Don’t Call It A Comeback: 3D Realms’ Crowd-Funded FPS
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Sep 25 2012 13:00 GMT in Duke Nukem Forever
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I wanted to snarkily write ’3D Realms’ in the title, but when I added the apostrophe it looked like ’3D Realms” and everyone would have thought I’d just forgotten what type of speech mark I was using. Anyway! The 3D Realms name is indeed back, even if it’s currently somewhat unclear as to whether it’s anything more than a name at present. The Duke Nukem dev closed its doors after too many years and too much money spent creating the horrible piss-mountain that was Duke Nukem Forever, but owners including Scott Miller and George Broussard kept some intangible measure of it alive afterwards. And so it is that 3D Realms’ name is attached to crowd-funded, post-apocalyptic shooter Earth No More.(more…)

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