch streamers that will never return any affection.


Oh hey, welcome back! Digibutter's definitely gone through some stuff while you were gone, but tbh you're probably better off not worrying about it. If you're curious though, someone else could probably fill you in on it. The only change really worth knowing about is that there's a bunch of new peeps here now. (I'm just going to ignore the rest of this thread; sorry about how this is how you were greeted lul)


Really Shadoo you believed my impersonation?


What kind of retard impersonates a website member who was kicked off of the internet? Come on man, that's really effing horrible.

Watchman Bozzo
3 years ago
5My idea for a Breadward design https://imgur.com/BP0SP3n
reply to DanganFan Hiyoko posted 3 years ago

That sounds like cs and ss and I'm really scared now... Third times charm.


But they should have fixed it in cs

reply to FishyG posted 3 years ago

I write all mine down and they have a similar theme expect this account. It is .... I forgot.

reply to Watchman Bozzo posted 3 years ago

Thank you I made it this because in mobile I can't to to the green or lower.


Also what is best group web.... I think it might be NSFW but I don't want to find out.

reply to THE ULTIMATE VOID (DIVO INCARNATE) posted 3 years ago


DanganFan Hiyoko2

no necroposting please. This thread is 2 months old

Mr. L Productions
reply to Mr. L Productions posted 3 years ago

2 Hours to go!

Mr. L Productions
reply to TheEvilShadoo posted 3 years ago

Yeah! Mr. L is here! Lol. Anyway, what up, new people?

Mr. L Productions
reply to DanganFan Hiyoko posted 3 years ago

Think of Paper Mario series as like Star Wars. The original trilogy (PM64, TTYD, SPM) (New Hope, Empire, Return) was great. The second trilogy started awful (SS, CS) (Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones) BUT the 3rd in the next trilogy was Revenge of the Sith (which was actually good) and the third in this Paper Mario trilogy is Origami King, so maybe this one is good. If it does follow the Star Wars pattern though... then the next few Paper Mario games may be disappointing (Especially number 8, like Last Jedi!)

Mr. L Productions
reply to Watchman Bozzo posted 3 years ago

I was imagining Breadward to be Squidward but Bread

Mr. L Productions
3 years ago
6The Premiere of 'How Superstar Saga Should Have Ended' went very well. If you missed it, you can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0wWph12pXo
reply to Watchman Bozzo posted 3 years ago

Hello. I'm technically TheScript0fDelphius, but right now I go by ACrossDressedWithLillies. I've been lurked on this site as an anonymous user for quite some time, because I was honestly too apprehensive. Given I haven't been on this website as long as everyone else, I didn't feel like I'd be welcomed. But, of course, that's changed now. I'm a multi-instrumentalist, English major, and writer. I'm the frontman of a band and I'm currently working on a story to release publicly, and I do a lot of critical analysis work for different shows, anime, novels, games, music, etc. So far, I haven't decided on a favorite video game, but my favorite story is Umineko: No Naku Koro Ni. As for how I found this website, it was awhile ago, I don't exactly remember when, but my backstory leading up to this aligns with many others. I played Super Paper Mario, was interested to see if anyone made a website called digibutter.nerr, and there you go. Nothing much else to say, I don't know how active I'll be, but I'll try and check often.

DanganFan Hiyoko3
reply to Watchman Bozzo posted 3 years ago

Breadward should have been an unlockable pixl for 100% completion or something SPM literally has nothing for doing everything.

Watchman Bozzo2

I mean, digi used to have a reward for completing the game 100%

DanganFan Hiyoko1

What is it and how do I claim it?

Watchman Bozzo

It was a 1.0/2.0 thing. To get it, you'd take a screenshot of all your catch cards, pixls and maps and post them here. Then you'd have a special "Role" as someone who finished the game 100%. The reward might've been money or something I don't remember I should check 2.0 again.

Watchman Bozzo
3 years ago
Watchman Bozzo4

Mockup of Digi 4.0, probably won't look like this, but it was fun to make. If you have any questions, ask this comment.

reply to ACrossDressedWithLillies posted 3 years ago

I would say welcome but I'm newer than you so... Hello!

reply to DanganFan Hiyoko posted 3 years ago

What I just got it shown up in my feed sorry.

reply to Watchman Bozzo posted 3 years ago

I like it! Thanks for featuring my profile!!!

Watchman Bozzo
3 years ago
6https://imgur.com/vG7w7UN Watch out for this Butterfly, it is known to be a vile temptress,,, Keep your mother away.
DanganFan Hiyoko4

What kind of butterfly is that nerrrrr?

Watchman Bozzo3

It's an Empress of Light, it's scientific name is Rosea Stimulum

DanganFan Hiyoko2

What digital game is she from?


I believe that's a terraria butterfly, nerrrrr


I hope you aren't doing what I think you're doing

Mr. L Productions
reply to Watchman Bozzo posted 3 years ago

Looks good.

Mr. L Productions5
reply to Mr. L Productions posted 3 years ago

Thanks to those of you who have watched it already!

Watchman Bozzo4

Now we have a setup for Inside Story eh...?

3 years ago
4I’m going to post my Origami King theory here before it’s released so I don’t get called a spoiler it this actually happens: My theory is that Olly isn't going to be the final boss... If he's Olivia's brother, then I just can't see him as the true antagonist. Maybe he's possessed, or maybe he was tricked into helping the real villain. This wouldn't be the first time something of this sort happened in a Paper Mario game. So, if this were to happen, I could see three possible outcomes: A bad ending where Bowser for some reason betrays you and becomes the final boss. A bland ending where the final boss is just a paper shredder... The final boss is something or someone else entirely