More Harley Quinn Coming to Batman: Arkham City
Posted by Giant Bomb Apr 23 2012 16:01 GMT in Batman: Arkham City
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For those who just couldn't get enough of developer Rocksteady's slightly grating, over-sexualized mall goth rendition of Harley Quinn from Batman: Arkham City, does Warner Bros. ever have an announcement for you!

Look, I'll take this Harley over the mail-order Sexy Nurse costume from the first game, but still. Yeesh.

Confirming rumors that popped up when PlayStation 3 trophies for the DLC began to surface, WB confirmed that Harley Quinn's Revenge will be dropping as DLC for owners of the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Arkham City on May 30. The DLC is a two-hour addition to the campaign that features both Batman and Robin as playable characters, as they attempt to shut down yet another insidious plan by the Joker's right-hand lady person and "shut the gates on the urban mega-prison forever."

The announcement of the DLC comes side-by-side with the announcement of a Batman: Arkham City: Game of the Year Edition, which will hit stores in North America on May 29, and the UK September 7. The GOTY edition packs in all of the previous DLC--which included a wide variety of Batman skins, Nightwing and Robin packs, the Catwoman story pack, and a whole bunch of challenge maps--as well as this new Harley Quinn campaign.

While I am not terribly fond of Harley as portrayed by Rocksteady's writers, I am fond enough of Arkham City to put up with a bit more of her in the name of wringing a couple of extra hours of thug beating out of the game. Here's hoping someone over there did a find-and-replace on the Harley Quinn's Revenge script looking for the word "bitch," and then proceeded to make liberal use of the delete button. By the time I finished the original campaign, it was as if the word had lost all meaning.

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