Doom It Yourself: Doom 3 Source Code Due
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 05 2011 07:46 GMT in Rage
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Quakecon 2011 kicked off yesterday, and included another of John Carmack’s traditional incredibly long and bewilderingly technical talks, delivered at an audience primarily there to repeatedly frag each other but prepared to sit through all this talk of doohickeys and megawotsits due to their sheer love and respect for the godfather of FPS. If they were also primarily there in the hope of Doom 4 being unveiled at last, they were disappointed. Carmack made it clear that 2011 is all about Rage – which, all of a sudden, is due for release in two months.

Soon after that, he revealed, id will release Doom 3′s source code to the world.(more…)

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