VVVVVV - review
Posted by GoNintendo Jan 26 2012 02:04 GMT in VVVVVV
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From the Negative World review:

Another thing I love about this game is this sort of intangible feeling of rebellion against certain standards of the video game industry. This exists in a lot of indie games, although it seems to me like many indie developers are moving more towards trying to meet those standards to make their games more marketable. But VVVVVV feels almost... punk rock? This often comes out in the design, for instance, enemies that are just the word “LIES” that fly across the screen, or a random bus that comes out of nowhere, or a secret room that has a big elephant for reasons I could never quite figure out. And did I mention that every screen has its own name? It's little details like this that I love, and some of these names are things that you would never see in a mainstream video game.

Check out the full review at the source link.

Source: Negative World

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