Torchlight II Isn’t Coming Out Until Next Year, Folks
Posted by Giant Bomb Nov 17 2011 19:17 GMT in Torchlight II
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Torchlight II was supposed to come out this past summer, while the original's Xbox Live Arcade port was finished. Then, Torchlight II was supposed to be out before the end of the year. Now, Torchlight 2 won’t be released until next year.

“We've come to the realization,” said Runic Games president Travis Baldree on the game’s official website today, “that getting a game of this scope up to the quality and polish level we want to achieve is going to take a little longer.”

Part of the reason for the delay, Baldree revealed, was the studio’s desire to have a beta period.

After making a series of promises about a date, however, Baldree isn’t making any grand proclamations today, instead dancing around the idea of a “relatively small” period of waiting time.

“Right now our job is to ensure that the quality level is consistent all the way to the end,” he said.

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