Humble Indie Bundle 3 packs VVVVVV, Crayon Physics Deluxe, And Yet It Moves, and more
Posted by Joystiq Jul 26 2011 17:30 GMT in VVVVVV
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The Humble Indie Bundle, the wildly successful, DRM-free pay-what-you-want charity game collection curated by Wolfire Games, is back ... right now! The Humble Indie Bundle 3 includes Crayon Physics Deluxe, Cogs, VVVVVV (now with a level editor and a new level by Minecraft creator Notch), Hammerfight, and And Yet It Moves -- all playable natively in Linux, OSX, and Windows. Some of the games are newly ported specifically for this purpose.

As always, you'll be able to pay whatever amount you like for the bundle, and you'll be able to specify how much of that payment goes to the EFF, Child's Play, the developers, or Wolfire itself (to offset the costs of hosting the Bundle). The bundle will go away in two weeks, so you have that long to decide how much to chip in, and to whom. We assume you've already decided to buy it.

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